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Everything posted by KatjaThera

  1. Hmm I have a few, but hadn't noticed the poster issue... then again I try not to look at the posters too much... I had planned to frame up the AnAn poster and the traditional wear one in the small space I have left, but now I hesitate because I have so many great posters...
  2. On the cover yes... those sharp angles on his face... where's the baby fat? But the posters... the posters...
  3. Though it's probably better I'm no longer in Japan. I have no more room for posters in my room!! (and some 10 Yuzu posters I'd want to put up, if I did...)
  4. Now why didn't I think of that? That's only marginally more expensive than the Phiten set I got... (though there was still the issue of taking the futon home...) (And I don't know why, I feel like there should be something new Yuzu today... Oh and tomorrow I might try to get the courage to give a swan to my Japanese teacher. Since she's sort of responsible for getting me into Yuzu )
  5. The reason they don't name him may be because they might know who they have to ask for permission... technically, his name is a brand name by now, but since he doesn't have an agency who handles his promo, they might not know who to ask. So rather than take a chance and hope nobody comes after them, they rather don't use it (especially when it's obvious enough). Although he has sort of publicly endorsed both Seimei and Yuzuruha shrines by making his visits there public, byproducts that result in financial gain using his name are subject to legal issues, I think...
  6. I think if he'll stay in Toronto, they'll definitely do something for him, there, with all of their family atmosphere... Might be awkward for him, as he wouldn't be used to it But it'd be cute...
  7. I'll try next week and let you know if I survive (I will not use as much chocolate as he did, though...) And I woke up to the news he's back in Toronto. Very happy to hear that. He's in good hands now and I expect everything to get back to according to the plan.
  8. Just a quick update from zombie land... remember how Yuzu got a fever after his flight to Japan? Well I got one, too, today ^_^; and I don't usually get fever, nor do I have asthma or so to make my physical condition more delicate. No worries, I won't be jumping any quads though lol (And actually the fever is gone by now, but I still feel so crappy, I haven't even unpacked yet. Anyway, bottom line is I found out through personal experience it's possible to get a fever just from fatigue ^_^ (that and I'm channeling Yuzu too much...)
  9. I think it's been around since the beginning of the year or so... And I'm ready to bet that's an opinion piece, from its column format. But too tired to dry to figure out what it says...
  10. Thank you. The next is just around two hours at least... Last year I pretty much slept through it, as there was an empty seat next to me and I could actually move. From Japan, I had seats that wouldn't lean back... In themselves not that uncomfortable, but... yeah. (And although I normally love German food, the sandwiches/rolls they sell in airport mini markets are just awful... Should have stuck to Pringles... how I wish for an onigiri right now...) Anyway Yuzu... oh at the Lawson near my hotel they were advertising sales for Medalists on Ice. I don't remember exactly, but expensive! PS: It's cold here *wants his hot chocolate*
  11. Catching up a bit while being a zombie during my layover. If we compare craziness, I guess traveling for aprox 20 hours plus to and 20 hours plus from to see him and then... not see him counts lol But I have my luggage full of Yuzu stuff, so I will not regret it. I had hoped to see all sorts of Yuzu stuff around Haneda, as it's ANA's home, but there was nothing >.< Didn't even see that bag tag people identified on his bag in Russia (it probably sold out lol). I guess they're pretty serious in sponsoring him without asking for anything in return. Oh, but there was this: Oh and speaking of Yuzu goods, aside from taking home a little bottle of hot yuzu drink (just the bottle...), I also got dissolve in water yuzu vitamin drinks, dried and candied yuzu and yuzupan... But I actually love the flavor of yuzu, even without the connection (as I think I mentioned in the NHK thread, I also got ingredients to re-create Yuzu's hot chocolate recipe...) And done... back to zombying now... (it was such a weird flight... I couldn't keep my eyes open, but I couldn't really sleep either, as I couldn't get comfortable and my body hurt... I lost count how many times I woke up in 11 plus hours, but still the time passed pretty quickly... but if I look at the floor now, it's dancing ^_^; I'm so tired my eyes can't focus. Drinking energy drinks. Because fresh from Japan. Can't decide if to eat left ovet yuzupan. And sorry for the randomness, nobody I know is awake at this hour ^_^; Or wait, I think they are... )
  12. I know what you mean, but I want him to blow everyone's minds at Olys. Of course, if he gives us two GPF2015 that would be awesome (and I would certainly die a happy death in Milan lol)
  13. Ah, ok then. It did seem a bit weird they'd claim to know what Yuzu is feeling. And I think @Joey is right and he had other plans that were set back by the accident and everything else that 2014-2015 season. So he may have done them earlier. But it doesn't matter anymore. I wonder what the atmosphere is going to be in Toronto next week... Javi's plan has proved functional so far, somewhat. He won over Yuzu, Nathan and Shoma twice this season, without having to be perfect, even if he's not going to GPF either. I wonder if this might give Brian more arguments in encouraging Yuzu to go along with his plan - no 4Lz - than his own. On the other hand, my impression is judges aren't as strict with Javi as they are with Yuzu, so their cases are still different. Either way, I hope it will fire him up in a good way... (I want Nationals to be the equivalent of NHK 2015 and Olympics the equivalent of GPF 2015 And he needs to do short in the team event, so as not to risk his Seimei :P)
  14. I have to wonder a bit how does Max know what Yuzu feels/felt... As far as I know, Yuzu doesn't really do interviews not in Japanese - or does them very rarely - and if that's insider info, it seems a bit rude to reveal it like this, when Yuzu himself has never spoken about it (and wouldn't, because it'd go against his usual style). That said, I'm pretty sure he is aware of the scoring issues. He's the type who sees a bigger picture than everyone else. So I'm sure he has taken that into consideration. But I also don't think he's the type to agonize over it. He acknowledges it and searches for ways to conquer it. On top of that, I doubt he would not have been tempted by 4Lz anyway. He wants all quads. Would he have taken the risk this season? Who knows. But he is not being forced to add it. He wants it and this gives him a good reason to add it. Bottom line is, we agonize about judging, but I don't think Yuzu does. It's not like him. He might think it's unfair at times, but he doesn't complain about it. And that is one of the great things about him, from a fan's POV - especially when there are so many things to complain about. So for Max to come and sort of complain on his behalf, it bugs me a bit. ^_^; (I just stumbled upon a bit of the earlier this season talk of 4A on Facebook and I have to say I'm happy there aren't more competitions until the Olympics. The way he talked about it there...)
  15. Funny, I saw exactly the same two, virtually next to each other on my train back to the hotel, now. Yuzu above the door - gave me something to focus on while my feet were killing me not so softly - and Mao next to the door, much smaller. But actually both were smaller than expected I also just saw the P&G CM on TV. I think the grand release date was less about the release and more about when it started airing on TV... (Speaking of which... has the Ghana hot chocolate one aired? Or is it just pictures this time?)
  16. Being clean shaven is the secret to his beautiful spins, as it reduces air friction. And for quads, too! He can do his rotations more effortlessly since he started using Gillette! (I have to go out, or I'll get caught up in the overflowing of imagination going on around here these days )
  17. From what I remember, the previous お母さん、ありがとう CM (in 2014? or earlier?) was longer than the average CM, so that might be the case now, too. (As for Gilette, there are other places he can shave, too, not necessarily face But actually, while I agree it's awkward to be discussing his facial hair and skin imperfections, they also, in a way, make him more real. Less of an untouchable skating god and more of a normal young man.)
  18. Regarding the risking Olympic Gold by going after his skating ideal, I think it's a matter of weighing pros and cons. If he won Olympics with a watered down program, he'd probably regret it, because it's not like him and he'd think of how much more awesome it would have been to win with his ideal program. If he lost Olympics with his ideal program, but made mistakes, he'd regret making mistakes, but would he regret not going for a safer, watered down program? Considering his choices so far this year, I think he's already made up his mind. And all the "skate like myself" comments he's made prove it. He'll stay true to himself and go for his risky ideal and work hard so he doesn't make mistakes. Like I told @SparkleSalad after NHK Gala, I have absolutely no doubt that he CAN do it. I'm just not sure he will. He's not a robot and he makes mistakes and that's part of why it's so exciting - read: bad for one's blood pressure - to watch him. From the first moment of his program to the last, you have no idea what's going to happen. He could splat in the middle of his step sequence, or sit during his sit spin (though, seriously, those are both mistakes he's learned from and never did again). But he can do it. His ideal skate is not impossible for him. It's just a matter of everything falling into place. But this is also why I really wanted him to know we support him no matter what. To us he already is the GOAT and I think I admire him even more that he's going for his ideal over the safer option for OGM (though unlike others, I'm not sure that'd be very safe either; if he lost motivation, he'd be even more prone to mistakes, and even the smallest mistake could spell disaster with the others getting quad candies).
  19. I can confirm those drawings are very accurate. He had his picture taken at the beginning of the last 'wall' of posters, where there were four posters from last year, UA, LGC purple, H&L and Notte stellata. I think he was standing between LGC and H&L. The crutches one was him walking through, looking at posters and the other was at the tables where people could write messages to him. His handwriting on the thank yous was very nice (the Russian almost seemed printed, I didn't even notce it at first). I'm always somewhat amused and intrigued by his handwriting in Japanese, but those were really neat.
  20. There is no way Yuzu will not be going to the Olympics. He'll skate on crutches there if he has to, but he will skate. And there's no way JSF won't send him. Who could they send in his place? Remember Nationals 2014. He won by a big margin with an infection and a bleeding hole in his navel. Shoma has since gotten closer, but I doubt any of the others have, not enough to get a place ahead of him, even if injured. And let's be honest, if this injury had happened at the Olympics, he would have skated through it, gritting his teeth, crying if he had to, but he would not have withdrawn. Unless he absolutely cannot stand, he'll be on the ice in Pyeongchang. It's what he's aimed for his entire career. ETA: they just had a headline about him in the message/news scroll thing in the Shinkansen. I think that he plans to come back at nationals (I only saw Hanyu Yuzuru and all Japan Championship)
  21. Flying is faster, but I wonder if it's also better... air pressure changes and such. But I understand the arguments about going home for a while, as long as it's just a few days. I wonder why he didn't do it as soon as he withdrew, though. Maybe he still had those media obligations, though, who knows. But he's not really an invalid to need that intense taking care of. He just needs to rest his foot and not put weight on it, as far as I can tell. Unless of course, it's worse than that. Also, there's the issue of whether the 10 days rest means complete body rest - i.e. includes whatever the fever was about, IF it was about anything other than tiredness - or it's just for his foot. Because if it's just for his foot, he should continue off-ice training for the rest of his body, not to lose too much muscle mass - consuming proteins can only do so much, I would think. That he can probably do alone, but I'd personally prefer he was doing it in Toronto, under supervision. My own fears aside, I am sometimes a bit surprised at how we all - myself included - tend to readily believe the fan reports that come up about his whereabouts. He was spotted at the Osaka airport. Then he was spotted in Sendai. I'm not saying they're not true, I'm just a bit surprised how quick we are to believe them (a few days ago, someone had said he was in Sendai and we all believed it until we found out today he wasn't). If there are multiple sources, that's one thing, but when it's just one... *shrugs*
  22. The mustache outline was even more visible to me on TV than on the PC screen... To the point it was hard to focus on other things ^_^; And he went to Sendai by plane? I wonder if he really likes flying that much... It'd make much more sense to me to go to Toronto. At least the jetlag/rest/possible health effects of traveling would coincide with the already 10 days of rest. Otherwise, 10 days in Sendai, followed by another couple of days to recover from the trip...>.> The Sendai sighting sounded similar to the Osaka airport one, so I hope it was a misunderstanding, and he's either in Toronto or on his way, still. That said, the Sonia picture is probably old, as, last thing I knew, she was in Spain.
  23. Good to hear Yuzu's doing better! A selfish part of me would love it if he showed up during the gala just to thank everyone etc, but objectively, I think it's great they kept all media away from him since he arrived. One less thing to stress about. I'm now getting ready to head over to the venue. I'll let you know if I notice anything in particular... (actually, knowing Yuzu is watching might bring back some banners ^_^; )
  24. I've been thinking the same about Ghislain. It's unfortunate for everyone, but I do think there's a chance Brian or Tracy would have recognized things. It's a bit like a teacher or a babysitter vs parents. When even if the teacher or babysitter does notice something is wrong, they lack the confidence or authority to impose themselves and correct the issue. I'm not sure even Tracy is as imposing as Brian. (Yuzu has actually shown signs of depending on Brian even before. He seems to not feel comfortable when Brian is not around. Brian mentioned something like that last year and then there was WTT. Of course, even if Brian had been there, the fall and the injury might still have happened. But you can't help but wonder... and how much they all must wonder, too.) I'm not surprised stubborn Yuzu appeared again. It's in his nature to be like that. But I think Brian has learned to control that side of him, compromise here and there, so it'll still be quite ok...
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