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Everything posted by nodoubt

  1. Am I the only one who can't see the video section?
  2. Did Yuzuru not interact with other skaters so much during these 2 days or I just could not see any photo or video about it?
  3. 1- Ten to chi to (with dark blue belt) 2- Haru yo koi 3- Purple origin 4- Black origin 5- Olympic Seimei
  4. My top five are: 1) Let Me Entertain You - 2021 Worlds 2) Origin - Skate Canada 3) Seimei - 2018 Olympics 4) Phantom of the Opera - 2014 GPF 5) Parisian Walkways - 2014 Olympics Actualy, I am not sure about some because after learning more about figure skating, my preferences changed a bit. But this list is like my first love. I didn't know about figure skating but I could still enjoy them so much.
  5. Thank you for detailed explanations. I watched old competitions many times but still I am not really well at paying attention to details it seems. From the videos, I only remember Kurt Browning saying that Yuzuru's GPF free skate is one of the best free skates and it is despite a fall and there is also a possible 3rd quad which will come later. So, I finally understand what possible 3rd quad is thanks to your explanations.
  6. Which 4T? Is it from the competitions of 2014-2015 season?
  7. Beijing Olympics short program. Actually, I only opened tv application to see what Stephane's students did, because I used to know Stephane from my childhood (back then I used to watch figure skating when it appeared on TV even though knowing nothing about skating). So, after learning Stephane had become a coach, I was curious. But our TV commentator Zafer Akyol happened to be a huge Yuzuru fan. So, during the competition, he almost only talked about Yuzuru. He praised him so much, made calculations wondering if he can get at least bronze, he even mourned for possible retirement. When Yuzuru touched the ice after free program, our commentator said this was a farewell. So, it was impossible for me not to be curious about who Yuzuru is. Then I decided to watch his whole career. First I started with YouTube videos, then some people suggested this website which is a fountain. This is my story of watching Yuzuru for the first time.
  8. Hello, does anyone know which days of Stars on Ice will be broadcasted and when? Also, is there a thread for possible links and to share live comments during the show (if it will be broadcasted live, of course)?
  9. Bu köşeye pek kimse uğramıyor sanırım ama yine de Türklere hep merak ettiğim birkaç şey sorayım hazır bir şeyler yazmak ihtiyacı hissetmişken. 1)TRT'nin artistik patinaj yayınlarını bulabileceğimiz bir yer var mı? TRT arşiv'e yazmıştım ama yalnızca kendimiz ve yakınımız programda yer alıyorsa paylaşıyorlarmış. 2) Trt'nin artistik patinaj yayınlarından memnun musunuz? Ben kendi adıma Zafer Akyol'un sunumunu beğendiğimi ama Buket Aykın keşke sunmasa diye yayından önce dua ettiğimi söyleyebilirim.
  10. I guess I will try, too, because this week Stars on Ice will take place. I am hoping maybe its video would be shared here. I saw some people announcing they will have live twich boardcast for others, but I will be asleep at the hour the show starts due to time difference. So I cannot watch it live. I have to search for recorded video. Btw, I noticed some videos here are from BiliBili. I am searching Yuzuru on Bilibili until I reach 10 posts. Maybe those who cannot watch here due to post limit would like to try.
  11. I feel a little conflicted, now. I met Yuzuru in Beijing Olympics and since then, I watched videos of his whole career about maybe 10 times in this website. And I never write anything on any website or social media platform. But I feel I need to take 10 posts as a target to watch him again, but I cannot think anything to post really. Especially because I am still in the process of learning figure skating, I don't want to talk about skating skills or something similar, either. I guess, I have to wait and see what happens regarding this rule. And of course I should thank everyone here to give me the opportunity learn his whole career even though so many years passed by since those competitions were held.
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