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Fantasy on Ice 2024 in MAKUHARI

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I feel Adam still has not reached the gravitas and nuance to express properly a program that wants to be kinda conceptual and lacking obvious dramatic highlights


Jarvis collab was nice, at least the singer was, for about the skater I was paying more attention to the tourist village shirt 😅 today I'm easily distracted by outfits


OMG aerials look like cosplaying Disney Coco movie but not with the soundtrack, for example the Llorona song is not the movie version, but maybe the original one? Idk

So dramatic with the skeleton  costumes

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LOL one of the guys in the lifting ropes team was wearing a sombrero


Eta: P/C then Stephane then Zu? Idk why the change skating order, it's destabilizing to my countdown🙈 or maybe Stephan has collab with TMrev too?

Not P/C going for all black too😩

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Ok Stephane...in what at first I thought naked torso but is kinda-nude kinda see through tee and purple pants😅

Ok this program look a lot more conceptual art than Adam

ETA and he can pull it off

Music swelling g in later part, some lovely elements accents imo

LMAO what was with the way announcer said Stephane name at the end??😅

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Ok Yuzu time!!!!!!!!

Wait my stream kinda went back and repeated Stephane last part wtf


Oh finally!!!!



Omg I knew I'd be melting as soon as the song started I converted quickly 

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