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    cinnamon roll

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  1. I am not a professional skater, but i think everyone who knows about the technique behind the jumps and the other things that compose a program should be able to give a opinion on this statement. Transitions in figure skating plays an important role in a program, they are the elements responsible to bring an artistic side to balance the more "physical" part such as the jumps, without them the figure skating competitions would be more like jump competitions. I agree that everything in excess is bad so to many transitions can make a program look messy, but also a program with just a few transitions can make us feel like something is missing, balance is always gonna be the key to succeed and good transitions can make a program look so much better. Now about interpretation, this topic is something that the judges are not gonna agree with eachother 100% because ofcourse one judge may feel the program in different levels but if a judge can't feel anything at all from a program then the problem is with him or her not with the skater, you can argument that a judge may feel something and the other judge don't when it comes to a novice or maybe junior level but you can't say that to olympic skaters.
  2. I was trying to upload my profile picture (the banner too) and it was not working, it is not a huge problem but i thought it worth a comment anyways ヾ(•ω•`)o
  3. Yes it will be strange as Yuzu said himself when he was in the Origin fitting that the costume was tight on the chest and the shoulders, and i personally believe that he didn't bulked up only on those parts (*/ω\*), but it will be great having another figure of him anyways. Also thank you for the reception, i don't know how this whole thing work yet but I'm trying ヾ(•ω•`)o
  4. Omg Yibo looks so small compared to him 🤣 But like how tall is he? Cause Yibo is not that short.
  5. The sad part to live in Brazil is that we don't even have proms, so the last time anyone showed up with a jacket and tie was probably a wedding or something.
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