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Everything posted by Floria
No idea, I will check it when I get home.
Honestly I would like him to watch ladies since he missed the team event. If JSF and JOC provide enough security of course.
He wanted to get OGM since he was a kid > Sochi 2014 After that he wanted 2nd OGM > PC 2018 Now he wants 4A > ? He always gets what he wants. And remember that Dick Button landed the first 2A.
Prepare yourselves... ETA I am not sure if actual 4A looks like this
I can try to download it from fujitv but I don't know which channel it is. Anyway somebody will post soon I guess.
This is a new interview? It is so difficult to catch up
Does anybody know if the selfie was posted?
Finally caught up, it took almost two days and I still have FS and fluff threads to finish . These Olympics have been probably the biggest rollercoaster of emotions in my life and I am still processing everything that happened in the last three days. Many of the things I wanted to say were already expressed in this thread so I'll try make it short . Second OGM is an amazing achievement by itself, but given the circumstances it is absolutely unbelievable, I am still shaking just thinking about the mental strength it required to fight till the end and win. I believed it was possible since ACI and CoR, somehow these defeats were just small sacrificies on the road to gold. Even after the NHK accident I still thought it possible. And before the competition I had a feeling that everything will fall into place this time, that this gold was destined to be his. Of course I had my doubts and fears, I am quite a negative person actually, very good at predicting bad outcomes, but this time deep at the bottom of my heart I knew that this victory was meant to happen. I was the happiest person in the world until the injury news started coming out. It was devastating at first, but now, after reading all the translations and comments I feel that things are not as bad as I thought initially. Yuzu skated two programs and landed perfectly +3goe jumps on his injured foot, he did difficult spins and steps. Yes, it was pure will and also painkillers, but if his ankle didn't collaborate at all he would not be able to do anything of it, you can only push your body that much. I may be compeletely wrong but for me it means that his ankle is functional although there is a lot of pain. And probably it feels much worse now after the strain he put on it in competition. But there is no damage beyond repair. I can feel his fears in those comments about the injury, but we have to take into account that right now he is extremely tired and emotionally exhausted. He will do everything to recover, he stated clearly that skating is everything to him and there are things he still wants to conquer. Do you remember that genuine happiness to be on ice again at his first practices in PC? This wasn't part of the Brian's plan, it was a sincere joy. He will be fine. Just wait.
Totally agree. Besides he said that stamina after two months off-ice was one of his main concerns, so he is aware of it and surely has worked on it. According to Brian he was doing 2-3 full run-throughs each day. Ngl after seeing his starting number I thought immediately about B*****n, but actually he was second in the last group then, his least favoutite number. Anyway I think it is not a good idea to interpolate that heartberaking experience to what we have right now, I'd say the situation is quite opposite. Please, let's stay positive y send good vibes to Yuzu! Whatever happens tomorrow I wish him to have "dream perfomance on a dream stage".
There are quite a few murderface photos from today's Seimei run-through, just wait a few days more
We'll find out. Soon Sorry, I am just kidding .
I am sure we will get some footage in the evening news if media is allowed at the practice rink.
We don't know if these are Brian's direct words, because other articles reported similar things only with 4Lo being not stable yet. The article isn't new, it's two days old.
ETA Original article in Russian: http://www.sport-express.ru/olympics/pyeongchang2018/figure-skating/reviews/avtorskaya-kolonka-plyuschenko-dlya-se-1369368/ Plushenko says he will talk about Yuzu in one of his next articles.
The take-off for loop is entirely from the right foot, so I think they are taking into consideration the risk of a new injury and therefore limited practice time for it.
iirc he wanted to skate to Chopin and Jeff found Ballade No 1 for him. And POTO also was his decision. I guess after Sochi he always chose music for himself.
I am not sure about trolling because we also have to be realistic with 1(one) month of on-ice training and 2-3 weeks of jumping quads, so Brian probably is saying the truth here. But I have no doubt that all the updates Brian gave us since his arrival are part of the plan and had been discussed beforehand at TCC.