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Posts posted by ClarissaH

  1. 1 minute ago, Sammie said:

    One person WD from the first grp. 

    Lets hope it goes fast. I seen music mess up on the juniors all day. 


    While I didn't see any of the music mess-ups, I've definitely heard about them. 


    That music transition. I know it's in what I assume to be French now. Was it a French cover of the Ed Sheeran song used before or something different? 


    1 minute ago, axelnojutsu said:

    it's in 2 hours :2thumbsup:




  2. 7 hours ago, dotsquare said:


    :surprised: If my local rink charged that much, I would go everyday! In Australia, ice skating is not very popular sport so it's expensive :( My local rink charges $26AUD (incl hire) for a session (2 hours). But on Sundays there's a mega session which lasts for 5 hours and is great value for money. Only problem is that it's very crowded


    Wow, a 5 hour session. Definitely would be a good deal for the money!


    I think the reason why it's so cheap at my local rink is because there are hockey teams in the area that the ice is maintained for in the winter months. There's also some ice lessons and ice shows. If the ice is being maintained might as well make profit elsewhere as well. 


    6 hours ago, robin said:


    Free admission whattt I would never leave the rink


    I don't know if the free admission deal will carry over into this coming year, I sure hope it does though. I wouldn't leave either! There's actually been times I needed to be shooed off the ice because the session was over. 


    Re: Falling. 


    I've fallen quite a bit while skating, not even from trying to do fancy tricks but just trying to get my speed up, and I've found that the falling part doesn't really hurt very much. This is also probably because I'm wearing a hoodie, if not a coat, and two layers of pants. I've found the, not really worst but hardest, part of falling is getting back up. 

  3. Reading about how much it costs for y'all to go to a local rink I guess I'm lucky I live in a rural area. It only costs me $4 to get in for a single session, which I think it 2 or 2 1/2 hours and $1 to rent a set of skates. That deal will also only get better since with the student ID from the university I'll be attending in the fall, I get free admission for any public session. 

  4. Is this the proper place to gush over this?



    I mean, it is music related so I would think so. 


    This soundtrack just sounds fantastic live! Especially the trumpets during zenzenzense (0:24-0:50). 


    I would totally buy this if I could afford the 5,800 yen. :tumblr_m7etfqA8wS1qb1380:

  5. One of my old phones, it was like a 3.5" screen smartphone, survived the washing machine. That was likely because it didn't have a SIM card slot and what kills phones most of the time is when water gets in there. 


    Can't get water in the SIM card slot if your phone doesn't have a SIM card slot. 



  6. 7 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:



    I reacted the same way when I heard that! I also just started flailing around because that's just what I do sometimes and my sister just looked at me and said "What are you doing?" :1:

  7. Just now, Geo1 said:

    Off-topic, I know, but is there a thread on the planet where I can find links to videos of the performances of skaters other than Yuzu?


    I don't think there's a distinct place for it, however there are individual forums for skaters from other countries. You might be able to see some videos in the forums in "Igloo World" but no guarantees. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

    And I totally feel you, I bring this laptop to repairment at least once a year LOL.



    I'm lucky enough that my laptop is on loan from the school so whenever there's an an issue I get a new one while it gets repaired. About a month ago the cooling fans in my laptop quit so I had to make haste with getting everything off of it. I have no idea what I'm gonna do when I get a laptop myself and it breaks. Let's just hope my university does have the free tech support as many do. 


    At least you do have a mouse you can use and as a last resort there's always the track pad on it, regardless of how poor quality they can be sometimes. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

    Guys... I dropped tea on my laptop. 


    My survival instincts told me to turn it over right away and turn it off. I think most of the liquid went away, and it did turn on after 30 minutes of drying, but my mouse wasn't working. Not that I really care about the mouse, but it scared me so I turned it off again and will leave it off for the whole evening... I'm so scared, I can't afford another PC right now, I can't even afford to lose this one because I have to work on it and study on it and stuff :headdesk2:


    That really sucks! I've had my own fair share of laptop problems and it is more than just a hindrance. Hopefully you're laptop doesn't quit on you and your mouse starts working for you. Worst comes to worst you could possibly just get a new mouse? I don't know about you but I can get a wireless mouse at Walmart for $9 so they're not terribly expensive. 

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