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Posts posted by ClarissaH

  1. 1 minute ago, Victoria said:

    :crazyshit2:why everyone hates rj2

    I really dislike the rhinestones on rj2 and I feel like whoever made it went a little overboard with the illusion mesh fabric. That costume may even be passable to me with the illusion mesh but tearing off all those rhinestones. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Sammie said:

    Idk :snkuyashii: it’s not as bad as everyone thinks  :smiley-scared003:

    IKR! I mean, the color of the shoulder floofs could have been better I've heard people say it looks pee colored but it doesn't look atrocious, and Yuzu's certainly had worse costumes not naming names RJ2. I just appreciate that the shoulder floofs are there, because they look really cool when he spins and jumps. 

  3. 1 minute ago, VyVy99 said:

    I would join the combustion. But seriously your profile pic always makes it seem like you're on a strike :rofl2:



    ROFL. Yeah a few people have made various comments about it. TBH I just picked this photo cuz it was the first one in my folder of Hanyu photos that would look decent as a pfp. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, VyVy99 said:

    *Vigorously points to sig* :68271262::68271262::68271262:

    Btw now that we see how stretchy the materials of these costumes can be, it's more understandable how he can still fit into Strawberry. I'm not buyin' the idea of him not growing a lot since then.



    If Requiem made a reappearance I would probably combust. 

  5. Wow Hi everyone, despite having been on here for months I've never properly introduced myself, or at least I don't think I have. 


    My name's Clarissa and I'm from the United States. I speak English as my first language and have been trying to learn a few others but really just know bits and pieces. 


    I've been properly following figure skating for 2 seasons now, and been a fan of Yuzu for as long. The first skating program I saw when I started following skating was Let's Go Crazy, quite an introduction to men's figure skating if I do say so myself. I discovered PlanetHanyu while scouring Google Images for some photos after the Olympics happened. I saw the URL and it looked fun here so I signed up. Super glad I did. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Lunna said:

    I want LGC in show or a an EX not to see it clean but to see sassy Yuzu having full throttle fun with it and not in a competition mood

    I mean that would be amazing. Seeing it clean would just be a cherry on top :knc_brian2:

  7. 9 hours ago, WinForPooh said:

    Ouch, but I'm sure you made it up to her! 

    She actually doesn't know I did that, whoops. I didn't have a guaranteed ticket to the ceremony so it was up in the air whethet I'd get to go so. What she doesn't know won't hurt her? When i told her i didn't know if I'd get to go she wasn't hurt by it so all's good. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

    Sleeping schedule. What's that, I don't even know anymore! :laughing: 

    Yeah that's a really good question. My internal dictionary has virtually lost the meaning of it! 


    Waking up at 3am on any day is always worth it to see Yuzu, or virtually anyone on Team Nippon and a handful of other skaters, skate. 


    I legit bailed on going to one of my friend's graduation, turned down a ticket to go, cuz faoi kanazawa was earlier that day. i'm such a bad friend.

  9. 1 minute ago, WinForPooh said:

    :laughing: I have a POS laptop too, I'm afraid PPOS is the only kind of POS I like. 


    It's great that you have time to get watered properly with alll the Yuzu content. :D You can really enjoy it knowing that you graduated and can now relax without guilt, too. 

    My previous laptop, on loan from the school I went to, had a processor from 2015 that maxed out CPU with 2 tabs open on google chrome and Spotify running and was frequently freezing. New laptop's got 8 gb of ram with a gen 7 i5-7200U processor, the best of the i5 processors, so CPU maxing out definitely shouldn't be an issue. 


    Oh I've absolutely been enjoying the Yuzu content maybe a little more than I should. The good thing about my coursework was that the bulk of it in dual enrollment college courses ended in mid May so it just turned into "waking up to attend basic classes (since I attended an online school). I was definitely able to stay up to the asscrack of dawn to watch ice shows, which I was pretty thankful for even if it did absolutely slaughter my sleeping schedule. 


  10. Just now, WinForPooh said:

    Was it Olys gala? Because when they all came out for the finale, he did a few seconds of zusaa and LGC spin/step.


    At the Oly gala he did the slide but it was at the WTT 2017 gala where he did a part of LGC in swanyu costume. 



  11. 2 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

    Congrats! :cheer: 

    tysm! ngl it feels really nice to be back on here. Microsoft Edge on my new laptop is even properly giving me alerts on here so that's really helpful, esp when the alternative was having to constantly reload the page cuz your old laptop was a pos. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, TallyT said:


    Yep, both of those made me bounce and scram. Also there is one on youtube (and somewhere on this hard drive) with a bit of LGC in his swan prince costume, which did the same....


    Now that you mention that, it is something I really need to see. What should I search to find it, cuz it's something my eyes must bear witness to now. 


    EDIT: Friend on a figure skating discord server I'm on gave me a link. It was from WTT 2017 gala. 

  13. 1 minute ago, TallyT said:


    I have a inexplicable but total weakness for Yuzu, in one of his more ethereal and beautiful costumes (Etude, H&L, NS) breaking into one of his kickass pieces as an encore (R&J1, PW, Seimei climax) - it sort of kicks the fiercely otherworldly aspect he has right up there for me and I love it.  So for that reason as well I would adore LGC to become a piece he does for both exhibition and encore


    (And something new for the SP please)




    That's a big fat mood. it's also something I didn't really even know I needed until I watched CiONTU at 2am huddled up in a hotel bathroom and he broke into PW while wearing Etude. The Seimei climax while wearing RJ1 was like, two of my favorite programs getting married and I loved it so much. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

    Didn't that reporter say he was landing 4S-3T in practice at Kanazawa? There was a tweet from a reporter who said they saw it. :D Ah, he's getting all better.


    I thought it was a 4T and not a 4S but I may be wrong. Even if he may be getting better though, I don't want him risking injury during something like an ice show, it's really not worth it. Downgrade that 4S to a 3S if you gotta, we fans won't mind so long as you skate it clean.

  15. 1 minute ago, WinForPooh said:

    I've been waiting for him to do something from it at some ice show because he does love to zusaa, he went through that whole phase of PW encore for everything! LGC is his new and improved PW. 


    So I'm not the only one that puts LGC in the same boat as PW, good to know. And yeah, he definitely did that, but we didn't have the problem with PW that we did with LGC. I NEED TO SEE IT CLEAN GOD DAMMIT! I love the LGC program and it kind of hurts me whenever I watch it and have to see Yuzu have issues with the 4S.


    I love quad sal but quad sal don't seem to love me back

  16. 2 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

    We have more performances from him before the season and no hint of his programme reveal yet. Maybe the omen is for the rest of the ice shows now that Chemistry won't be there. :D Wouldn't that be cool! 


    If you're suggesting that Yuzu'll skate LGC at an ice show then I love your mind. That's something I've lowkey been wanting as well, if for no reason other than to see it skated clean even if it does have a lower jump difficulty.

  17. This whole ISU Congress has just proven to me how incompetent some of the officials, and especially the judges are. it's also proven to me that no one seems to hate the sport more than the officials overseeing the sport :sadPooh:

    I won't lie, some of what happened at the Congress genuinely upset me for one reason or another. Like, they can talk for 20-30 minutes about what qualifies as music and about how outdated a flashdrive is while defending the CD but no one will say anything when that confusing AF technical proposal bundle that has the potential to make or break the sport hit the voting table. 





    I truly feel like this is the best representation of what the world of figure skating looks like. 


  18. 20 hours ago, MrPudding said:

    why can't we have a drama free sport :14066882:


    That's a big fat wish, that sadly is unlikely to come true.


    Also it's been a REALLY long time since I've been on here so hi everyone! School and life got really busy but now I'm off for the summer until university starts for me. I graduated today! And in true Fanyu fashion, I shoehorned Yuzu into my speech for the closing remarks at the ceremony. 

  19. 5 minutes ago, yumeaki said:

    Finally watched this... 

    HOW MANY childhood dreams this guy have? I know about the 2 OGM dream but 4A is also his childhood aspiration? When I was a kid... my dream is to sleep 24hrs a day... :facepalm:

    I think another one of his childhood aspirations was to land a quint...

  20. 1 minute ago, Leanna A said:

    Just wonder why not also making the rubber bracelets selling online for overseas fans???

    They are actually from the same organization and for the same purposes!


    I read that most of Yuzu’s overseas fans desperately want them, me too. :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp:


    Actually, selling them online can make overseas and local fans happy,

    they can also raise more money.

    It is actually a win-win situation for everyone involved. Why not do so??? :14066882::tumblr_inline_n2pjd9Lx401qdlkyg:


    I will express the opinion to the organization and hope that they can/should make them available for overseas fans. :tumblr_inline_n2pje2YFXq1qdlkyg:

    I read some have expressed it on different social media already.







    Yeah I would really like to have a bracelet too, also if they were made available on HMV I could throw them into my current order and pay nothing additional for shipping. They're also just super cool looking. Still wouldn't be able to decide which one I want though. 

  21. 2 minutes ago, maxcellwire said:


    I'm confused about the domestic shipping tbh because the website says orders over 2500 yen are free but then for this purchase the price is 500 yen....

    Idk how much help it might be to people but I'm considering ordering through a proxy service and choosing a cheaper shipping option than the one offered by HMV


    That's actually a really good idea that I might try myself. 


    In the end I don't really mind paying a bit more for that shipping, but if I can get it cheaper through a proxy I will, keeping in mind the proxy service fees and stuff. 

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