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  1. Seems like Yuzu mentioned people listening from heaven in today's membership livestream... I was reminded of sarada san, rei san and @Anni
  2. Congrats to Yuzuru Hanyu on his 2nd professional anniversary!!! Choosing top 3s is always so hard for me but I'm gonna try my best! 1. Announcement of an additional RE_PRAY performance in Miyagi + international streaming available! It was the most pleasant surprise and the performances were top tier! 2. Notte Stellata final group performance with Misia's Kibouno Uta again! I LOVE that song and I was sooo happy when Yuzu kept it this year! 3. Release of YUZURU x CLAMP picture book “GIFT”! As a longtime CLAMP fan, it was a dream collaboration. The story and the illustrations were super adorable and I loved the narration by Megumi Ogata! My fangirl heart was so satisfied with everything related to the collab! Hope Yuzu stays healthy and can show us amazing new stories in his 3rd year as a pro skater. I'm alr4eady so excited for whatever he's preparing! Thank you so much PH!
  3. Does anyone know why the 'News and updates' topic is not being updated anymore? Is PH going on a break or is it short on staff?
  4. Happy birthday dear Yuzuru! ✨ Thank you so much for coming to this world and choosing figure skating! I'm so excited for what Hanyu senshu will show us in his career as a professional athlete ^^ With lots of love FreeSoul from Iran 🎁
  5. Yeah I guess another purge is happening.
  6. I was talking about blueflame for yuzu not yuzuru fairy. I think they are different channels.
  7. I just found out that BlueFlame for Yuzu's yt channel is closed! Many of the PH subbed videos were linked to their channel Is there any way to contact them about this? Or does anyone have an archive of those videos?
  8. God I can't believe in less than 1 week yuzu will arrive in Beijing! PC feels like last year. Jnats feels like yesterday! I'm not ready! aaa why does Japan TV release every interview bit by bit? Does anyone know what's his answer to the last question? This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  9. So many coincidences! This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  10. wow just two days until we see roncapu! I'm soooo excited I can't sit still!
  11. Hi. I'm lookimg for videos of previous yuzu media days. Does anyone have a link or can share them somehow?
  12. Thank you so much guys. I really enjoyed the #YuzuSkatingParty. Aaaa there are so many talented fanyus I wish I had prepared a better message! It was so special! I'm gonna write about the experience in my journal so I won't forget about it.
  13. Happy birthday dear Yuzuru. I wish all your dreams become reality because you deserve the best and I hope you are feeling good right now Thank you for coming into this world. I'll always support you 🎁🍄
  14. I was not prepared to watch this now I can't stop crying (tho I've watched almost most parts before). Hope he heals asap and lands 4A the way he wants.
  15. I'm so proud of him... thank you for posting this!
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