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Everything posted by KatjaThera

  1. I said, I'd stop, but I can't help saying a couple more things ^_^; First, I don't see why things have to be completely black or white. He can be strong and have a health problem he can't help. He can have a team that knows how to handle that problem, and still have others interfere. (Though I really only mentioned JSF or JOC because in my view they're the only ones who could take such measures). I don't think any of this contradicts itself and that's probably where the point we fail to agree upon is. However, I really don't see how you can compare rooms at the Olympics with the refugee shelter. It's not like on March 11th he could waltz in, cutely scrunch up his nose and say "Sorry, I can't stay here, it's bad for my asthma." And I'm not sure JSF even knew he was alive at that point, so they couldn't do it either. So to me, that comparison is WAY off. He didn't have a choice with the shelter. There might have been one in Sochi (whether his or not is a different topic.) Lastly, it's not that I'm trying to hold on to a theory that makes him seem a little more fragile, though I guess I made it sound like that. As someone said there is contradicting information, I just wanted to argue that this other theory is not that implausible, to me. (And even explained why he would 'lie' about it - he doesn't have a great record of admitting to health issues and I personally cringe a little every time he says he's in good shape, though I choose to believe him, because he's said that every time he wasn't, too - though also agreed his talking about staying with Machida in detail also made it more unlikely it was a lie). I guess people who argue both sides of a story are more unusual, so it seems I'm contradicting myself ^_^; Anyway, my ultimate point is even if it happened like that, it's not a big deal. It doesn't mean he's fine china. It doesn't mean he needs special treatment. If anything, it'd just mean the conditions really were very bad - or JSF/JOC/whoever are extremely nosy. Whatever. But it doesn't really make a difference as far as he's concerned. And I guess it bugs me that if some day this - or something like this - was proven to be true, some people would think it makes him a special bunny in need of protection. He's not. It'd just be a more extreme way of dealing with his problem. That's it. That said, I'll be happy to believe he roomed with Machida and they maybe had some fun together, too.
  2. I'm starting to wonder if I actually failed to get my point across lol It's just that often people seem to either pick the "Yuzu is strong, he's fine" side or the "Oh, poor baby, he's so fragile" side, and you rarely see the "He's strong and he has some issues, but he's strong and it's fine and it's normal for him, but it's also real" side. That last one is my side. (And I'm probably a little sensitive to what I perceive as a downplaying of issues, too, for personal reasons, so yeah.) Anyway, the whole rooming talk is so hypothetical - and feels somewhat OT - that it's kind of pointless and not going anywhere, so I'll listen to my still tired body and go to sleep lol
  3. That was at Sochi and I think he was wearing UA and it was after practice. Just for the record
  4. I don't like the Yuzu=delicate flower narrative either. He's possibly stronger than all of us put together. But I also want to be... balanced, I guess? Not overdramatize his health issues - or injuries in other contexts - but not treat them like they're no big deal, either - like he always tries to make it seem - and rather acknowledge them and move along. Not sure I manage to, but that's the intention. Normally, I agree with you, I'm sure that's how they do it and I doubt he would ever complain. And I hope that was the case at Olys, too. But there have been rumors about the conditions at Sochi being really bad - as in out of the ordinary bad - and if that was in a way that would be potentially triggering, then it'd make sense for me that JSF would make an effort to get him somewhere better - kicking and screaming if need be, considering he was still a potential medalist (if it was before; if after, even more, as he'd instantly become a national treasure). Of course, that's a lot of ifs. My point is really just that it's not impossible for things to have happened like that, although I guess it is unlikely. We know in fact too little to jump to any conclusions. I just don't like dismissing any option, I guess ^_^;
  5. I don't think the separate room would be the point in preventing attacks, but rather the conditions of the rooms. I don't have asthma, but my father does and certain types of dust are very bad for him, even though he doesn't get outright attacks. If the rooms were dusty or dirty or so, they might have worried it'd trigger his asthma and what federation would want to risk that with a top athlete? It's entirely plausible. Also, people don't generally avoid everything that can hurt them, or else we'd all sit around in padded rooms, wearing bubblewrap. However, avoiding potentially triggering things that CAN be avoided at a crucial time like the Olympics makes sense. Like, you don't eat something that you know usually doesn't agree with you before a big exam. Even though normally you wouldn't really bother avoiding it, because it's not that bad. However, we don't know if this happened and we might never will, because it's not something Yuzu would probably like talking about. So, I'm not entirely sure what we're arguing about. ^_^;
  6. Regarding the room arrangements, if true, I doubt he'd ever want to reveal he had separate rooms because of asthma. First because he rarely talked about asthma and second because he'd probably hate being treated differently and such. But, yes, while I can imagine JSF or his own team coming up with a 'normal' story to cover that situation, it's hard to believe Yuzu would so casually go along with it... Bottom line is we might never know for sure lol
  7. Looking at how he seems to be glaring at the other side of the rink, it made me think he was maybe looking at his mother in the audience... like "Mom, you packed the wrong gloves!!!" (Though it is hard to believe she'd make such a mistake after all these years). I think this probably threw him off, too, actually, though it seems like a small thing to us.
  8. I don't think there is anyone in FS who loves Japan more or is prouder to be Japanese than Yuzu. Whether they recognize this in Japan or not, is a different issue. That said, I think that's overthinking things. Shoma has the political support of Nagoya, in the FS world. But that's it. As far as Japan in general goes, Yuzu is still the star and will continue being so, because he has the story and the charm. Aside from being an excellent skater and the first men's fs olympic champion, he's a tragical hero. Any failures - combined with knowledge of injuries, as much as he might not like it, only add to it. The average Japanese isn't that nationalistic and doesn't hate overseas, I think. So I don't think give much of a damn where Yuzu trains as long as he skates for Japan. And if he'll get OGM again, the narrative will be another story of triumph in the face of hardships. So let Nagoya enjoy the moment. (I'm not adding Shoma, because I like to think he genuinely likes Yuzu and doesn't really get involved in the politics. Plus, Shoma knows Yuzu's better than this. He won't rest easy because of this one free skate.)
  9. I wouldn't say I'm relieved, but I think it's ok. And that many people worry too much. I posted my own analysis of what I think happened in the ACI FS thread, so won't do it again, but I think Yuzu knows what happened and will work on fixing it. It's fine. I was only worried about the axel fall, but it seems fine, hopefully is fine and bring on COR!
  10. Yes... only another month to go... Also, I'm pretty sure he had his old guards today, so... most likely old Seimei, too... (please prove me wrong, Yuzu!)
  11. I wonder if it'd be reasonable to assume it's not just a color change from the old Seimei Chopin (too much Seimei in my head now)... since I don't think that'd take that long to complete? Unless he had it redone 33 times
  12. Speaking of on the music, I probably just didn't notice it before, or the angle wasn't good enough, but I couldn't help noticing in last night's SP that even the free leg movement on the 3A exit was on the music... (and there was a practice video of the first day on youtube or so, and I quickly noticed it had a sound issue, because the movements didn't perfectly match the music lol)
  13. I was joking the other day that simplified program = no 4A at ACI *hides* But we know now that he has been practicing 4A, so... maybe that is why... the 3Lz seems fine, though, I think? But more seriously, I guess it really is more a matter of finding his feet and rhythm again. For all we know, yesterday might have been his first time back on ice after a week or so. Today being the second. If so, I think it's not bad at all.
  14. It could also be that people are not used to Yuzu actually mentioning injuries before a competition, so they tend to assume it must be really bad for him to do that... And so rumors are born...
  15. As I said in the ACI thread, he didn't seem focused to me. He seemed like he was taking it easy, but kind of expecting near perfect run throughs. So maybe it's good they weren't. I don't worry about the knee so much. The only measures they took were cut down practice and skip 4Lo. But left 3 quads and two 3A in the second half. You don't do that for a bad knee injury in Olympic Season. At least not if you want to get to the Olympics. Rank and PCS reputation count, but they're worthless if your knees give out by then. I don't think either Brian or Yuzu would take such risks. Not this year.
  16. It was just about the knee. Nothing really knew, I think.
  17. Yuzu's next competition is Rostelecom, though, and I don't think he'll be playing it down there, unless there's serious reasons to. I admit, I partly want them to play the mind games and such as well, but from what I've seen so far, it doesn't seem like either Brian or Yuzu are that much into that. Not giving away everything, sure, but I don't really see them going to such lengths. Of course, he will be at an advantage from a psychological POV even like this. Competitors won't know for sure if it's watered down or how watered down it is. (And I still keep at the back of my head the very small possibility he'll do something different every competition, to keep both himself and others on their toes, though I think that would depend on him managing his planned layout perfectly all the time.) And also, they'll be wondering about how in shape he is. But I don't really think they'd go to such lengths as making it bigger than it seems. Especially since Yuzu cares a lot about his fans and I don't think he'd want to worry them. Also, I don't think he'd want that image of 'hero against all odds' when it's not real. One of the most amazing things to me, about Yuzu and Brian, is the way they made it to the top and stay there without any of that kind of mind games - as much as I find mind games fascinating. They're both quite honest, and when they're not totally open, they have good reasons for it. They don't talk crap about others and don't manipulate public opinion or so. I think it's admirable, even though I'd sometimes like to see how evil the Overlord could be lol
  18. I would have literally ROFL-ed at this if I wasn't in the office. Thanks for the - muffled - laughter! Totally spot on!
  19. Fully agreed. And that, regarding part of his personality being repressed is actually part of what I meant by cultural difference, that I forgot to reply to @¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about ^_^; It's not so much differences for Yuzu himself, but difference between what he was used to, the rules and such he had to follow and such. I think in Sendai, they did nurture that personality - to a greater or lesser extent; he didn't have much creative input then, so it's hard to know how much - but I tend to think in a bigger place, they'd suppress it. (Actually this reminds me of some thoughts I've had on Shoma, but as commenting on Shoma is somewhat controversial, I'll save those for another time. :P) Oh and I also agree with @¯\_(ツ)_/¯, that he doesn't have an actual interest to learn the language. I think if he did, he'd be actually fluent by now. So he's only learning as much as necessary to communicate, but that's probably not enough to fully express himself... Maybe in time, it'll come... (How much time is anyone's guess) Ah, I see. I didn't actually read or look properly, so, thank you for letting me know ^_^
  20. Great point that he wouldn't be there if it was serious! I actually hadn't considered that ^_^; And I also agree, he looks annoyed/angry rather than worried... Evil Overlord mode on... As for the medals, I wonder if they're so simple because they will add specific category engravings? So they actually won't be quite so simple in the end? I can't say I love them, but as someone compared them to 2016 GPF... anything's better than that lol
  21. Oh, I agree with you. And by not blaming him for relapses, I didn't mean you, I just meant in general. Because if someone came and said he has been overtraining, there'd be a lot of headdesking around and such. So I just wanted to get it out there ^_^; But I agree that his thinking has evolved and that, IMO, is also proven by his actually taking a brake at the slightest sign of trouble - or well, what I interpret as that - and letting Brian make the call to simplify the program (on the assumption he will follow through >.>). I'm also not sure he ever really sucked, I think it was just not something he was used to. Plus cultural differences. So it was probably a learning process. But I agree that they seem to be in a really good place now, communication wise.
  22. That, too, yes. Lack of practice might also be why Yuzu said so-so. Because he doesn't like it that he didn't get to practice and feels a little less prepared than he would have otherwise. Also, while I agree that Yuzu learns from his mistakes, it's also a lot easier to say: I'll take care of myself, I won't overtrain, I won't push myself pointlessly etc. and it's a lot harder to actually do it, when you've spent years and years doing exactly that. Habits are hard to break, so I wouldn't put it past him to have re-lapsed, but stopping at a little pain and letting Brian make the call are good signs he's trying at least. (Re-lapses happen, let's not blame him too much if they happen to him, too.) (ETA: I just noticed I became 4Lo Me, a lurker by definition... Yuzu, the things you make me do...)
  23. Actually, now that I've read the Brian comment myself, I feel a lot less panicky. From what I understand, he says that last week Yuzu felt a little bit of pain, so he took a break from practice. And that it's not a big problem, but by his - Brian's decision - he'll compete in this first competition with a slightly simpler program. It is somewhat different to what we're used to, but I think it's great they had Yuzu take a break as soon as there was a little bit of pain and I guess the rest is Brian taking all responsibility upon himself. The he's ok might have come after the first statement about pain, when everyone went: "EH??? He's injured??" Or at least that would make sense. For all we know, the pain could be gone by now and the simpler program will be just to be safe.
  24. I think it's the Team Cricket logo on a red background... or at least it looks like it.
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