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    The House at Pooh Corner
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Perelandra's Achievements

One-Footed Axel

One-Footed Axel (62/67)

  1. Fanyus must be looking forward to the Notte rehearsal sessions
  2. At the end of Notte Stellata in GIFT, Yuzu said that he did not where where the path would lead but let's run down it together. So glad that we are still together and gladly travelling along an unknown path
  3. Yuzu continues evolving, with his phenomenal skating, his ideas and creativity keep going from strength to strength
  4. In the horticultural world there is yet to be a true blue rose. Perhaps the roses would turn blue with envy if they ever were able to see Yuzu perform Ballade, aka 'Bara'. 薔薇 Bara = rose
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