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On 11/13/2023 at 12:00 AM, Perelandra said:

A thousand thanks to Sarah

Busy Bee with 4 parts of translation/ subtitles for those of us not yet fluent in Japanese








This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].

Thanking Sarah so much for sharing and translating! 🙏🏻😊 His determination and sense of  responsibility makes me gulp hard. Also what he said about the future. I hope he knows how much he is loved and supported. 

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I've been meaning to point this out for some time.  Could one of the reasons Yuzu is so popular, in additiona to his mastery of skating and his ready empathy with others, be that the shape and quality of his face matches the vast majority of manga and anime heroes.  That the gracefully pointed chin, the shape of his face like an upside-down triangle, the lack of beard shadow, all these contribute to an image that, when connected to the actual figure doing those marvelously graceful and powerful things on a pair of narrow blades moving across the icy surface.  It makes the notion of Yuzu as some kind of heavenly being, more than a living legend, but rather a living myth.  It wouldn't take much to depict Yuzu in comics or on screen as a superhero.  In the eyes of many fanyus he already is.  But the fact that Yuzu exudes this aura of godlike grace and majesty makes him an idol to his fans and so frustrates the anti-Yuzu cult.  Try as they might they can't tear him down, and the reason is simple.  Yuzu is the real thing.

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And not just the face--the body is very important too, I think, with proportions about as close to a manga hero as a real human being could be. The superb skill, displayed by an ideally shaped body AND with the stunning, expressive face, is just a mind-blowing combination.

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4 hours ago, micaelis said:

I've been meaning to point this out for some time.  Could one of the reasons Yuzu is so popular, in additiona to his mastery of skating and his ready empathy with others, be that the shape and quality of his face matches the vast majority of manga and anime heroes.  That the gracefully pointed chin, the shape of his face like an upside-down triangle, the lack of beard shadow, all these contribute to an image that, when connected to the actual figure doing those marvelously graceful and powerful things on a pair of narrow blades moving across the icy surface.  It makes the notion of Yuzu as some kind of heavenly being, more than a living legend, but rather a living myth.  It wouldn't take much to depict Yuzu in comics or on screen as a superhero.  In the eyes of many fanyus he already is.  But the fact that Yuzu exudes this aura of godlike grace and majesty makes him an idol to his fans and so frustrates the anti-Yuzu cult.  Try as they might they can't tear him down, and the reason is simple.  Yuzu is the real thing.


TBH I fell for him from Youtube skating vids and then months later watching anime with my daughter I realized his similarity to an anime character.  And now whenever I watch anime I am very conscious of this or that character looking like Yuzu. So, for me, they look like Yuzu, not Yuzu looks like anime characters. It is a lovely convergence. 


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11 minutes ago, MarnieF said:


TBH I fell for him from Youtube skating vids and then months later watching anime with my daughter I realized his similarity to an anime character.  And now whenever I watch anime I am very conscious of this or that character looking like Yuzu. So, for me, they look like Yuzu, not Yuzu looks like anime characters. It is a lovely convergence. 


His expressive face is another magnetic aspect of Yuzu.  The range and intensity of emotion that he shows facinates me, pulls me in, lifts my spirit when he shows joy, worries me when he looks angry, tugs at my heart when he looks sad.  His performances are riveting to watch for all these reasons - the skill, the musicality, the creativity, the small gestures as well as dramatic moves, the lightness of his landings. . . SO MUCH makes him irresistible.

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4 hours ago, MarnieF said:

His expressive face is another magnetic aspect of Yuzu.  The range and intensity of emotion that he shows facinates me, pulls me in, lifts my spirit when he shows joy, worries me when he looks angry, tugs at my heart when he looks sad.  His performances are riveting to watch for all these reasons - the skill, the musicality, the creativity, the small gestures as well as dramatic moves, the lightness of his landings. . . SO MUCH makes him irresistible.

The expressive face and hand movement at the end of A Fleeting Dream: RE. Yuzu performing the mime of finding the feather cherishing it close to his heart and letting it fly away. Very poignant given the latest announcement, reminiscent of the proverb. My dearest hope and wish for Yuzu is that all of the good and kindness that he has put forward into the world will be given back to him.


“If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours. If not, it was never meant to be,”


edit: typos


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10 hours ago, micaelis said:

I've been meaning to point this out for some time.  Could one of the reasons Yuzu is so popular, in additiona to his mastery of skating and his ready empathy with others, be that the shape and quality of his face matches the vast majority of manga and anime heroes.  That the gracefully pointed chin, the shape of his face like an upside-down triangle, the lack of beard shadow, all these contribute to an image that, when connected to the actual figure doing those marvelously graceful and powerful things on a pair of narrow blades moving across the icy surface.  It makes the notion of Yuzu as some kind of heavenly being, more than a living legend, but rather a living myth.  It wouldn't take much to depict Yuzu in comics or on screen as a superhero.  In the eyes of many fanyus he already is.  But the fact that Yuzu exudes this aura of godlike grace and majesty makes him an idol to his fans and so frustrates the anti-Yuzu cult.  Try as they might they can't tear him down, and the reason is simple.  Yuzu is the real thing.


I grew up with anime/manga and the first ting that caught my eye with Yuzu was his anime-like body (not his face). Because of him I tried to watch the entire men's figure skating but none of the other competitors captured me. Only Yuzu. He's been called an alien, a celestial being, a superhero etc. I finally saw him live at Saitama for Repray, and even from far away I could see & appreciate his godlike body line. He's so unreal.





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