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Everything posted by KatjaThera

  1. OK, I've never actually started a fan project before, but since the topic has popped up on the General Chat thread, I've been really thinking about it. Brian and the whole TCC team have been very supportive of Yuzu, from the beginning, but especially in the last few months. And with all the hope Brian is giving us nowadays, there is an overflowing of love towards him. And with that awesome Team Cricket trailer, it grew even more so. So the idea is to try to do something to show them how much we appreciate them, their support for Yuzu and all their skaters and so on. Gifts are tricky, because I honestly have no idea what we could get them, and there's the financial issue, too. So I'm thinking more along the lines of gathering messages from fans. We can do that at Worlds in Milan and we could even take messages here and print them (or if you want to handwrite and take pictures, that could maybe work, too). I'm currently thinking a black hard cover, kind of like this: Source And we could write something like "Thank you, Toronto Cricket and Curling Club" in gold somehow (either spraying with a stencil or I could try some gold glitter and glue...). And inside, colored paper, just for some color and to better emphasize the different nationalities and such. I'd prefer A5 to A4, as it's easier to handle, but I'm not sure I can find those in A5 size. I'll look, though. Of course, if anyone else has other ideas - and @Xen also mentioned Nobu and Matsuoka as well, which I'm not sure how we could go about, as I'm not sure we'd find as many people to write messages? Maybe more of a 'letter from PH' for them? - please share them here and let's see if we can do something nice (Also, since I have no experience with fan projects, if someone else steps up with better ideas and organizing skills, I will not mind lol)
  2. He's Japanese, so I'm sure he does. Though showering might also be enough... But the more I hear, the more I wish they would forbid him from staying in the village >_< And they're supposed to be there for how long? >_< And I've always loved Brian, but he's particularly awesome now! (Now I'm thinking of making a separate thread for ideas regarding some type of project to show our gratitude to the TCC team...)
  3. From what I've seen on another site, it's a three pages interview and either the cover, or possibly another page. It could, therefore, be just the cover picture that is older, and the rest is from August... or maybe it's all from 2016, but why publish it now?
  4. I first tried to pre-order on amazon and my proxy told me they have this thing where you must order at least 2000Yen worth of stuff. I didn't have anything else I wanted, so I tried rakuten, found it, but when to pay, they told me it was sold out. (And meanwhile I heard it sold out on amazon, too). Now I wish I had gotten 4 on Amazon...
  5. I hope you're right. It'd be a shame for the 4Lo to continue misbehaving. (I guess 4S was the same with 4Lo in the picture last year, so now 4Lo was like that for 4Lz :P) Something new could be interesting, too. Like I said, the issue would be switching 4Lo - with all its steps and timed entrance and exist - to the beginning, which I'm not sure is that easy. On the other hand, I'm sure he and Shae had plenty of time to discuss such options... maybe... unless he thought it all himself. And just as and FYI, it's sold out on hmv through rakuten as well...
  6. I expected 4lo to be a piece of cake after last season, because he'd gotten so comfortable with it, but he seemed a bit weary with it this season, possibly because of having to train it less, I don't know. Or like I said, I could be projecting, because there were so many pops, it seemed to be badly misbehaving. But the wording in that, with 'maybe 4Lo in FS' sounds like 4Lo is only being considered as a possibility for the FS. He might have been doing the run throughs with the ACI layout, for all we know. It's not ideal, by Yuzu standards, but I think it's less problematic than a toned down FS. I agree that if he takes out the loop as well, we'll all probably die several deaths, having tormenting ACI FS flashbacks. I don't think he'll take it out and I tend to think if he goes WTT layout, he'll decide 4T or 3A in the XX-Lo-3S combination on the spot, depending on how he feels, stamina-wise. It'd make sense, I think, even if potentially risky.
  7. Brian should really know better after dealing with Yuzu for 6 years. If there's a loophole, Yuzu will find it 4S layout sounds likely... that did work great at ACI and if he's nervous about 4Lo (as he seemed to be lately; or maybe I'm projecting), it makes a lot more sense. He might try 4Lo in the FP, though. Maybe WTT layout... (only without 3A as a final jump)? Though having prepared 4Lo as the second jump, it'd maybe make more sense to leave that there and replace the 4Lz with something else. (I think someone suggested 4T instead of 4Lz, to have it be a toe jump as well. Now I'm curious if that'd be easier than 4S... though this should probably go to the Skating thread ^_^; )
  8. Why did he even bother with 2A? lol We already know he can't do that anymore, even when he's in top shape. lol (just kidding) And I hope they're wrong. I don't want him anywhere near the Olympic Village before it's truly necessary with all those horror stories >_< (I also don't actually get why Brian is telling the media this... like there won't be enough mayhem when he comes anyway, even without it being confirmed by his coach...)
  9. Honestly, the loop has seemed so moody this year I was almost less worried about the 4Lz than the 4Lo... But we'll see. It wouldn't be the first time Brian says something and Yuzu comes up with something else. Then again, he does seem far more grounded and grown up, so he might actually choose the sensible thing to do...
  10. "I already read them." What was that about how he should not be reading stuff about himself online? >_>
  11. Cone earth? Actually I don't think I want to know... (I found some flat earth videos once and hovered between LMAO and fear that it might be contagious) And didn't we actually like that tshirt when the first pictures came out? lol I wonder what else we might have gotten tired of if it'd been fed to us so many times...
  12. Pre-order request sent.... but they need to stop or this will become another heavy package! And the release dates keep getting closer to the book release date, too >.< (Also, I could obviously be wrong, because this is Yuzu and his age is impossible to guess, but he looks a bit... younger on the cover? Or maybe it's that jacket that seems big and the hair and makeup... Hmm... Now I'm curious lol Also if it is recent... I want to know his schedule during that week in Japan in August, because it's kind of nuts hw much he's apparently covered then...)
  13. I need to go to Sendai again... I didn't really get to feel that warm city when I went there last year and I really, really want to... I love Sendai loving Yuzu so much... (the other day I was watching that Pandalion support project for Sochi again and it made me cry again...)
  14. Now I had the idea of trying to get some collective gift for Brian and deliver it at Milan... (since there's no time at Oly anymore) But I have no idea what lol (Maybe just take a notebook and gather handwritten messages from fans or so...) ETA: Or actually, not just Brian, but the whole TCC team...
  15. Ah, this reminded me of two more things from Sunday... walking into a bookstore, the first book that caught my eye was a local translation of Winnie the Pooh (I didn't even realize what it was until I read the title lol) and of course, finding the very first Pooh plushie (which I didn't buy in the end... ^_^; )
  16. I think I remember he did say at some point that he knows there are people who hate him, too, but I can't remember when that was or in what context, so I could be wrong. But he's very self aware and very aware of fans, even online ones, despite not having SNS, so I'm sure he knows. He's also too grounded to let it really get to him, especially when there's a much greater outpouring of love towards him, I think. And more but in line with my previous OT moment: last night, my father showed me pictures of a pair of swans swimming on the river behind our countryside house. Signs, signs everywhere!
  17. I think it makes sense to leave room for small changes, depending on what happens this last week. He doesn't have the freedom Nathan does, but he might leave himself the door open for a change or two, depending on how he feels. That said, I'm sure he will have decided the layout by the time he sets foot in Korea - and if Brian has any objections, he'll have to work hard to argue in their favor
  18. It's so frustrating that the only source to provide a "Yuzu's not going to do 4Lz" quote is Kyodo, the one we established generally needs to be taken with a grain or more of salt...
  19. I'm not going to get into layout talks, because I don't have enough experience, but I think the Sochi experience might have come in very handy in making a decision. Because he had 4S then, that wasn't stable but he risked it - and the risk didn't pay off - he will have been able to analyze his own feelings and think about whether his kuyashii was stronger by doing 4S and failing, or if it would have been as bad or worse if he'd skipped the 4S and nailed everything else (except maybe 3F, to have the same scenario). By analyzing this, he should be able to decide whether 4Lz is worth the risk or not. And completely , I am plagued by Yuzu-related signs... on Saturday I went to a mall and stumbled upon a Swan Lake calendar, cactus shaped candles, and an Under Armour shop I had no idea existed here. On Sunday, I went to a Japanese/Asian restaurant and found they had Yuzu lemonade and then also found some great headphones. And now, as I was typing this, the radio started playing Gazebo's I like Chopin... He's EVERYWHERE! (I am NOT complaining, though >_>)
  20. LOL it's entirely possible. Though since Javi is a gamer, too, I'm not sure he'd refuse... Hmm... that's a good question to ask Javi in one of those random Q&As he does sometimes. Sleep or games? Honestly, I think I was happier about this bit of news than about Brian's 100% comments (probably because I was quite optimistic, so it didn't really surprise me ^_^; ). Yuzu always said Javi helps him relax and laugh, so I want them to sit together and laugh and relax and have fun going into the madness! It's only going to get awkward when they arrive and everyone will pounce on Yuzu and poor Javi will be (Now my only worry is that 11 might be too early considering the mess that the Olympic Village seems to be, with infections and flus and so on... Yuzu being a picky eater and probably having his own food along will probably come in very handy this time, but it's still creepy and I wish they'd all skip the village; though that has issues as well, because I understand the competition venues are in the middle of nowhere or so? So requires long car trips...)
  21. On top of this, I want game battles between them on the plane Maybe Yuzu can get Javi into Monster Hunter. It'd be fun, relaxing, and getting them into a competitive spirit!
  22. 16 pages, I think... the cover says 16P... We'll find out tomorrow, anyway (I'm hesitating whether to read gladi's translation of kateigaho or wait for my copy... I'll probably read the translation... my copy is too far away lol)
  23. Considering how much Yuzu has done not just for Japanese Figure Skating in the past 4 years, but Figure Skating in general, people complaining are obviously not worth listening to. On the other hand, I'm sure Shoma would be the first one to roll his eyes and be annoyed at this. Shoma is his own man, not a weakling who needs Yuzu to do stuff a certain way for Shoma to have better chances. (Also, that kind of boggles my mind anyway, because... isn't it better that Shoma had two chances to compete? We had a meltdown because Yuzu's not getting that experience and now people are like 'why are you putting all that on Shoma???' So weird...) Plus, Shoma was perfectly free to skip the TE as well. Keiji would surely have been happy to do it all and it's not like they really have much of a chance. I'm more wondering if we might see Yuzu in the KnC, if he arrives on the 11th and Japan qualifies for the free lol Very unlikely, but imagine the surprise...
  24. Also that they're very confident, Brian believes in him and Yuzu has a lot of confidence, too. The article again says Brian said Yuzu will avoid the lutz, but the quote they have on the topic only says "He is smart. [He knows] what he should do, what is necessary to become Olympic Champion again"
  25. Just to throw more coal on the fire... he has about another week between Brian leaving and his leaving. If he got all his jumps back in four weeks, who knows what else he might get back in another week? (Seriously, that's stretching it, but it's Yuzu, so you never know. I did think earlier it'd be hilarious if he turned out as the only skater to tackle 5 quads... though I doubt Nathan will be fooled into that much security as to go for only 4 quads. But it would be really, really funny!)
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