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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. We were saved. Imagine if we had seen the real version...
  2. There's a new theme coming for Worlds too On unrelated news, the drought has made me do this: We're having a mobile workshop at work and look what i chose for my app's Icon...
  3. I already added the events. As always, they are in your local time
  4. until
  5. until
  6. until
  7. until
  8. until
  9. until
  10. until
  11. until
  12. until
  13. what aboutr a streaming party ETA slightly off topic but guys, did any of you see that we will soon get the mou chotto emoji for our phones :P?
  14. With ISU deleting videos maybe they're part of the cover up
  15. I'd do the same tbh... I leave you guys with a picture of me, on the right. i miss Yuzu so muuuuch. I am dying to see his beautiful skating </3 at this point it feels like a weird fever dream
  16. Oh wow, should i translate this :P? He is very angry lol he said some... stuff hahaha ETA: Translated here, under spoiler because ouch...
  17. All this content and i still feel like a dry cactus I miss him
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