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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. nooooooo This is so cute and sad >__<
  2. There's a snippet of a video where he's saying something like "this stuff really tastes bad" talking about the thing he drinks at competitions, and his accent was so heavy and adorable Too bad i don't remember where it is but afaik some poeple try to hide their miyagi accent bc it has a "lazy" connotation? I'm sure i read that somewhere... If that's the case, no wonder we don't hear his accent often
  3. Sorry! i realized i never updated on the fate of the project! I ended up mailing the thing(s) [the notebook+wishes for evgenia and jun] via snail mail from USA so hopefully it will safely reach its destination. I apologize for the delay, i know i should have informed about this earlier but i've had a ton of things to do and i kept forgetting to post it here
  4. yikes, i counted the work in progress and a test theme
  5. Periodical reminder that we have different themes! We currently have 9, not counting the default one. Please check them out if you haven't Go to the bottom of the page, click the middle link that says "themes" and choose one
  6. Awwww, imagine Yuzu inviting Javi to his house to eat now that he's back (also, i imagine Yuzu like this when Javi came back:)
  7. Look! They have Anti-Yuzu devices! Paprika everywhere!
  8. That docu was so hard to watch The way he talked... And what he said just As more info comes out about those days leading up to PC i am more convinced that we witnessed a miracle. I was thinking about how we admire him for his mental strength and such, but in reality i think i am beginning to fully understand why he said that he isn't strong, in fact he is weak. He talked about dealing with the feelings of anxiety, insecurity and nervousness as the days went by and PC got closer and he realized that: 1. The pain wasn't going away and 2. It took him longer than expected to get back on the ice (I was particularly hit by how he said "i think i'm done" when the days went by and he couldn't stand on the ice in January). I suspect that he feels weak in situations like that because there are a lot of things that pile up and make the situation less than ideal for him. He's kind of a perfectionist so those feelings he talked about were probably caused by being in a situation he couldn't control at all, which made him feel weak because there was not much he could do. So, to regain a sense of control and try to make up for what he couldn't do, he was training his mind (studying, image training, i bet he watched his videos a thousand times to figure out what he had to do differently). It worked, as the docu said when he jumped the 4S3T: He might have not been in the best condition, but his body remembered. He might not consider himself a strong person at all, because he did what he thought was his only choice: Skate through the pain and ignore the anxiety, nervousness, insecurity and feelings of weakness. It takes a particular kind of strength to be so committed to your goal that you don't even consider other alternatives, but it's hard to recognize it. However, he deals with "bad" feelings a lot (kuyashii, nervousness, the pressure) so it might be why he considers himself a weak person.
  9. It's just adorable little mistakes that (i assume) children make every now and then The first one he forgot to add the "kurete" which if i am not mistaken, makes it clear that he's thanking this kid for being his friend. (I think the translation would be something like "thanks for giving me your friendship" i hope my japanese teachers never read this) Then he wrote the name of the kid with one kanji at the top of the letter, but near the end he wrote the name of the kid again, this time without kanji. At the end he "ate" a letter And by the kanji used, i suppose it is from 2nd grade
  10. Lookie at this baby!!! He wrote "ぼくとなかよくして、ありがとう。" And then added a little "くれて" after "なかよくして" He also wrote "北じまゆうた" in the beginning of the letter, but later on he wrote "きたじまゆうた" (漢字が難しいね。。。) And he made a mistake in the last line, he wrote "わすないよ" instead of "わすれないよ" precious fluffy mushroom
  11. Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you had a good celebration and tons of tasty food FaOI in SENDAI... I expect maximum trolling from the Overlord Yasunori Hamyulla in his hometown...
  12. Have CiONTU~The death bits~ and bask in the glory of 23yo Strawberry/Etude/RJ Yuzu (it's from my GDrive so no risk of having it removed FOREVER)
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