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Everything posted by Floria

  1. Whatever Brian really said about 4Lz I am 99% sure we'll not see it at the Olympics. Because there are no time left to stabilize it, because of the risk of new injury and the importance of clean skates. Putting it in FS doesn't make much sense at this point. But there is this 1% that I leave for YOLOing Today's news are the best we have got since November.
  2. Yes, and this is why I wonder what kind of strategy is behind it. But honestly when I read that Brian is so surpised that other quads are going well I want to cry tears of joy.
  3. Yes, it seems that he actually didn't say definitely no 4Lz. My guess is that they avoided to practice it because of the strain it puts on the right ankle and therefore the success rate wasn't good enough.
  4. What I still don't understand is why Brian disclosed all this information right now, two weeks before the competition. At Europeans he wasn't allowed to say anything and now it is ok? What's the point of secrecy then?
  5. They aren't trolling us about 4Lz like the last time, are they? Sorry, just kidding. Actually I think it is a wise and the only thing to do given the circumstances.
  6. I would like to hear Brian's exact words about it. Still it is something to be expected.
  7. He did Moulin Rouge actually, the Bolero part. Rachmaninoff, concerto no 2 ETA and any Chopin, of course. Nobody will ever skate to Chopin like him. Nocturne no 20 if we are talking about warhorses.
  8. Or we'll get a glimpse of his new programs for 2018-2019
  9. I'll accept any warhorse if Yuzu skates to it. Actually I already have a list of my favourite warhorses for him
  10. For me live perfomances always have more impact, even imperfect ones or just run-throughs. In that sense I will always remember the first Seimei run-through at ACI 2017. When the StSq section started with those drums I had tears in my eyes...what would I do to get this feeling again...
  11. I think in an ideal world judge's music preferences shouldn't influence PCS but warhorses exist for some reason. Probably with H&L at Worlds it was more a skating order issue than the music itself.
  12. I am still bitter about Worlds H&L 97+ PCS
  13. He never gets high PCS in Canada anyway...Even his ACI Chopin got 48.5. As for Javi, I am starting to feel that judges don't like him as much as last season. It's true, he won GP event, because Shoma did even worse, but he is struggling with his FS still.
  14. There are some really beautiful photos
  15. Brian has arrived (or arriving) to PC today. He will go to Gangneung soon and stay in the Olympic Village. ETA It's an automatic translation, I am not 100% sure. ETA I feel sorry for Jun Hwan but at the same time I am glad that Yuzu chose to stay in Toronto as long as possible with all those flu and extreme cold reports from PC.
  16. I didn't know that Korea participated in Team Event...So no Brian at TCC then.
  17. Now I wonder if Brian will stay in Toronto with him. Brian's other pupils doesn't participate in Team event, except maybe Daleman.
  18. I have just realized that nobody from ladies podium in Sochi participated in Team Event
  19. This. If he does well the pressure to be perfect in the individial will increase exponentially. And if not media will write him off as always.
  20. Sotnikova didn't participate in Team event and had no momentum going to individual. My feeling is that Yuna's scenario will not repeat. And Yuzu set a new WR at his first competition this season. Idk, I was worried about him having perfect perfomances at Team event and then forcing himself to be perfect again in the individual. It makes me remember what happened to Yulia.
  21. OT Brian doing compulsory figures in 1988 I wonder if they practice something like this at TCC since it is not required anymore for competitions
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