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Everything posted by KatjaThera

  1. I think you're right, but I would add one more thing and that is that the others lacked Yuzuru's long-time planning and big picture seeing skills. Of course, we can't know how much of his development was really planned ahead, but he always aimed for Sochi and Pyeongchang and made choices along the way so as to be ready for those. I think that contributed to his being able to take it a bit more slowly. For example, he didn't have to do quads in his first senior season, but worked hard over the Summer to get 4T. Then moved to Canada to get and stabilize 4S. He knew that without those, and since PCS takes time to develop, his chances of beating Chan - who had the highest PCS - were small. Of course, in Canada he found Brian who argued that improving PCS would also improve jump stability, and that brought him to a higher level from both points of view by Sochi, but he still wasn't at Patrick's level. Admittedly, the 4S didn't do him any good, but the 4T stability, plus the other jumps helped. Bottom line is he'd known, from four years earlier, what he needed to do to have a chance at the Olympics. By comparison, others seem to be improvising as they go, hence the rush to get all the quads ASAP, as if they didn't know Oly happens every four years. (To be fair though, I haven't followed them, so I could be wrong and they have been preparing.)
  2. I've actually been searching for the ice show thread recently, but couldn't find it anymore... Could you link it here, so I can bookmark it, please?
  3. I don't remember the exact title, but I think she's either the head of ANA's skating program or was even referred to as a coach... either way, as far as I remember she's in Yuzu's team, representing ANA. What her role is exactly, I don't know. Maybe someone else can shed more light...
  4. Yuzu is 13cm taller than Shoma and only 2kg heavier... that's the part that has me the most... (and same height as Keiji, but 13kg lighter...)
  5. It includes Massimo Scali, so it's not just Japanese team members. I remember that interview where Brian said he went to Rostelecom with accreditation from another federation, to leave room for others in Yuzu's team. I wonder if there's a limited number of people they can take along. (Technically, Yuzu has Brian, Tracy and Shirota, aside from Kikuchi, as well, that he should normally have along.) But Brian did have both Japanese and Spanish jackets in Sochi. (He'll need Korean this year, too.) That's just men.
  6. The post definitely says he's in Toronto, but it's also possible he didn't cook it, but rather put it together from ingredients bought in Japan (this was right after WTT I think) or even in Toronto. I bought frozen takoyaki in London a couple of years ago, that just needed microwaving and seasoning. I'm sure ramen ingredients can be found in Toronto, so it'd be just a matter of putting them together. It still looks great, though! As for fan accounts, to be fair, even EDEA lists a fan account as his official one, so... But it's so annoying when professionals do things like this!
  7. Didn't Javi post on his instagram this last (I keep forgetting it's 2018 >_<) Summer that he was eating ramen, after getting back to Toronto? I was wondering if he made it or not, since it wasn't in a restaurant or one of those pour water and wait bowls. ETA: found it. It does kind of look too good to be home made... and there's takoyaki, too... Now I'm hungry
  8. Ah, thank you very much for the clarification! I thought there would be more, since she is part of his team now, too... but in that case, I think I'll skip buying it and save the money for other things ^_^; But thank you for sharing information from it!
  9. Much better, though if true, it'd probably result in a huge death toll among us fans...
  10. Please softly bite your tongue (Since this is Yuzu we're talking about, I refuse to even think such thoughts )
  11. lol it's ok, I think we're all a little trigger happy now...
  12. Now I'm tempted to buy this one, too... >_< My impression had always been that it was Yuzu who wanted TCC and it's the first time I hear there were other options and that they were given to him by Shirota. Then again, Yuzu said he liked TCC after reading about the club and its facilities, so it could be that the reading was of whatever Shirota had provided... (then again it's not the first time we have information that doesn't seem to fit what we knew before). And I think he was bound to have health problems adjusting to a new environment no matter what, but maybe in Toronto they were less bad than they would have been elsewhere... Who knows... But I can't imagine how he would have worked with other coaches... Or how he would have performed without someone like Javi to motivate and help him get the images he needed when training. (Then again I'm not sure what other skaters were at the other clubs. But I doubt Patrick would have worked as well as Javi...) (and a bit OT, I had a little heart attack at Hydro's reaction to the wedding dress, as I saw that before seeing what the post was about and thought "Oh, sh..., bad news?!" I guess I'm more panicky than I thought...)
  13. I want to believe it's Yuzu himself, because everyone respecting his wish would show great support and a great relationship with those around him.
  14. OT, but I fully advise that, re: colourful pens. It makes studying more fun, and as you re-write, you end up reviewing the study material, too. I did that for my math classes in high school and that was pretty much the only studying I ever did (well, I also did my homework, unlike other classmates) and was top in my class. So I am very confident of it as a top learning method. (I was really happy when I saw Yuzu uses colors too lol)
  15. Actually, as far as we know (unless I missed something), he'll get his first phone lol (It's one of my random curiosities, whether he's finally 'graduated' to phones or not... but I guess with this he'll definitely get one. As far as I know, Samsungs are rare in Japan, though. Most people seem to have iPhones or local brands there. Mine is a J5/2016, from work, but it does its job lol)
  16. Some people have that mysterious power to enable you to speak to them calmly, even though normally you'd be a nerve wreck. I'm not that surprised she's one such person... I do love her lol *is tempted to hunt down the people behind Team Brian and ask them to approach Tracy, too; downside is it'd be in Japanese again lol*
  17. Don't feel bad, I think it's good to realistically consider negative possibilities, too. I wouldn't say I feel calm, but I'm quite positive... Still, the Universe has to love Yuzu a bit for everything to work out right, so... *fingers crossed*
  18. Awww... now I want to meet her in Milan... somehow lol Since we're talking books, I want a Tracy book, too!
  19. Well, technically, she's his coach, too lol Tracy's expression is kind of interesting, too lol (Totally OT, am I the only one who is always a bit in awe of just how good Tracy looks all the time? lol)
  20. Ok, research result: Team Brian Team Brian 2 Yuzuru Method Hanyu Yuzuru Monogatari (had never heard if this before) Men's Figure Skating (e-book) Men's Figure Skating 2 (e-book) Men's Figure Skating 3 (e-book) ^ No idea about these last three, but I think the general figure skating one I saw was along these lines. Only that was physical. The road to Olympic Gold (this is new, to be released on the 18th of Jan.) Read in English Hanyu Yuzuru (this was mentioned here, a while back) Hanyu Yuzuru sayings (that's the one I bought) 羽生結弦 誇り高き日本人の心を育てる言葉 (this is the other one I remembered just vaguely) And there are more if you search on Amazon... "Official" ones are Aoi Honoo, the new one, Team Brian ones. The other new one is apparently by Shirota Noriko, who is in Yuzu's team, so I guess that is also official. And Yuzuru Method is by Yoshie Noguchi who I understand is close to him, but I don't know if I'd call that official, as I think it's still an outside, if detailed look at his career. But I haven't actually read it, so don't take my words for fact. The rest I think are opinions, collections and so on, not much new, if anything at all.
  21. That makes sense. I guess it's a matter of tastes lol I like reading about him, too, but when it comes to Japanese, probably because I'm far from fluent and find reading quite hard, I prefer to focus on his own words, as that's what I want to understand myself the most, without having to rely on translations. But that's just my case. That's true re: too intimate... I still think if he found it in himself - maybe censoring out the more private stuff - it'd be great study material. About the new book, in a way, I don't want to get my hopes up, too much. lol But I think there will be new, interesting stuff... it's Yuzu after all. Honestly, a big part of why I started learning Japanese is because I've realized no matter how good a translator is, some things will always get lost in translation. So I want to understand it myself. But I have recently hit a wall, in that I'm not sure where I stand and where I want to go with this, so I'm relying on translations a bit after all lol Also, English is weird and hard even for those fluent, so... lol There's the two Team Brian books, there is one of Yuzu quotes I bought in November, and there are a couple more, I think... one a more general look at Japanese figure skating, and I'm sure there was one more I can't remember now. These two I'm pretty sure I saw in bookstores in Japan, too. If no one else knows better, I'll do some research and get back to you.
  22. On that point, yes, you are perfectly right. I hope I'm right, too, and he won't be likely to pop when it matters, but if he does, then yes, it's very costly.
  23. I'll have to look over the Japanese description again when I get home... I like what I've read of Brian's book, but it's not exclusively about training Yuzu. I have found myself thinking at times that it has less new info than I expected, but then again, I generally tend to have high expectations lol Following that documentary, what I would love some day - and I think would make a really good reading material for upcoming skaters - would be for Yuzu to publish his training notes...
  24. I think the translation is by someone who doesn't have English as their first language, so it shouldn't be taken literally. In the original description I think the emphasis is that this is book he was involved in, as opposed to other books, like Yuzuru Method or whatever that was called, which are about him, but he wasn't involved in directly. I am however hoping this one might have new interviews, for the book, as opposed to being a compilation of things said originally for other purposes... but I won't hold my breath. But I agree it's a bit misleading. Before getting my own copies, I did wonder if they were autobiographies like Javi's and it was only when I got them that I saw the format. I guess it still fits with him as author because most relevant information comes from him, but... yeah.
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