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General Yuzuru Chat

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This is the best day ever for me! The live Yuzu appearance was out of nowhere and I thought to give it a go and send a question in.

It got shown! Not sure if Yuzu answered or not, but I don't think so.


And still, doesn't matter, because he now knows for sure he has fans from places he might've never thought his name would reach 🥺


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2 minutes ago, LiaRy said:

This is the best day ever for me! The live Yuzu appearance was out of nowhere and I thought to give it a go and send a question in.

It got shown! Not sure if Yuzu answered or not, but I don't think so.


And still, doesn't matter, because he now knows for sure he has fans from places he might've never thought his name would reach 🥺



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I will be stuck on some of the information we got today for at least a week!!! 

Things we got the gist but he actually confirmed like: he is into science and stem oriented subjects - he said that his mind is “math-oriented” lol and that he is nocturnal!! No “morning routines” for Yuzu, just waking up in time for dinner.


Also the ice show in Sendai yyyeeesss I’m so excited!! 

20 minutes ago, LiaRy said:

This is the best day ever for me! The live Yuzu appearance was out of nowhere and I thought to give it a go and send a question in.

It got shown! Not sure if Yuzu answered or not, but I don't think so.


And still, doesn't matter, because he now knows for sure he has fans from places he might've never thought his name would reach 🥺





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Guest turquoiseblue
34 minutes ago, LiaRy said:

This is the best day ever for me! The live Yuzu appearance was out of nowhere and I thought to give it a go and send a question in.

It got shown! Not sure if Yuzu answered or not, but I don't think so.


And still, doesn't matter, because he now knows for sure he has fans from places he might've never thought his name would reach 🥺



Congratulations @LiaRy :tumblr_inline_mqt4gvxxtJ1qz4rgp: I'm very happy for you :10742289:

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