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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Jason always seems kind and warm. There was some green room footage years ago - Jason, Keegan and Kevin R. All of them cheering for Yuzu.
  2. Backstage footage with English subtitles. More insight into the genius mind of Hanyu Yuzuru, with regards to music and acoustics and ensuring complete synchronicity with skating performance
  3. This addition of Fusion Wall technology to the Notte Stellata show sounds really state of the art and could be fascinating to view with its nigh on limitless possibilities using AI The future is here, or will be on March 10,11,12th Hanyu Yuzuru visionary producer
  4. twt can be prone to exaggeration (e.g Yuzu skates at 150km/h - yes Yuzu is quick but perhaps not this speedy!!) However, even if the stats are not correct the OP is trying to illustrate how popular Yuzu is - their twt post reckons about half a million applicants for Gift. Maybe, maybe not, on the other hand there are many people needing commiseration comfort messages due to lottery annihilation. Maybe around half a million applications for lottery as there are potentially people applying in the subsequent round of lottery if no success at a previous attempt - perhaps the figure are more like 200-300K applicants but 500K applications due to multiple rounds, alternatively it could be 500K applicants. Anything is possible and Yuzu is very much in demand. Possibly we will never find out, this is just what has been gleaned form various discussion on various social platforms
  5. 83 Cinema locations will show Gift Tickets are also by lottery. If demand is very high, just like for Prologue may be more cinemas and screens will be made available for the live showing, closer to the Gift date
  6. Gift is coming to a cinema near you ( if you live in Japan ) Consolation for those not able to attend at Tokyo Dome. Cinema chains must be delighted Thank you Yuzu sama and Staff san for helping as many people as possible to see Gift
  7. Definitely, there should be a dedicated Yuzu cam. There was a twt post demonstrating how the TV engagement increased every time cameras focussed on Yuzu at the Kohaku Uta Gassen ?sp?. There is solid data to support having a Yuzu cam, even if it was not exactly a randomised double blind controlled trial. TV stations should take heed. Show Yuzu, cut to commercial with premium charge for the advertising slot. Yuzu again after the commercial so that TV audience does not wander away to make tea or whatever the preferred activity is during the commercial break. TV ratings remain high because people will not want to miss even a snippet of Yuzu, advertisement sinks subliminally into peoples' brains, sales increase of whatever product was advertised. Hey presto - TV station, advertising agency, marketing directors, Yuzu fans all happy
  8. Wonderful news and so pleased for Yuzu, recognition and fantastic publicity for the Hanyu Yuzuru 'Hanew' Brand. Just like the ANA motto, Yuzu truly is inspiration of Japan. What is especially heartening about these awards is that Yuzu's popularity has grown organically, through hard work, good deeds, kindness in his demeanour rather than overly promoted by an agency and courting the press. Yuzu is quite rightly seen as genuine and honest. In an era of fake images, Yuzu is a refreshing break from the more usual rubbish fed to the populus by various media. It is clear why people are both drawn to Yuzu and then stay loyal to him.
  9. The fact that a venue such as Tokyo with 50 000 seats is going to sold out for a one person ice show demonstrates without any margin for doubt that Yuzu is beyond popular. The green room gifs that were posted and discussed at length on tweet today, which are drenched in sorrow with Yuzu looking quite defeated. These are in stark contrast with the reception Yuzu has had more recently from stars of other disciplines from art to technology and science and other sports. Even though many fans are sorely disappointed in their quest to obtain a ticket, the popularity of Gift fills many fans with delight and hopefully will confirm to Yuzu how valued and esteemed he really is. During one of the BJ interviews Yuzu wondered if he had somehow done something wrong to upset Ice chan. Perhaps it is rather the case that Ice chan loves Yuzu so much that she rebelled instead and took drastic measures and intervened to guide Yuzu away from the comp circuit in order to protect him
  10. Was not sure where to post. Just a wild guess that il Volo are fans. Fans are still waiting for the live performance of Yuzu and il Volo together, then goosebumps will not even cover how we feel. The performance with Yuzu footage did seem to be very heartfelt and it was a shame that the post could not cover the ending notes. Hopefully it will appear in full on YT. Would be ironic if Yuzu performs this at Notte S show with footage of il Volo on a big screen, or AI avatars. Someone mentioned that they have a tour elsewhere in the world during the Notte S show dates.
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