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    The House at Pooh Corner
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  1. Dear Chiisai chan, May the gentle light of the moon shine upon you and bring you wonderful dreams
  2. Hi, I won't steal your thunder, only the other day I was chatting to a Fanyu friend on line and we were discussing something else and I used the expression 'first pancake' to illustrate something that I was trying to explain but rather inadequately. Once the term 'first pancake' was used, the gist of the conversation was clearer. I think ??? Edit: Just to add, as @Yuzuwinnie was saying, in UK pancakes are more like thin flat crepes and the picture is more of what a UK person would describe as a Scotch pancake, smaller in diameter and slightly plumper. Not sure which one the original quoter was referring to. Anyway it is a good story and I'm looking forward to your recounting of the tale
  3. Yuzu and Wolfy dance together - a short film, BabyPooh stands in for Yuzu
  4. ? A representation of the location key of photos at the Gucci Ginza Gallery ? Really detailed and brilliantly expressed
  5. Special broadcast with footage of Yuzu and Wolfy June 29th
  6. Gucci Ginza Gallery The Yuzu photo exhibition will be extended to July, due to popular demand Booking for exhibition reservations begins from June 25th Lovely news for Fanyus visiting Tokyo this summer
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Gf7YrJzwH/?img_index=1 News about Nanakita Kouen and the YuzuSakura https://www.instagram.com/nanakitakouen/ Planting of the nemophila has begun. Soon the Ice Garden will be completed
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