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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. TenChi in Spring time earthy colours. The painting style reminds me of Degas, which is quite apt as many of the painting subjects featured dancers. Yuzu is equally as elegant.
  2. @Pammi This is last chance saloon for certain quarters to make money, they won't pass up the last opportunity. It Is also possible that the photos for the Team book had already been taken prior to Yuzu announcing his move to pro Athlete. The photos were most likely taken prior to or around the time of Beijing Olys. Yuzu was probably under contract to participate in any photo shoots at the time, as he would have been an active member of Team Japan. At least Yuzu will not have to wear the incorrectly fitting Team attire again
  3. Yes, visited Louvre museum Someone should sculpt Yuzu in the pose of the winged victory of Samothrace. He makes this pose during many of his performance programmes Not yet invited to Palace Hanyu
  4. Mythical Blue Ballade and blue roses - one of the depicted subjects is not real. Rose growers around the world are still trying to create a truly blue rose, an elusive goal but something that everyone in the horticultural world would like to see. Fitting background for a magical skating unicorn
  5. Cutie Kewpie - Hana ni Nare, with cupcakes. In UK these iced cakes are known as fondant fancies, these are edible works of art, who could bear to eat them?
  6. Alternate Universe or New Reality? Either way, yes please Maybe it is the newly refurbished Long Gallery at Palace Hanyu. The artisan Poohs have worked hard on this masterpiece.
  7. A heavenly thread featuring the colour blue in all of it's glorious colour tones azure, celestial, cobalt, midnight, royal colours and very fitting to adorn the Ice Emperor of the Eternal Blue Flame himself
  8. Yuzu really looks like a Muse, wearing a chiton - height of fashion in ancient Greece
  9. @Henni147 Sending you the healing power of Mascots
  10. Fanart fun using the Sekkisei CM. What else could Yuzu hold?
  11. The Muse has unleashed the creative juices from fanartists. So much beautiful content
  12. This is not Fanart of Yuzu per se, but one of the purposes of art is to open the eye to the aesthetics that surround us in the world. The circle is complete, because the choreography of the programme Etude was symbolic of the tsunami of March 11th and the Etude costume represented the waves.
  13. Pro Athlete not an Idol Yuzu If not Idol then at least Muse
  14. SharePractice Yuzu "...Practice until you can do it perfectly every time" Yes Yuzu ,that is exactly what you did and Roncapu was magnificent on 24h TV. So proud of you.
  15. Cutie Kewpie Yuzu has also dressed in a Hakama to celebrate Honour Award day September 5th
  16. Someone has very kindly and helpfully compiled all of the Tokyo train station posters into a single picture There is simply no way to ignore that Yuzu is everywhere and larger than life and a good thing it is too This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  17. Good to hear from you. Sorry that you have had health issues. I hope that they will be resolved soon. Congratulations about the Wiki page. Sending a huge hug
  18. More Hakama Pooh and Dolly Yuzu, they are very elegantly attired
  19. There is a photographer who I think is based in Thailand. He takes beautiful photos of Siamese fighting fish. The relevance I hear you query? These fish have incredible long tails which resemble draped silks and the fish appear in many gorgeous colours. As the fishes swim through the water the tails billow and swirl in a very aesthetic manner. I could easily imagine the sleeves making similar dramatic movement when Yuzu moves his arms expressively. The full effect of the sleeve is probably best seen in a dynamic setting. As most fashion concepts are very much exaggerated, it is up to the buyers for various fashion brands to 'buy' the design concept and then adapt the clothing lines to be more appealing and suitable for wear in more mundane settings. For example: The white pleated tunic with the blue design, alter the sleeves to have a layered ruffle trim or just various blue toned stitching around the cuff. Then the garment retains the concept but is more wearable.
  20. Hmm. Compilation of interview snippets from this year and as always lovely to see Yuzu, with English subtitles a big bonus for many fans. Forgive my cynicism, it does rather seem that someone is trying to maintain relevance for themselves, by hitching their wagon to someone else's star, so to speak. This is ironic because didn't Mr Ito stated that Japan should not rely on one star and should instead be building a legacy of many top level skaters, or words to that effect. It is galling to think that during Yuzu's competitive career some people in the skating community tried continuously to down play the astonishing contributions made by Yuzu. Perhaps people realise now, how much Yuzu gave, how much publicity, interest and funding Yuzu generated to help the various organisations. These people, they did not choose wisely. However, JOC were supportive to Yuzu in the past, perhaps they want to celebrate Yuzu's legacy
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