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    Yuzuru Hanyu
    Javier Fernandez
    Junhwan Cha
    Alina and zenya
    Harry Potter
    Long Sleep
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Mushroom (1/67)

  1. Today i saw a fragment of heroes and future 2018 in Nagano clip.. started having the urge to watch the full or atleast the ending part... I think yuzuru skated last and then there was a group no. But couldn't find it anywhere. I seriously hate YouTube sometimes. Found 1 video in Google drive but it was also cutoff after yuzuru's skate. What you guys do when you are in such a situation. Also if someone could suggest a source, it would be too helpful...
  2. We can be connected.... If you want you can watsapp me anytime.
  3. No actually this is my first time using this site.. I just wanted to see what that button does so I pressed it.. couldn't find how to delete it so left it there
  4. I am from a country named India where figure skating or any other winter sports are basically non existent.... So me being a 22 yr old and a medical student basically didn't even know that winter sport or winter Olympics even exist. But I am interested in sports so i usually watch some replys of summer Olympic matches.... It was then I saw yuzuru's peyongchang FS program and I clearly remember that the first thought that I had was Oh! Wow!!! This guy really floats on ice. And then I watched a couple of more of his videos and what I came to respect the most was his work ethic and his intelligence and deep knowledge that you feel while watching his interviews. I love to watch how he touches the ice both before going in and after going off the rink.. I love how you can see through his performance that he had put alot of effort in that. I love how inspite of every thing, he is so humble. I used to watch his videos in break while preparing for my exams because he makes me believe that if he can go through all those injuries and difficult times then I can too..... My problems are nothing compared to his and so I should be easily able to pass every difficulty.... And at last I came to know of his obsession with gold medals and my name literally means gold( to be exact it means the light that gold radiates.) See we have a connection there .
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