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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. i'm heartbroken, if i had known my measurements i could have ordered one....
  2. I WANT THE HYDROBLADE BRACELET AAAAAH [stupid taxes I have to pay, I want the shirt too 💔💔💔]
  3. He's really taking care of us cacti... [Did you know you need to water your cacti once a week?)
  4. In case anyone's curious... Here is the full user rank list:
  5. It's meant to be less "fluffy" than the Location field so yeah, more like "where do you live now" rice, please can you blame me tho, those two look veeeeeeeeeery similar
  6. read リカバリ as リハビリ, i need food
  7. can't watch but it's about his rehabilitation
  8. The point of adding the flags is to see how diverse we are now we know!
  9. you can change yours but some of them are really nice (like Mewzuru Nyanyu)
  10. i make mine i occasionally take requests too
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