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On 4/11/2023 at 9:16 AM, anniered said:

I'm happy someone posted that. I was there yesterday too but I'm clueless about posting photos. The nemophila looks lovely and the area was much bigger than I thought it was going to be. The last very few 🌸 were pretty. There were a few people around taking photos. It was a lovely sunny day like today. Sendai looks beautiful with all the trees and a lot of blossom is still around. Yuzu's tree seems to be an early bloomer like him. 


Of course we would also be happy to see your photos too.🌸 🌸For uploading you can use imgur for example.




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I was able submit. Initially tried to club few questions in a single form but got an error so submitted mutiple forms each with one question. Also I think there is a restriction on the wordcount for the last question. 


All 5 questions are required fields. When you submit it will exactly tell you which questions data have issues

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1 hour ago, YuzuJay said:

I was able submit. Initially tried to club few questions in a single form but got an error so submitted mutiple forms each with one question. Also I think there is a restriction on the wordcount for the last question. 


All 5 questions are required fields. When you submit it will exactly tell you which questions data have issues

Thank you very much! I managed to send my questions when I came down to less than 200 signs. That was a bit of a challenge though 😅 Anyway, I had to split my questions and submit them separately.

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I might’ve missed this but does anyone happen to stumble upon analysis of One Summer’s Day? Usually there’s a lot of people sharing their interpretations of Yuzu’s programs. Only this time I’m too distracted to notice. If there’s any please let me know :tumblr_inline_mfy936EPNF1qid2nw:

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On 4/9/2023 at 5:18 PM, Spencyinfiniti said:

Hi, everyone:heart:. It's my first time posting here on PH. I have been mostly lurking and I really enjoy all the yuzu's updates here.

I have known Yuzu as an incredible skater before PYC Olympics and but started to follow his career during the pandemic. His LMEY sp at Worlds was the first skate I ever watched through live-streaming. I was blown away and the rest is history.


I was lucky enough to watch him live in TD back in February. It was truly an unbelievable experience to watch him skate in person. His grace and elegance, the smoothness of his glides and the landings of his jumps are otherworldly. 


Just wondering if there is anyone having issue with their Prologue goods from WorldShopping? I have received a shipping notification from WS on March 29 with a tracking number from ECMS. I have written to both ECMS who claimed that they never received the parcel from WS and WS insisted that they have shipped the parcel from their warehouse fulfillment centre. The tracking status has since remained as 'Virtual Manifest has been received by carrier' for more than 10 days now. I am so sad as the replies from both parties aren't helping at all and they seem to be done with me. I have also tried to reach out to them via Twitter but without any luck. Seeing fellow fans from all over the world overjoyed with their Prologue parcels while I am stuck in a limbo not knowing what else I could do or if I would ever see the parcel. I would appreciate if anyone have any suggestion or advice for me.

I hope you found your answer here. 


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1 hour ago, Sammie-s said:

I hope you found your answer here. 


Hi and thanks , Sammie-s for the update:heart:. WS eventually got back to me after a series of email correspondence. For some reason, my package was not shipped at all to the courier (despite they insisted that they did initially on 3/29) and it wasn't part of the 4/3 and 4/8 orders they were talking about. So yeah, it was messy and stressful days. But it got sorted out now and the package is on its way. Glad that I reached out to them after a week of no update with the provided tracking number. :noshake:


I cant wait to receive my package!!



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