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  1. Which would be the best editions for the figure skate magazine and the kiss and cry (not from the 2017-18 season) ? Cause now that I see how many there actually are it’s even harder😂
  2. Heyy I wanna buy some magazines with yuzu but there are so many and idk which ones would be the best I don’t know japanese so I’m looking just for photos Can anyone help me?☺️
  3. I’m not sure where I should be asking this question but I’m gonna give it a go here Is there any place in new york city from where I can find yuzu magazines or something? Because in my country there is no chance of having anything related to him I’m going to new york in march and I wondered if there is a chance I could find something there...
  4. I admit that I started crying after he popped the axel. But in no way am I mad at HIM or something. I was just sad for him because he wanted to win so bad. He skated so beautifully, I couldn’t believe I was actually witnessing him skating to Origin. And I’m proud of him. But the judges... especially judge 3... I have no words and I hope he isn’t mad at himself😭
  5. I’ve just witnessed Yuzu attempting three times the 4A and I really am worried. Even if he doesn’t plan to do it in competition it still was a dangerous thing to do😣😣I don’t even know what to expect from him anymore
  6. I think I might have died a little😂😂😂 Like I saw Yuzu With my own eyes And he’s real😱 But that fall during the run through... It hurt me too😂I was actually worried but then he seemed alright...
  7. I’m going to see Yuzu for the first time in just a couple of hours and I think I might die😂 AND i don’t have anyone to talk to because my only friend who actually cares about Yuzu is at school and she doesn’t have a phone So... I’m just trying to find someone to talk to because I’m too excited😅😅
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