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The sad thing is that, even if we're pleased at this retribution for what they did to Yuzu, figure skating overall will suffer. Rinks will close, fewer people will choose competitive skating as a possible career choice. It will become harder for the next really good skater to get backing or be noticed. Yuzu may be the last great skater to be widely known and (justly) celebrated. Who do they have today? Not much. The last competitive season was unimpressive, which was reflected in anemic ticket sales. Will ISU learn from this? Who knows? 

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2 hours ago, fenraven said:

The sad thing is that, even if we're pleased at this retribution for what they did to Yuzu, figure skating overall will suffer. Rinks will close, fewer people will choose competitive skating as a possible career choice. It will become harder for the next really good skater to get backing or be noticed. Yuzu may be the last great skater to be widely known and (justly) celebrated. Who do they have today? Not much. The last competitive season was unimpressive, which was reflected in anemic ticket sales. Will ISU learn from this? Who knows? 


In the year 1666 ACE, a great fire burned through London, the old and foetid wooden housing was razed to the ground, the Plague of that year was all but eradicated. London rose like a Phoenix from the ashes of destruction, rebuilt by the great genii of their time - Sir Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoore and the less well known Bartholomew Langley. The new buildings were designed by men of vision and helped to welcome in an Age of Enlightenment. 


Perhaps that is what will be needed now.

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1 hour ago, fenraven said:

Something needs to shake up the old guard, though I wouldn't wish for an all-consuming fire. :) 

You are taking this far too literally. Maybe a historical event from centuries ago was a poor analogy.

Metaphorically speaking sometimes rebuilding requires radical deconstruction, before a meaningful new start can take place. The opportunity to create for the future should never be wasted, 

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21 minutes ago, Perelandra said:

You are taking this far too literally. 

I was joking. Hence the smiley face. I understood what you meant. A phoenix, after all, dies and rises from the ashes, newly reborn, young and strong again. 

One never knows the changes destruction can bring about, for good or ill. History is full of examples on both sides. 

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9 hours ago, Yuzurella said:


I'm afraid this will become even worse from now on. I think in the last couple of years, including last season, many countries and cities were willing to host figure skating events because of their success. And that was, of course, mainly because of Yuzu. He was the one who was responsible for ticket blood baths and sold out venues. Organizers could sell out their venues even at ridiculously high prices and they and the ISU made some nice profits due to Yuzu's popularity.


Obviously, Yuzu as figure skating's cash cow is a thing of the past. The empty seats at competitions last season were a glaring proof of the descent of this formerly beautiful sport into complete irrelevance without Yuzu. Even at the World Championships in Japan, there were plenty of empty seats.


For the ISU, the fat years, the money, and the popularity brought by Yuzu are over. It's too bad for this fundamentally beautiful sport that got destroyed by corruption. But after what the ISU did to Yuzu and other athletes for so many years, I watch everything that's coming to them with Schadenfreude.


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13 hours ago, Perelandra said:

iirc Palavela, Torino did not recoup costs and one of the proposed event venues in France has now declined to act as host for future comp. Sources may not be wholly reliable as these were just snippets of info gathered from twt posts

Ah, that one (Torino) looked miserable even on screen so I'm not surprised.

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Hanyuconomy from Dec 2018


Income generation on this scale will not be seen again from amateur FS


As many people will recall, the Mayor of Oshu made a public gratitude notice for the festival atmosphere and the positive publicity brought to the region from hosting SOI this year. The difference is startling. Similar financial phenomenon occurred for Prologue, Hachinohe. The hospitality sector benefitted hugely. As was also discussed regarding Oshu, the Hayabusa Shinkansen service does not usually have a scheduled stop at Oshu. The service stopped at Oshu for SOI only to help with those needing super fast train service on the Tokyo - Tohoku line. Oshu is served by the Shinkansen, just not the super fast service with the luxury Gran Class carriage. 

People wanting to see Yuzu generates demand for hospitality and transport services, plus gifts and sundry purchases. All of this commercial activity during a global 'cost of living crisis' is an enormous contrast to the usual non Yuzu ice shows.

Ice show income also boosts the coffers of the respective Federations and publicity agencies, as they take a commission from skaters show fees, if they are active

competitively and therefore members of their national federations.

This is 'old news' but it is still relevant info. 

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guys i have a idea for yuzu's youtube channel. I know he just use his youtube channel for share his skating but since we know he has a massive obsession for earphones/headphones. (im a kinda audiophile just like him) If we want a video from him to talk about his collection, fav brand and preferences on sound qualitiy, EQ stuff maybe he  can have fun to share it with us. and of course we would very like to see him talking enthusiastically and being a nerd of anything else he is interested in. (at least i would like to)

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