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Yuzuru Hanyu's ice show "Notte Stellata" 2024


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I wish my stream had actually loaded for the special (sigh) but at least it's working for the full stream! Yay! NS is mesmerising. I have already watched the program when first streamed but my gosh feels like I never did?so breathtaking:tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg: on fresh ice, my eyes were glued to his blades and the ice tracing, it's so beautiful 🥺 also, his arms were killing me



Now the opening

I love the ending morebut the opening is so good too! The music and the choreo! And skaters understood the assignment. NS had such a wholesome, caring mood,unlike any other show (or non-Yuzu show, CiONTU had gorgeous group choreo too)

Oh it froze for a while, glad it resisted till Zu was skating😆

Ahhhh swanyu back on stage (idk why I'm even so surprised, it's not like I've never watched NS or didn't know at the end of the opening he holds a speech...idk it's just swanyu sudden presence still surprised me🙈)

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Various long-winded babbling as I watch


Rika H was always quite a good performer (her Riverdance is famous for a reason), in this program she shows her softness, imo also better than when she competed, less tension in her upper body


I quite like Keiji's program, had some good choreo accents too to match the music, tho at times felt like the music was carrying the performance (not the very last bit but the leading part to it I would have liked more energy)


Violetta is such a charming performer! like Shae in Waka Waka, she really comes through as really enjoying what she does, so she pulls you in


Jason! There's little to say, we know his skills😁 tho I confess for me he is like Patrick Chan, as in, I love their qualities but not my fave (Yuzu aside who us in his own league for me, they don't naturally draw me in as Roman S. or Jun), still lovely to watch. It's a pleasure to see him🥰


Satton with Voilà🥺 she's so sensitive to music and gives nuance to every program

Tbh when this song was competing for Eurovision I was shamelessly rooting for Ukrainian Shum, and being also patriotic a d rooting Maneskin, so I was in no disposition to appreciate the Voilà, but it is a very beautiful song, and certainly good structure for a skating program


Javi doing something he is very good at, a charming character, a bit tongue-in-cheek. You certainly need to have the skill to pull it off convincingly



It feels too soon! I wasn't ready!!

Yuzu always good at contrasting soft vs strong, gentle flow vs dramatic sharpness and shows it here. Omg that beatific smile during the 1st half? Really looks like he's in another world of his own. I wonder if this is why I find his way of performing so entrancing and believable? Looking up, or to the ice, closing his eyes,smiling to himself....it often feels like his skating is something private, not something designed for the eyes of thousands of people, yet of course those programs *are* designed for the audience they will be performed for. Yuzuru doesn't need to "meet" the audience gaze all the times to draw them in, on the contrary, looking at things in his own mind he makes everything feel more true


Oh gosh I love this so much!


I didn't remember the camerawork being so good???? Yet I already watched the program? What is it with all Yuzu things that I see to discover them anew even when I have watched them many times already? Is it because I lose myself in the performance everytime?

Ahhhhh this was so good:tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:


AHHHH Yuzu dancing on screen🥰🥰

Quite the whiplash after Carmina Burana high drama😆

Jeez he's so soft and cute

Also, idk how he looks so tiny a d pocket-size there, but then you see the behind the scenes and he has those tights 😲


I love Violetta x2

I love Satton too! Yet, at the end of this particular program here, I do *feel* that the emotion, however wonderfully portrayed, is a performance. Idk when watching Yuzu going to the final pose of NS, or HYK, Requiem, Danny Boy...it feelslikehe was entranced too, not only me watching him,as if he, like me, is waking up from the mystical world the program belonged to and coming back to the present.

Idk,I can't explain coherently 


Beautiful Akiko:tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg: she is one of those skaters that I always like watching, still thanking FaOI for making me discover her

My stream gives slight signs of wanting to freeze, Zu approaching

Yep it's now freezing on Mao's musical number, sigh

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My gosh


One of those programs that has me in mystical silence from start go end


There's that little sequence,about halfway,of notes one after the other punctuated by arms movements and it's so simple yet so powerful? So emotional?

In FS, I'm always been firmly in the camp of "look at the feet!" when evaluing a program but gosh if a well done upper body choreo doesn'tleave is mark! (And anyway there's also plenty of blade choreo in Danny Boy😁). Really really love DB:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

Gosh was the camerawork always so good? I have not one complaint 



My fave ending! That InaBauer with those lovely, lovely moves to enrich it killed me softly :10742290:

Oh no freezing for a moment...and back! The greetings are always so bittersweet, why must it come to end?🥺 I miss Yuzu already! Yes, despite nothing one but two streams today! Even if I must still watch RE_PRAY Yokohama day1 and tomorrow starts the archive viewing for Miyagi🥺 I want more🥺

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3 hours ago, EisElle said:

Yuzu always good at contrasting soft vs strong, gentle flow vs dramatic sharpness and shows it here. Omg that beatific smile during the 1st half? Really looks like he's in another world of his own. I wonder if this is why I find his way of performing so entrancing and believable? Looking up, or to the ice, closing his eyes,smiling to himself....it often feels like his skating is something private, not something designed for the eyes of thousands of people, yet of course those programs *are* designed for the audience they will be performed for. Yuzuru doesn't need to "meet" the audience gaze all the times to draw them in, on the contrary, looking at things in his own mind he makes everything feel more true


I'm not sure why, but the above reminded me of what Carol Lane once said (IIRC it was in Pyeongchang, pertaining to Yuzuru skating Chopin) - she said that Yuzuru is like a prince in a glass castle that you can watch (you can't take your eyes off him), but you cannot touch. This is paraphrased/non-verbatim.


Regarding the behind-the-scenes look at Yuzuru's training - I am amazed at his duality, really. In the gym, wearing training clothes, he looks so fit/trim/hard-muscled. But when he's wearing his costumes/performing/skating, he looks so soft and fluffy. I don't know how to describe it better. But of course, he looks good either way :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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