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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. My stomach sank when I read that. Pls Zuzu, stay with us just a bit longer
  2. Oooh yes great thread! (and welcome) I've made a few gifs these ones are maybe floating around tumblr but they're mine (lookie at this cutie) And this, oooh this one... I love this angle which is why i used it for my sig wich is why it's like a petabyte hahaha, MY QUALITY (tagging @SparkleSalad haha)
  3. It's old, the skateguards are the green and purple ones
  4. reminds me of like, Bigfoot sighting videos
  5. My fellow satellites. I want to share something important with you We passed 70k posts on the forum! (under a one thread format, we would have about 4680 pages ) Thank you so much for everything, and i hope that we continue to grow Looking forward to the number we'll have after ACI
  6. I'm getting more and more excited to see the new Chopin!
  7. I think of iced tea or matcha kakigoori... Something that treats your tastebuds and makes you shiver from the inside
  8. I can't promise anything but will probably be my sig for a good chunk of the season. The angle is just delicious
  9. Prbably followed by his laugh. You know the one, that laugh that makes him throw his head back, scrunch his whole face, hands on his hips as he glides, laughing while he thinks "I'm such a troll!" And Brian smiling while shaking his head thinking "what is this boy doing, i thought he was eager to show everyone his new toy"
  10. I came to show off my sig because that's the most delicious angle i've seen of the Seimei hydroblade the snow on his gloves!!!
  11. Thank you. I changed to SEIMEI because IT'S SEPTEMBER AND I'M OFFICIALLY 16 DAYS AWAY FROM BEING IN THE SAME COUNTRY AS HIM I want one of those digital tombstones with that video snippet playing for all eternity
  12. Now he's the weird coach carrying the Winnie the Pooh doll
  13. There's one close-ish to where i will be staying yay
  14. Well if yuzu does smell of citrus and chocolate... [grabby hands] i need iiiiiiiiit
  15. Does it smell like Yuzu? Not yuzu yuzu, but Yuzu yuzu
  16. I am sorry but That's an accurate description
  17. Welcome, @micaelis! Like all of us, you were captured by this... Thing... we call Yuzuru Hanyu i hope you post often and please share your thoughts with us, this is why this place exists after all It's almost at the very end of the list, on the CS part, i think it's called TAKARAZUKA SKY
  18. I'm always comparing Yuzu to food, i'm sorry (he's mint chocolate ice cream for me, after thinking deeply about it) Just look at this baby... It's like he can't believe he really did it <3 precious thing Yup. Which is why while i miss noodly bb Yuzu, i like what he has become, you can still see the pure joy and passion of his skating. You can almost taste how much he loves what he does and it's an amazing sight to see
  19. i miss noodly bby Yuzu. There. I said it. I love this new powerful and commanding Yuzu but... my noodle... I totally expected an icy noodley citrus faerie bby on ice. And i got PRINCE. UGH. Anyways back to RJ1 lol sorry for the angst!
  20. Japanese to the rescue. I feel 「懐かしい」 (natsukashii) when watching Nice's Romeo. It's the perfect word
  21. YES. I watched 24H TV Ienai Yo only twice. It is beautiful but heartbreaking, i can't explain why. It's a different kind of heartbreak to that of Boston's Requiem. When i watch RJ1 i think about so many things... "What if someone told that sparkly noodle that he would become the greatest skater of this time?" "What if he could see, standing on that podium holding his bronze medal tightly, that he would stand at the top many many times?" I think too, of how tired he was, that he fell as he was skating. And how years later he broke his own record and won the world title (again!) even after struggling with injury the season before and, now that we saw the 24h tv segment, a bad asthma attack before Helsinki. I feel happy thinking about how far he has come, but i sure miss wild Yuzu, mostly because i wasn't around to cheer for that noodly bby
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