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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. Hm, Etude seems more "wild" to me. Here i perceive it as "elegant" in a different way (honestly the word that comes to mind is "iki" but i am not sure if it is the right word for it, japanese satellites pls help) It is kinda the same but the feeling is not, hence why i like it more in Seimei than in Etude
  2. Ok so there's a little detail i LOVE, and even though NHK SEIMEI is my favorite, this detail is present in GPF. The exit of that 3Lz is just
  3. I've been staring at this for way too long
  4. If anyone wants to make that RJ1 thread please feel free to do so. Or any thread really, it's a free orbit lol
  5. So much thiiis. Seimei is pure magic for me. I can see him, as a song i like that talks about Onmyouji says, "Shooting vermilion charms at the dancing miasma, singing the song of banishment". He truly becomes an onmyouji and it's a magnificent transformation to see. My mom is so happy that he's repeating Seimei because it's her favorite program. In fact she likes it so much that she has Yuzu's beginning pose as her wallpaper on her laptop and i've brought it up several times but since this is the SEIMEI thread... She also printed this in a big canvas and gave it to me as christmas present , now it hangs from a wall in my room.
  6. Just realized this image has one of my weaknesses: hydroblade finger tracks
  7. This one says edea but i can't find the original image sob
  8. This was probably the first image i dled. It was my wallpaper for MONTHS hahaha, sorry if i don't put the credit i don't really remember where i got it and it's from my gdrive... BUT I LOVE HIS EXPRESSION HERE AGH He's so into the performance, i can't help but stare in awe at him
  9. I'm trying to behave here guys
  10. This. My second favorite hydroblade, sadly it belongs to the category "gifs that end too soon"... Might have to make one myself with the hydroblade in full glory... click the image for the original post
  11. lol guys you are free to open as many threads as you like go wild! Also , NHK Seimei is my favorite EVER (although my favorite hydroblade has to be the one at nationals haha)
  12. Expect to see a lot of hydroblade gushing from me this season. I feel spoiled
  13. You're promoted to the group "Members" when you hit 1000 posts
  14. I feel you. I think I've only used figure skating terms in Spanish once and that was to translate the h&l video. In fact, I don't think I've ever said those terms in my life...
  15. I see things like this and i remember why I fell in love with his skating and how he helped me come back to watching FS... This is beautiful 💖
  16. Haha his face, is like "everything... um... I'm sorry, i can't lie that much "
  17. Won't do a word by word translation here bc i am not confident lmao He's thanking everyone (people following ANA's SNS?) for the support they give to him, saying that he is practicing in Canada for the new season, he will do his best (全力で頑張っていきます, not suuure how to translate this but it's like he's going to give his all? full strength?) And asking us to keep cheering for him Why do i feel like it's not quite right ughhhhh. That's basically what he said but ... Also if that's really from today and not just posted today then that's how he was looking like half an hour ago or so and
  18. I'm afraid i am going to be forced to hide my posts when the season starts. Or refrain from posting at all. That hydroblade does things to me guys. LOOKIE AT THIS BB. AAAAH, Please skating gods! I want to see this smile throughout the season <3 Hmmm... Someone did the math back in 2013 . And you are really proud of everything you have survived this off season hahaha. I WAS PROMISED A QUIET OFF SEASON AND LOOK
  19. I want to marry his hydroblade. So am i...
  20. Shh don't question our ドs King...
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