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I am proud of the Fanyus.

From all corners of the world, we send the same, numerous and profound birthday thoughts to Yuzu - it's impossible for him not to believe our sincerity.
Fanyus overcome all hurdles and help each other to get a ticket for a show that we knew nothing about apart from the title and the main character.
In a sold-out venue, Fanyus can hold back to allow him absolute focus and then sing Happy Birthday together.
December 7th was a day to smile.


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51 minutes ago, DancingFeather said:

I am proud of the Fanyus.

From all over the world, we send the same, numerous and deep birthday thoughts to Yuzu - it is impossible that he does not believe in our sincerity.
Fanyus overcame all obstacles and helped each other to get a ticket to a show that we knew nothing about except the title and the main character.
In a sold-out hall, Fanyus can restrain himself to allow himself absolute concentration and then sing Happy Birthday together.
December 7th was a day to smile.



:headdesk:   and  :agree: with you@ Dancing Feather birthday wished worldwide, but as a fanyu I should wait here for a video of this show (just by reading CRs, I expect some  :2thumbsup: :heartpound: :665e343793b9: :loveshower:) plus its costumes OMG splendid and futuristic : this navy blue :peace2:


Here is the press conference broadcast by TV Asahi, of course translatable and some comments that I had translated are all UNANIMOUS :thanks:



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On 11/30/2024 at 2:54 PM, Yukok said:

I read the storybook. It's both philosophical and novel, and it's hard to believe that it was written by an athlete. I'll buy the English version at the venue. I hope it's translated well.

Yuzu is a person who is extremely skilled in choosing the right words. So why have I never thought of him as a potential fiction writer? Silly me …

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On 11/17/2024 at 3:51 PM, Yuzurella said:


This runs in the same vein. Gone are the days when Yuzu filled huge arenas during figure skating competitions. Back then, trying to get a ticket to a competition with Yuzu was a blood bath. The atmosphere was electric, the excitement palpable.


Nowadays, the venues are much smaller and even those are half empty. By underscoring and mistreating Yuzu and thus driving him out of competitions, the ISU also drove out the majority of those money-paying, ticket-buying fans. I have to admit I miss the excitement and thrill of competitions, but I absolutely do not miss the heartache and disappointment of unfair scoring.


Like Yuzu, we have moved on to greener, brighter, more loving, more positive pastures. :loveshower:

Exactly. This year when I learned that they had turned Finlandia Trophy into a GP event I couldn’t help missing 2018 Helsinki GP. Although it would have fit perfectly with my schedule this year and I have free accommodation now that my daughter has moved to Finland, I would never consider going to the arena anymore for a GP event.

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On 12/6/2024 at 4:07 PM, Yuzu_legend said:


Thank you for this wonderful livestream! I had so much fun watching it live and rewatching it with a family member. So many wonderful wishes, personal stories and ideas! After today’s show (I hope I’ll still manage to get a ticket for the archive) I hope Yuzu will find the time to watch the video and enjoy our birthday wishes. 😊

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