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Everything posted by Sombreuil

  1. I am so thrilled at the redemption of Phantom - if you look back at the pre PC Olympics speculation about what he would choose to skate, it was up there as the possible outside bet that fans were terrified he might pick. I’ve really enjoyed watching him pick it up again and run with it.
  2. I just meant that it seemed a bit unkind to throw cold water on the boys enthusiasm - we can agree to disagree.
  3. At last - I was about to get into my various family members accounts and sign them up - they’d never notice.
  4. I didn’t infer that you had - and if you had I wouldn’t have an issue. I think it’s fine to criticise other skaters technique, lack of expression, their skating in general - but not to get personal about it, in the absence of any active bad behaviour on the part of the other skater in question (looking at you Mr Weir). IM actually seems to be a fan - perhaps be happy for a fellow fan who has had the chance to take a photo with him.
  5. We may disapprove of his technique but there’s no need to be mean spirited - there is plenty of that on social media, a lot of it directed at Y and his fans, some unfortunately instigated by purported fanyus. Don’t copy them, rise above their behaviour. He doesn’t behave like that.
  6. I’m thrilled to see Phantom again, but it really looks cramped in the show rink - seems to crop a lot of the big expansive movements like the spread eagle and IB.
  7. I caught part of Satoko’s new programme using Florence and the machine and enjoyed what they showed of it.
  8. Laughing like a drain at the enthusiasm for Phantom- at one time it was half the fandoms biggest fear that he would go back to it. It’s always been one of my favourites and I’m thrilled to see it again - the music cut was perfect, and the choreography spot on with the flow of the music. Max has a theory - is he right?
  9. There seem to be copyright issues which would mean losing everything if it were too readily accessible- one has to trust the mods
  10. Max has the solution to ISUs audience problem- he’s not pussyfooting about or letting anyone blame it on the absence of the Russians I’m in Rome atm and not being subscribed to ITA Eurosport can’t follow WC but twitter suggests that the men’s singles aren’t sold out….
  11. Well the weather in NI was terrible this weekend so I’ve seen a lot of sport on tv - football rugby and hurling- and I’ve been sneakily watching the comments here. Dying to watch it all - with the sound on and without interruption. I love the dynamic in the group - as far as I can tell from the bits I’ve seen day 1 is surprise! Day 2 is sadness and remembrance and Day 3 - idk yet but it seems reasonably joyful?
  12. I’m really looking forward to seeing this - not just the collaboration but also the other skaters - it’s a really nice mix, and by all accounts a convivial one.
  13. I’m very amused by the Black Thunder chocolate giveaway.
  14. It’s going to be weird to see him in the usual format in SOI after Prologue, Gift, and now this ….
  15. Yesssss - it would be such a waste if it wasn’t broadcast.
  16. This is why I became a fan of both of them. Uchimura has always been quietly spoken, even more so than the usual for a Japanese athlete, a total perfectionist and so incredibly consistent, unbeaten in the all around for two Olympic cycles, confident but in a low key way, such a contrast to the often laddish team UK and the truly irritating collegiate chest thumping of the US.( The Russians - I abandoned womens gymnastics due to the Soviet system after Elena Mukhina and I have never been able to ignore that shadow. ). I’ve enjoyed Japanese mens gymnastics since I was a teenager - their elegance is unparalleled, but like Yuzuru they’ll wait a long time for another Uchimura. Let’s not forget why they are working together- both are involved in the disaster relief effort - Kohei has a less personal stake than Yuzuru but he’s been an ambassador for this charitable effort for a while. It’s not much time to rehearse - but they’re both believers in ‘visualisation’ - mentally rehearsing the moves they will make - it’s going to be fascinating for me having followed both careers.
  17. This is exactly what I envision whenever some US commentator waxes lyrical about Dick Button and his legacy ….
  18. Kohei has cat like reflexes and superb balance - I believe gymnasts do well on shows like Dancing on ice because of their excellent core strength. It was an interview with Kohei in which the CoC collision was raised that first made me watch Yuzuru in NHK trophy 2014- resulting in an obsession with a second Japanese athlete. I must say that fanyus make following Japanese sport much easier than gymnastics fans do. I got very used to watching documentaries on YouTube that I couldn’t follow because of no subtitles. I’m enjoying these photos very much Also the ones with his fellow skaters. So nice to see familiar faces and everyone smiling. Perhaps this is one of the reasons he agreed to do SOI. Fed up that I am away this weekend but I will catch what I can and binge on anything that gets past the geoblocks.
  19. I agree the shows will need structure and that 10 minutes is a long time to skate. Let’s see what he does with Notte Stellata and its cast of very accomplished skaters. Also, just a thought but he has a YouTube channel - he could splice together an extended version of anything he’s done that didn’t quite fit in all his ideas due to the constraints of competition rules. It’s art now - doesn’t have to be done in one take.
  20. Max is not pulling his punches - wish I spoke Italian….
  21. Been inspired to rewatch 2014 GPF with various commentators. Obviously Max has to be no 1, but after him I like the Spanish ladies. JF was there in silver medal position, but unlike others who do not deserve to be named, they could appreciate what was in front of them and seemed genuinely appreciative and admiring, able to praise the winner and be regretful for their compatriot without getting bitchy or biased. I love it - from the Phantom’s intimidating gaze at the judges / cameras at the start, to his laughing face as he picks himself up from falling at the last jump, secure in the knowledge that he’s won, and still has a couple of spins to clock up more points for security. I love all his programmes but not equally. Phantom is still one of my absolute favourites- which is remarkable because I really don’t like the musical itself. IIRC it seemed like most of the Japanese skaters of note used it around then, some better than others but none as amazing as this. Don’t even get me started on Zagitova’s effort - I may not like the musical but it deserved better than that butchery. Given all that happened that season I can understand why it might not be his best memory of putting out a new programme- the collision, the operation, the ankle - it was a perfect storm of a season. But for me, it was his first striking out to do what he wanted to do - I believe that in SLB he found a collaborator rather than a mentor telling him what to do, and somehow between illness and injury he got it out there - not perfect but beautiful. With hindsight his fingerprints are all over it- the music cut, the choreo, costume no 2, - it’s a baroque pearl, and the treatment he gave it at Gift was the perfect setting for it.
  22. I really did! And I rewatched it - oh, several times more than the rest tbh. Seen a lot of the others since 2015/16, but not Phantom.
  23. To paraphrase a popular series - they are not qualified to talk about him.
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