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Everything posted by mercedes

  1. I really want to go next year to worlds,but I agree I'll try with single events tickets and see if iìm lucky enough!
  2. I do the opposite I tend to wishper LOL not a native English speaker of course and I don’t know Japanese but I have the feeling that as you all said he probably doesn’t feel sure enough with a richer vocabulary. he has a very High level of comprehension instead even when those speaking have hard accents or so I think. then how much English is spoken in Japan?here just from American movies and Uk/American music we heard it a lot so we are a little bit better at speaking ,even if just a a very basic level. (then of course we are shameless and we comunicate somehow LOL )
  3. and amen to that,we got to be a little positive,I too hope for the next season and for a healthy Yuzuru because i really want to go to Worlds,and then i want to see my country back to normal again and surviving this human and economical tragedy so I need to believe in science and into the amazing work of all the people researching and fighting this damn virus! And on the higher note how cute was Yuzuru in front of that Christmas tree?
  4. his spanish accent is more evident that's true,guess it's pretty normal after a while at home probably speaking his native tongue most of the times.I miss Javi btw!
  5. it's a scary thought but maybe things will be better next year ,they could only cancel the GP and go for nationals EC/4cc and worlds who knows?
  6. honestly his mind....and your knowledge too guys! stopping from those spins also is pretty impressive in general and especially when Yuzuru does it,the control one needs to execute something like this.I don't skate so there's that but to me spins always look incredible.
  7. Fascinating thank you so much for sharing ,some facts are completely new to me it so now I have the urge to know more....of course I also feel the need to rewatch NS ...the sacrifice 😉
  8. So many flowers I’d probably look for the food actually LOL
  9. google was surprisingly good at translating into italian so it doesn't really sound like something written by a young girl like sasha ,itìs very subtle and mature at the same time..I'm of course LOL at the flowers !
  10. Mass murder and you know it 😂😂 I just love Roman and Jason enthusiasm,they are two fanboys but still you can feel the respect they have for Yuzuru because he’s still a human being hence the teasing and the joking about being good at falling ! We already knew of course but Jason just confirms the special environment at TCC ,it must be hard to create such a work place so well done to Brian& co.
  11. because he's king of course Seriously Mai's programs were lovely ,she has a quality to portrait innocence and softness when I bet in life she's a pretty tough girl.I hope she gets well soon i miss her skating
  12. Kraazt has some cool sort of hydro too btw...and wow to the music ,daring to skate to Pink Floyd,not an easy feat!
  13. as long as it is the sid vicious version i'm all for it really this whole drama is neverending LOL
  14. first raw grey t-shirt is that Anna Scherbakova?she's really saving the moment but yep it's a bit strange .
  15. honestly this makes our quarantines days pretty entertaining....and Plushi really LOL if you want to try....I got 9 out of 10 https://www.buzzfeed.com/eurolifetrash/how-well-do-you-know-russian-fs-drama-9wj09qk02j?utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bfsharetwitter&quiz_result=124835670_370869876&rid=370869876#124835670
  16. wow just wow....Sasha has a lot to learn but even if I can see her lack of technique ,she's truly interesting to watch....also I agree with @sweetwaterit's going to be interesting to finally see her skating something not done by Daniil! Not a huge fan of Plushenko and i cannot say how good a coach he is , being a great skater doesn't mean you can teach that,but on the other side you know a thing or two about competition....we'll see I guess. Surely Eteri has RusFed on her side as it shows on the scoring of her girls,but again we'll see.
  17. Just saw this he was wearing proper shoes ....also that wall was really close
  18. Or was he wearing embarrassing socks like most of us during quarantine?😂😂😂 nevermind I am still so so grateful for this so thank you Yuzuru❤️❤️❤️
  19. LGC!!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩 How graceful he is off ice as well (although I’d love to see his feet too)but the way he moves is out of this world really! and skate forward ....always Yuzuru ❤️
  20. Is it Yuzuru Hanyu from China moment?😂 anyjow I woke up early too and I didn’t understand why....guess my Yuzuru senses are awake too Lol come on JSF deliver already!!!
  21. for a moment i thought she was going to cut her hair and I almost screamed nooo.........lovely and agile girl!
  22. segment number 4 made me tearful,even if i do not understand Japanese the images of the devastation post earthquake and tsunami mixed withYuzuru training were very strong! Then he was really a child,nothing beats his happiness during the medal ceremony ....and for a bronze one LOL
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