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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Lovely Yuzu compilation. Just thinking about the light sticks at the Kohaku Uta Gassen, they look like small light sabres. It will be incredible at Tokyo Dome when fans will be waving 50 000 light sabres. Yuzu on the ice will appear as if he is at the heart of a galaxy skating amongst a sea of stars.
  2. Dear Geo1, Your recollections are wonderful and charming to read. The goat plushy is so pretty, iirc you mentioned at the time when you purchased that you bought one to keep for yourself, hope that you still have it and that it evokes strong and happy memories like a Patronus charm. The medal that you had made for Yuzu is far nicer than the 'coaster' and should quite frankly been on display at the meeting with Kohei ( I also like to think that it lives in one of the clean sports socks and that he had it in his pocket to show Kohei "This is from a lovely fan who gave me a GOAT" he would have murmured fondly )
  3. YuTunes subscriber numbers have climbed to 777K
  4. Yuzu using his super senses Part 2, just like the voice over from the cat documentary
  5. Terrible news a really tragic end to a young person of promise
  6. Jason always seems kind and warm. There was some green room footage years ago - Jason, Keegan and Kevin R. All of them cheering for Yuzu.
  7. Backstage footage with English subtitles. More insight into the genius mind of Hanyu Yuzuru, with regards to music and acoustics and ensuring complete synchronicity with skating performance
  8. This addition of Fusion Wall technology to the Notte Stellata show sounds really state of the art and could be fascinating to view with its nigh on limitless possibilities using AI The future is here, or will be on March 10,11,12th Hanyu Yuzuru visionary producer
  9. twt can be prone to exaggeration (e.g Yuzu skates at 150km/h - yes Yuzu is quick but perhaps not this speedy!!) However, even if the stats are not correct the OP is trying to illustrate how popular Yuzu is - their twt post reckons about half a million applicants for Gift. Maybe, maybe not, on the other hand there are many people needing commiseration comfort messages due to lottery annihilation. Maybe around half a million applications for lottery as there are potentially people applying in the subsequent round of lottery if no success at a previous attempt - perhaps the figure are more like 200-300K applicants but 500K applications due to multiple rounds, alternatively it could be 500K applicants. Anything is possible and Yuzu is very much in demand. Possibly we will never find out, this is just what has been gleaned form various discussion on various social platforms
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