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Posts posted by ClarissaH

  1. Just to say that this ^^ is what I like about this forum so much. Even if there are disagreements, they never get heated to the point where individuals devolve to name calling and that's really refreshing considering some of the toxic fandoms I've been in.


    About what Yuzu will do this upcoming season, based on the information that we've seen so far he seems to be really close to being able to nail a 4A and if he has that reasonably down by the time the next skating season starts, it's quite possible we'll see him put that in one of his programs. Also, provided his ankle injury heals well, we'll see him continue to up the difficulty of his programs to meet what they were pre-injury. In addition to the 4A, it's likely Yuzu's also putting attention to regaining the two quads he wasn't really able to do while nursing injuries on his right leg, knee pain and then the ankle injury. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Forcefield said:

    I'm all for Yuzu doing a fun EX again, but if he wants to do serious I'm all in for a fan dance to a Japanese song. His playfulness with it during Olys gala made me really want it. Would prefer it as a competitive program but don't think they allow objects like folding fans as part of the program.


    It would have to be an EX since props are not allowed in competition events. That would be really cool to see though and it would lend to Yuzu wanting to use more Japanese music in his programs. 

    1 hour ago, 5expressions said:

    Does anyone have the link to the MAD shared a while back with clips from the olympics, set to the la la land audition song?


    And if we are casting our votes for out there exhibition music then I want him to skate to Rihanna’s love on the brain


    I first read this as "love on the brian" and my brain was very confused. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:


    why.... just why would they do that... what purpose could it possibly serve?? how hard can it be to upload videos that it takes ONE WHOLE YEAR for it to happen??


    I know that some time after Sochi they went to uploading a new video from the Sochi olympics once a day, calling it 365+ or something along those lines. As Bilge said, it's to keep the channel alive. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, Bilge said:

    So the olympic channel uploaded yuzu's fs on 03.03.2014 and sp a year later on 13.02.2015. I hope they won't do the same again:peekapooh:


    That would really suck if they did that. But in the meantime we've still got fancams. 

  5. So I read that today, 3.11 in Japan, for every time 3.11 is searched on Yahoo Japan, they're donating 10 yen to relief efforts. When I went to the website to do such search, I saw an ad on the side with a younger Yuzu holding his signed boot that was up for auction. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:


    I imagined it:13877886:


    I'd also imagine him wearing black pants, dark purple vest with LOTS of sparkles + black sleeves - with his hair slicked back :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:


    Oh my I really want to see this now. 



  7. 14 minutes ago, Geo1 said:


    I just clicked on the link and still get ¥6,571,000.


    Did you click on this link right now? What is the figure that you get?


    Yup, that's the number I get too. 

  8. 48 minutes ago, wingman said:


    Lucky you! I was in Europe at the time. I can only kick myself for not discovering him early, otherwise I would have come to Helsinki.

    I bet you didn't sleep after his free though. :)



    Oh I absolutely wasn't able to sleep. Even though it ended at 12:30, I didn't get to bed until almost 4am. I don't know if it was because of all the sugar I had consumed through Japanese candies I splurged on for the event, the excitement from the free skate, or both. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, wingman said:

    Hi everyone,


    After lurking for a week here I became convinced about the good vibe of this community. So happy to join!


    I discovered Yuzuru right before the Pyeongchang (one of those articles on "who to watch out for in the Olympic games"). I've always had a soft spot for good athletes (being a former athlete myself). The week before Pyeongchang, I was watching him for *hours* everyday. I caught up with all of his interviews, performances, gala etc. The thing is, I'm totally not the emotional type. Until Yuzuru, I never understood the word "inspired" or "moved", really.


    The most crazy thing is that Yuzuru literally changed my life. Seeing him enjoy himself so much made me envious! So I asked myself: why aren't I having that much fun in my work? This has set off a transformative journey, and now my life is so much more fulfilling. . My story could have been replaced by the poster story for religious converts, and it would resonate with many. Yuzuru is the closest thing to God - really.






    Welcome to the group!


    While I personally cannot say I'm not the emotional type, I'm actually the poster child for the emotional type, various performances that Yuzuru has put forward have pulled at my emotions as well. 


    You're also quite the trooper for staying up as late as you did to watch the varying skates! While I was here on the east coast somewhat complaining about it not ending until 12:30am, others were in places where the events didn't start until then. It was likely totally worth it though, or so I've heard from other friends I have who did such a thing. 

  10. And it's back down to 4 million yen. 


    With all the extra precautions that were put into place to prevent fake bidding, troll bids are still passing through? 


    It really is disheartening that this is happening.


    It really should have just been taken to an auction house and done more professionally. I mean, considering Hanyu's current status I'm sure the people holding the auction at the very least considered that fake bids would be an issue. It's not right for people to be making a mockery of a charity auction by placing fake bids and artificially driving up the price, but if it was considered an issue then the proper precautions should have been taken, even if it meant doing the auction in an offline setting. 

  11. Sorry for the double post. 


    So the 3rd auction is up past 41 million yen. I really hope it isn't fake. 


    Who wants to place bets on when this auction will be cancelled and there'll be a repost? 

  12. 5 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:


    Doesn't Yuzu's H&L World's '17 have like.... 2.8 million views or something? 


    I think they were counting by the likes on the video. The most popular video of Yuzu's H&L from Worlds has 48K likes, less than the 69K Parisienne Walkways from Sochi has. 

  13. I'm late but happy 3000 pages! :9: I had to do this thing called sleeping so I missed it. 

    But really, what the hell is Yahoo Auctions doing?! If you've had to restart it for a third time in hopes to prevent false bidding, it's clearly not working and something else has to be done. Taking it offline to an actual auction house would definitely be the best route to take. :headdesk2:

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