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  1. Dear Yuzuru! Happy Birthday! Thank you for the happiness and joy that you give with your brilliant skating. Thank you for your love of figure skating. I wish from the bottom of my heart that there will always be happiness and tranquility in your soul. Let all the clouds leave the horizon, and a bright and very warm sun always shines for you. My admiration, respect and support are always with you, since 2011 and forever. Olga from Russia
  2. It's been three days since this very sad news, but I still feel sad and painful. I have been a fan of Yuzu for 10 years, it started at Rostelecom Cup 2011, and all these years I have been observing such a difficult road for Yuzu to his dreams and his heights. How I would like to reduce these difficulties! Little Yuzu said as a child that he wants to be the light for the Tohoku region. Now Yuzu is a light for many, many people around the world. I still admire what darkness he overcame in order to have grandiose victories and be the light - all his many injuries, earthquakes, asthma, dishonest refereeing and intrigues. Through pain and darkness - but Yuzu always wins, he is always himself, he is always - a great athlete, he is a great personality. In 2018, Yuzu's big dream came true in Korea - to win the second Olympic Games. Yuzu then did what is impossible for the vast majority of athletes. He then did it for his big dream. And I really wish that his new dream, about the Quad Axel, would also come true just as great. He deserved it so much! I read this chat, all many words of support and love for Yuzu, and the pain decreases a little. Thank you for this forum.
  3. And about figure skating fans and their reactions to this program, I remember the following. Many of Patrick's fans in the 11-12 season said that Yuzu had poor posture and that he was "not holding his hands." And they called Yuzu's plastic - careless. And when the Parisienne Walkways program appeared, many of them said that it was a good program for Yuzu, because it "masks" the mistakes of his "lines" and posture. As if the choreography of the program helps to turn the disadvantages of skating into advantages. It was said in the 12-13 season. But in the 13-14 season, it was already felt that many (non-fans of Yuzuru) began to like this program by itself (but not because it “masks mistakes”), more and more. Probably because every time Yuzu presented it better and better, felt it completely.
  4. The discussion began a long time ago, but I cannot remain silent. Parisienne Walkways is one of Yuzu's special programs for me. When he skated it in Sochi, I seemed to see a film about a young, mischievous, passionate and charming boy who is happy, free, enjoys life, spring, flirts with girls and charms everyone around him with his happiness. He's like a fresh breeze in this program. During the Sochi Olympics, I read two NON-sports forums in parallel. The participants of the forum were not fans of FC, they watched it 1 time in 4 years (at the Olympics), and only Plushenko knew from the skaters.))) And I remember well that when Yuzu came out on the ice with Parisienne Walkways, the general reaction was something like this: - what a wonderful boy in a blue shirt! - wow, what a program! I thought figure skating was an old fashioned sight, but it can be so cool and modern! - he is so weightless, his jumps are so light; - he looks like young Plushenko in his skating! - What's his name? maybe I'll start watching figure skating again like when I was a child; - give him gold right now, no need to wait for another program!)))
  5. I think he continues to respect Johnny as a skater (early Johnny, not today, for some reason I think so). But I am sure that Yuzu is good at distinguishing between sincere people and false people. And I think he senses Weir's falsehood.
  6. Haha bye-bye Johnny Weir. In fact, Kohei Uchimura is a dignified, deep and strong personality. Unlike Johnny.
  7. Just today there was an interview with one of our juniors (Russian, Evgeny Semenenko), he was asked: - Imagine. You have the opportunity to show any one performance to a person who has never been interested in figure skating. What would show him to interest? He replied: - Short program for Yuzuru Hanyu in the 2014 Olympic season when he competed in a blue shirt. And I totally agree with this answer!
  8. Yes! February is generally a very lucky month for Yuzu: both Olympics were won in February, and Super Slam too.
  9. I have a feeling that the New Year has already arrived. And we were all "good girls" during this year, that's why we got such a GREAT gift, two GREAT Yuzu skates! And such a beautiful victory. His jumps are weightless, as if he is 19 again, every step he takes is like music. And this unrealistically beautiful bunch of jumps, 3A + 2T and almost immediately 3Lo is just fantastic. How happy I am! It even seems to me that there is something symbolic in this: it was such a difficult year for everyone, and Yuzu wanted to do something in his power in order to evoke emotions in people and give hope. I can definitely say about myself: these performances gave me great hope and very happy emotions. As a symbol that everything will be fine soon and that 2021 will be better than 2020. Thank you Yuzu! For all the presented emotions! It was a great victory!
  10. My dear boss! I am sorry, I am a very bad worker since midday today. And the next two days too. Such news, such events !!! Rather news about Yuzu's music! I'd rather see him on the ice, we all missed him so much. He looks amazing.
  11. For several hours now I have been looking at various sites to congratulate Yuzu from all over the world. So many countries, so many fans, so many congratulations! In different languages, against the background of different landscapes. But we are all united by love for the best skater. Indeed, the Earth is the Hanyu planets! Happy birthday, dear Yuzuru! Thank you for the happiness that you give us with your art! Your biggest dream came true in Pyeongchang in 2018, may all your other dreams come true too!
  12. I think I know every gesture in this program. But every time I watch it as a new program. The program is absolutely wonderful, Yuzu's skating is also great. I can watch endlessly. And I miss Yuzu too ...
  13. Maybe this is due to the fact that Yuzu now has few commercials for television? Still, nowadays its advertising is more often in the form of files, posters, souvenirs. It seems to me that he deliberately did little in commercials, because he always had little time to shoot. And this year there is a pandemic, Yuzu is limiting his contacts, so in 2020 there will be no filming in commercials, probably ...
  14. It would be great! Interestingly, Japanese law permits the publication of dissertations, does Japanese copyright permit that? I would love to read the translation, despite the fact that I have a humanistic education and do not really understand in technical disciplines)))
  15. I suggest another option - not to die, but to enjoy this overdose. We don't have it very often.
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