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  1. Yay! Finally some good news about broadcasting i was really confused what they were waiting for for so long. Why not create the hype in advance? But all good now let it all begin i am so ready edit: wait... even the tickets for live viewing in theaters will be sold through lottery? What is going to be next? A lottery for regular tv broadcast? This is hilarious
  2. Good to hear that, thanks for replying! Will keep my fingers crossed then
  3. I do not think they have ever streamed faoi live so totally be prepared for that anxiety of seeing the pictures first that is the fun of it you first get the descriptions by Japanese fans, then the pictures one by one, then some short clips on tv news and only days later the whole thing they usually stream it after 2-3 days... but no information about it yet, hence my impatience
  4. Sooooo... when are they going to announce any tv broacast for faoi? hurry up, it starts next week need to know how to plan my next few weeks hopefully they are not going to torture us for too long before they show us the whole thing because
  5. this channel uploaded some new reviews Yuzuru Hanyu Be the Light Photobook this one is a must KISS & CRY Vol. 42 FIGURE SKATERS フィギュア・スケーターズ Vol. 25 FIGURE SKATERS フィギュア・スケーターズ Vol. 24
  6. Figure Skate DX Magazine Beijing Olympics 2022 Special Content preview here:
  7. Happy anniversary, Planet Hanyu! Thank you everyone for contributing and making this place so nice. May we have many many great years to come!
  8. Some more details from Yuzu's interview in Ice Jewels. This part is about his injury
  9. 1. Sochi Until then, i had been following elite figure skating only sporadically, mostly just the Olympic games or world championships. But after watching the young, charismatic Yuzu skating to Parisienne Walkways so freely and enthusiastically, I instantly became his fan. 2. I created this account 2 years ago. But have been lurking here regularly since the day 1 after the mass exodus from you-know-which-forum. I am shy and my english sucks, but after all it is nice to have a place where you can talk with others who share the same passion. Funny enough, i am a former low-level skater and have many skating friends, but we never talk about elite figure skaters and most of them do not even watch any competitions, so i am happy this wonderful place exists. 3. Not yet but would like to! 4. Yes, birthday messages for Yuzu. Lovely projects. 5. I attended 3 Yuzu-competitions before covid and met some lovely Fanyus, but not sure whether they were from the Planet or not. 6. This community We are all so different and yet the love for Yuzu unites us. I love reading other satellite's stories and opinions about Yuzu. And so many members contribute with various Yuzu-content, whether it is news, translations, videos/pictures, reports, analyses and so on. And i love the competition threads. I never contribute because whenever Yuzu competes, i am too stressed out to form a single coherent English sentence, but it is so much fun to read yours because my reaction is most of the time like - omg same 7. Actually no because i have already bought too much Yuzu-merch haha, so hopefully someone else can win Thank you everyone for contributing and making this place so nice. Happy Birthday to Planet Hanyu! May we have many many great years to come!
  10. Number PLUS FIGURE SKATING TRACE OF STARS 2021-2022 Content preview here:
  11. An appreciation post of Yuzu's creativity in spins I have always been captivated by the way Yuzu uses his arms and hands while he spins as part of his performance and music interpretation. He even said he often improvises depending on his current feelings. Even if it is the same spin, he often adds different details or timing to his arms, hands, fingers or head and thus creates a different vibe of that spin for every program. He considers even the tiniest details down to his fingertips and makes his spins not only very beautiful and musical but also unique to each program. Or sometimes even to each performance. Sometimes the differences are incredibly small. For example, his palm may be facing up instead of down. Or he may have his palm wide open instead of in a ballet position, or fist, or pointing with his index finger. And sometimes he actively moves his arms while he spins so there may be multiple poses in one spin. And sometimes it is just a fraction of a second and you only really fully notice the detail in slow-motion or a high resolution picture. Some of the hand poses or movements he does are not necessarily that difficult. Some other movements may be more challenging, but if one masters one of them, other similar iterations can become quite easy. But many of the poses or movements he does are quite difficult. Especially when he moves them horizontally, off his vertical axis. It is very challenging not to lose speed or balance and not to destroy the centering. And on top of that, it takes more energy because one needs to use other additional muscles. And match it to the music. I have wanted to make this compilation for a long time and only now finally had time for it. It was so much fun to try to find as many different iterations and details of each spin as possible. Camel positions Sit positions Upright positions
  12. Yay fantastic news Hopefully such an early confirmation of Yuzu's participation means that his rehabilitation is going well
  13. Found some nice reviews: KISS&CRY Vol.43 Ice Jewels SPECIAL ISSUE 北京オリンピック2022フォトブック ALWAYS WITH YUZU ダイアリー 2022.4-2023.3 WEEKLY DIARY
  14. Today is the 10th anniversary of this phenomenal performance which became a turning point of Yuzu's career Since then, Yuzu gradually started to gain more and more fans and slowly but surely build his legacy. 10 years later, the number of his fans is unprecedented in men's figure skating's history. But Yuzu didn't enchant only us - 'regular' people. There are many famous artists, elite athletes and others that are his fans, are inspired by him and have a great respect for him. In this separate thread i tried to make a big compilation of various professionals praising and gushing about Yuzu's abilities, talent and personality over last 10 years, mentioning him in a positive way or simply stating they are his fans. Thanks for all the fans here and elsewhere who posted the original sources! I hope i credited everything properly. 15 dancers 20 singers/bands 24 other musicians 29 actors 19+ film/tv producers, novelist, painters and others 70+ elite athletes 80+ tributes by little skaters (costumes and/or programs) On top of that, Yuzu is frequently featured in student's textbooks or study materials in Japan - a big compilation here: I am just... so happy that there are so many different people who love and appreciate Yuzu this much . Sometimes there are haters who claim that Yuzu has fans only because of his looks and try to invent all the wrong reasons why he is liked. But nah. Do not let yourself to be affected by those bitter souls.
  15. Final part 14: Yuzu featured in students' textbooks/study materials/journals/exams This probably does not really belong under this #WeLoveYouYuzu hashtag but it further proves his legacy. *I figured out the subjects using DeepL so please let me know if there is a mistake. Japanese language Civics Moral Music Health and Physical Education: Science Math Economics Social Studies English as a foreign language Study materials in Taiwan Study materials in China Study materials for Chinese students in Singapore
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