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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. GUYS UGYS GUYS GUYYYYSS Fuji tv, channel 060 (cs asahi 1) i read on twitter that they are showing/will show the aera shooting video againnn in case you want to watch iiittt oh my god he looks amazingg pls watchhh
  2. [shhh i want to go toooooo it's so close that if he doesn't come it will hurtttt]
  3. I volunteer. I know the park like the back of my hand >___>
  4. If he fell in front of me i'd do stupid things to rush by his side then i'd laugh at myself and make use of my cultist powers to disappear into the ground When i fall i get angry lol he's into vore, maybe if you threaten to eat him...
  5. join the whale club tho apparently i just go dead silent and my eyes look juicy
  6. last minute ice show thread: Please come
  7. until
    TV Broadcast of 「Kinoshita Group presents: The Legends ~Medal Winners Gala~」 [This is a TV Broadcast by TBS1. The discussion thread for this broadcast is here] Skaters featured: Evgeni Plushenko, Alina Zagitova, Shoma Uno, Evgenie Medvedeva, Patrick Chan, Javier Fernandez, Nathan Chen, Satoko Miyahara, Akiko Suzuki, Kaori Sakamoto, Takahito Mura, Nobunari Oda, Kana Muramoto/Chris Reed, and Keiji Tanaka.
  8. The Pooh Rain of Justice About the art, i don't think it pretends to be an accurate representation of him. Some art is meant to let the person appreciating it fill in the blanks, I feel that this case is a bit like Japanese calligraphy: sometimes the character is pretty unrecognizable but it's more about what it transmits/represents rather than having a certain character written. Iirc the"energy" of the person writing it also matters or something like that (I'm sleepy so maybe I'm not making much sense). I could see a weird scribble across a painted sky in h&l colors titled Yuzu and it would make as much sense to me as this [This is just a comment from a frustrated artist lmao]
  9. faowisjegoiwe seimei hydrooooo seimei clear fiiiile SMILEY POSTCAAAAAAARD I NEED TO SAVE UP DAMN IT, JAPAN PLS STOP
  10. the FaOI talk shows? maybe he can do those even if he can't skate...
  11. What's up with this sudden rain hitting softly my parched self
  12. Are you sure you don't mean murderous reasons >_>?
  13. until
    Parade route(x):
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