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Everything posted by freeyafanfan

  1. Nobu did say Zu is a Do-S so... it's fitting
  2. we all know those days won't last it was good while it lasted but not really cause we all wonder when the kuyashii will burn again
  3. Happy belated birthday! @micaelis Wishing you all the best and I hope you'll be happy and healthy
  4. I forced my sister to watch with me she admits he's awesome but couldn't stop complaining about zu's costumes smh she doesn't understand aesthetic aah thank God, I was worried they'll force him I wish he can rest and fully heal his ankle now.. I wonder if sho's gonna be okay
  5. Looking at this I can only say.. poor ankle
  6. Yes of course we're celebrating! come and be fat with us
  7. Happy birthday dear Yuzuru! Wishing for all the health and happiness for all the upcoming years ahead! and I love all these birthday messages and projects the cakes shared looks very delicious on twitter too! lol I'm getting my own cake to celebrate now that my work hour is over ETA: and it's my 3100 post and I'm now biellmann spin
  8. Thankyouu this is such a precious video and they interviewed fans from all over the world
  9. aww this is so sweet I hope all the children will have a very happy christmas this year accompanied by pooh
  10. Send mine to hydro's email too just now sorry I completely forgot and had to send it on the deadline lol I'm a bad lazy satellite
  11. oh I just saw this while backreading the forum can I send to all three? I'll keep them all short enough so they won't have trouble reading em (and you guys for writing them too) thanks for initiating this project!
  12. come back to toronto to train, because he's in japan now.. don't worry it's not what you're thinking my mind go to that direction too at first so I read the article
  13. Well we knew already that he'll probably skip GPF If he's skipping JNats too, he might want to stay in Japan to celebrate his birthday there? and then go to Toronto
  14. I watched yuzu at work all the time during my breaks and my coworkers always states how he is dancing on ice instead of skating (and these are all guys talking btw) Sorry if my comment offended you too, I actually like CBC's broadcast of fs (and of yuzu's program) and the video is fine, I just don't understand the need to put that last part with the tweet in but maybe I just don't get the joke.. Alas it's not that I hate CBC, it's just this one video that I don't agree on
  15. I was gonna retweet it until I watch it and saw that part and the lady's face while saying it is not helping either
  16. Heheh we have similar stories Of course Yuzu made me learn japanese and follows figure skating in general but what have been a major impact on me was during my thesis working last year.. I couldn't meet the target my professor set, rushing on the last minutes, and ended up having my scheduled thesis defense postponed on the day by the examiners last october I was really depressed (not to mention ashamed) and wanting to runaway from everything. I refuse to do the works because I am fed up with everything and thought that I will never be good enough.. then last year's NHK incident happened.. He basically went full ninja mode during the recovery period but I know he's trying his hardest even during the recovery period and it really gave me strength to try my hardest too during similar "hard" period of course he went on to win PC and it gave me the courage to face another thesis defense and I successfully finish it and graduated last April if it weren't for him, I would still be locked up in my room refusing to finish my thesis (and refusing to face my professor, she's so scary! ) Yuzu really gives me the strength and motivation, and made me believe that anything is possible to overcome
  17. hahahah thanks for this I just press the order button need my dose of yuzu since we probably won't see much of him for a while
  18. Shoot all this football gifs thanks for making me laugh! cause guess who just backread 10+ pages here and cry again at the office? especially seeing yuzu shed a tear in front of TAT I think we're all still gloomy so why don't we smack each other maybe we can laugh together after that all this talk about biorhythm made me check mine too and guess what my emotional now is also at -90% what a coincidence huh it says it will go to +100% on 7th december something good might happen on yuzu's birthday so yay?
  19. I am working while listening to hope and legacy and haru yo koi on a loop It gets me teary eyed but giving hope as well.. I remember how many times have he gotten through such adversaries, and I believe he will this time too
  20. Oh my, I saw this in the VC broadcast yesterday cause the camera showed it a few times I didn't know it was from the planet! Thank you to you guys, it was very beautiful lolololol this boy I swear I was wondering how he managed to jump up! of course he practiced it, that is so yuzuru I am not even surprised... there is no use to worry after all, let's pray for the best and maybe we can make another fan project to express our love and support?
  21. creepy! when they zoomed in on the eye only it actually looks like yuzu's it's amazing what makeup can do
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