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Posts posted by ClarissaH

  1. 7 minutes ago, yuzupon said:

    If anyone is interested in reading up just how, err, rather unreasonable the price is, here's the condition for me.

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    I bought 2 t-shirts. Plus shipping, this purchase will amount to some 7000 yen. Which in Euro will be around €55, give or take. In my home country's currency, it's around 1 million Rupiah. For context, the highest regional minimum wage in my country is 3.6 million/month, the lowest is 1.4 million. I would imagine the shipping cost might be lower for shipping to Indonesia, tho.

    Have I mentioned I am a student with practically no income?




    Bottom line is, yeah. This is a luxury purchase. 

    Kinda insignificant compared to anything else I have considered doing in the name of FS in general and Zu in particular, tho.


    Yeah this is kind of a luxury purchase, especially for people living outside of Japan. HMV offers free shipping on purchases exceeding a given price, which one t-shirt alone exceeds, so people in Japan can get free shipping but international shipping is a bit of a killer. For me, shipping is almost $18 and the shirts themselves are just about $24 each. However, I am fortunate enough to be in a financial situation where I can afford this purchase, and while my wallet will probably hate me for awhile, I'm not going to have to make sacrifices with food and such to make such a purchase. 


    But to answer about the shipping cost to Indonesia, it is cheaper (1500 yen) than to ship to any European country (2200 yen). This is the shipping prices for orders of 3 items or less. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Forcefield said:

    Anyway, I can never bring myself to wear some of my favorite t-shirts so what I have done over the years, and will do for the Yuzu t-shirts (if I ever get the chance to order them) especially because I don't need more t-shirts in my wardrobe, is to stuff the shirts with cotton and sew the neck and bottom so that it becomes a throw pillow. I arrange these on my bed as if they're decorative pillows or stuffed animals. Also they're so pudgy so and thus very huggable, like a personalized hug pillow.


    The shirts *may* still be in stalk but I don't think anything can be promised. They've been selling out and restocked quite a bit but it all comes down to however many were made up, if more will be printed, and how many are reserved for sale at the parade exclusively. 


    That's actually a really cute idea. Maybe after a bit of wear I'll do that to mine. I don't really have a need for throw pillows right now though. 

  3. 1 minute ago, yumeaki said:

    Ha, of course. I never like buying things as a form of donation. I’m trying to reduce things at home so I would rather just donate cash... unless that stuff happens to be practical (like the tee)


    The cost for the t-shirt isn’t reasonable. Seriously. However consider that it sponsors the parade



    Well the $33 includes the cost of the shipping. For both variations and shipping, it's $66, so $33 a shirt. I also have considered that it's for the parade and such and is working more as a donation than a revenue stream for a corporation. 


    I've also kept in mind that whenever I get a graphic shirt from somewhere, it usually ends up being as much as those shirts are when sales tax is factored in. 


    I'll just consider them a graduation gift to myself. :4:

  4. 1 minute ago, maxcellwire said:


    I'm currently debating over the same thing. I really don't need any new Tshirts but  .. . . .I kind of want it . .. ..


    I don't "technically" need any new t-shirts but I have room in my wardrobe for it so. I've also been wanting some kind of figure skating t-shirt for awhile so these shirts would check that box. I'd also be getting both of them because it's the only way I can justify the 1900 yen shipping for orders of 3 items or less. I'd love to have one of the bracelets too but those don't seem to be up for sale online. 

  5. :5a7ce9d358326_offtopic1:


    Has anyone brought up the official shirts for the Sendai parade and how they're up for sale on hmv?


    I've been trying to persuade myself all morning that $33 a t-shirt is reasonable. I think it's working. 

  6. I feel like one reason why Koola King dedicates so many videos and so much time to picking out Zhenya is because of how frequently Zhenya doesn't get marked for edge violations. Zhenya's also kind of become the figure head of women's figure skating and is the most prominent example of ISU judging bias. I also believe that it's hard to deny that Zhenya's name in a video title is going to generate clicks and, while Koola King does appear to resort to some clickbaity tactics, it's done as a means to inform people about such bias. 


    I will agree that some of them do have some bias to them, such as one where she compares the program diversity of Yuna Kim to Evgenia Medvedeva, but for the most part I've found her videos to be very informative, particularly the one where jump simulations were taken straight from the ISU and compared to Evgenia's. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

    Suddenly glad that you can't see how my food presentation totally sucks. :slinkaway:  Tastes better than it looks is one of my culinary mottoes. :laughing: 


    That's kind of my general philosophy with cooking as well, except sometimes the color of foods can get to me if I don't know what's in it but I feel like that's a bit different from presentation. If there's this funny looking green stuff poking out and I don't know if there's spinach in it, or what that color's coming from, I'm likely to not want to eat it. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

    That is so true. It makes me very grumpy sometimes, especially when the food involved lots and lots of prep. Usually, seeing food being eaten makes me happy, but sometimes, like on days when I nearly slice a finger off or nearly scald myself (I have near-misses very often because I get distracted), it makes me very, very grumpy. 

    At least take solace in the fact that edible beauty came from your pain. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

    I don't like baking with yeast because patience is not my strong suit and the rising and proofing and all that really gets on my nerves. But it was worth it, I have to say. :biggrin: The damn things were polished off in a fraction of the time it took to make them.

    It takes less time to eat food than it does to cook it most of the time. :4:

  10. 1 hour ago, robin said:


    Yeah, good luck with that :9:


    1 hour ago, axelnojutsu said:

    that's what I told myself as well before I started and then one lesson later I changed my goal post to jumping waltz jump and now it's to jump an axel so good luck with that :muahaha:


    Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if I end up changing my mind either, still nice to know about all the different skate brands though.


    A local outdoor sports store that has figure skates has a damn good sale where you can pick up skates for $20-40 so hopefully getting skates that would be decent for if I decide to delve into the world and try my hand at some spins and such. 

  11. The whole lesson on different types of skating boots was helpful. I plan to purchase a pair of skates for myself as well as I intend to go skating a lot more than I currently do. I don't intend to learn tricks and stuff, just go to whiz around on the ice as a means of exercise, although this certainly may change in the future. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

    awwww :1:


    would someone in the skating world explain to me what a fluffy blade cover does?


    The fluffy blade covers are usually put on when skates go into storage. The hard guards, the things that are handed to them when they get off the ice and go to the kiss and cry, are put on them when you're walking in skates since that protects the blades. 

  13. 1 minute ago, tafattsbarn said:



    Thank you for clearing it all up, it can be so confusing D': 


    Sometimes it can be. If you think this is confusing though, good luck understanding exactly how Grand Prix assignments work. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, tafattsbarn said:

    Okay, excuse my total newbie question, but do we know when Yuzu is taking up schedules again? I've found it hard to navigate this site since joining and i initially thought he was halting all competitions/schedules until he is healed, but i've gotten conflicting answers as to wether that's true or not.


    I guess i just wanted to know what his closest schedule is, as well as his closest competition? Is he sitting out the rest of this season?


    Excuse the (probably) dumb question ;-;


    There's only one, at least major, competition left of the season and that's Worlds, which he has already withdrawn from. So yes, he is sitting out the rest of the season to heal up his ankle. When he will be back for the 18-19 season is a big old ? right now and it depends entirely on how healed his ankle is by the time Grand Prix assignments are ready to be handed out. 

  15. I've heard of the whole Sochi gala situation where people thought Yuzu intentionally attempted to harm Patrick but that fell entirely down to last minute changes that the choreography team made and didn't seem to realize that putting a skater between two people doing butterfly spins was a bad idea but I haven't heard of really anything else you mentioned in your post. 

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