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Everything posted by Faithyu

  1. Have to say, now I'm kind of glad that the time difference to japan is so shitty for me. I probably can't/wont watch it live and I think my nerves will be thanking me like crazy, because I'm really not sure if I can handle the tension. But I will wait and see what happens in the trainings and depending on that my nerves might have to suffer. Edit: Great, and now I'm freaking out because I just noticed that I couldn't do my math right and its a perfect watchable time for me. ..................goodbye my nerves, I need to start meditating asap.......
  2. Not sure about embeds (?), but I had to try three times to get my last comment posted (from my laptop). Stopped it twice because nothing had happened after like three minutes, the third try made it.
  3. Crazy how such a short add can make me so happy, it's such a happy pill, love it. Oh Yuzu...........this brought me near tears and made me smile and sigh at the same time. Most important: It sounds like he has found his happyness in skating again and that he feels like himself. Oh, thats a nice one. I now have safed the new ANA add for happy Yuzu vibes, the hot chocolate add for cute Yuzu and the gum chewing one for "bad ass" vibes.
  4. Good to see him through this video. He knows he could have done better (and I like that he is quite sure of that), but like he said: It hit different with the pressure and he got the job done. Now, I really hope he will have an amazing grand prix comeptition so he will be one of the two man going to the olympics. Fighting Roman!
  5. Just asking as I'm not on social media, but did Roman post anything there in the last weeks? I miss his Romsky videos.....I know, he is probably quite stressed with training and tomorrow I will press my thumbs and cross my fingers for him like crazy, but has he made some posts on his Instagram? Or did he a Ninja move like our dear Yuzu?
  6. Damn.....And I was thinking about going, but decided against it in the end. All the best Roman and I really hope that you will be one of the men to go to the Olympics! Do we know who else will be there (haven't found a list of participants yet)?
  7. Damn, now I'm crying............going to calm myself with some good old Olympic Seimei, and with the "rise" and "bad guy" fan edits. Oh, that would be so amazing. Anyone who knows someone working for Vogue? Perhaps we can convert them to the Fanyuism..........
  8. It was kind of funny how he edited the video on the weather part. I felt like I was watching a movie😅. So, not sure if I got it right, but he said something about the challenger series and that he has to wait to know where he will go/or if he will go. That means its not clear where he will compete at this point and its not his decision? Shouldn't it be clear as Challenger starts before the Grand Prix?
  9. Second that And I'm looking at my last post here and feel like
  10. Just watched it, my guess on the music after I saw his moves: something with a romantic emotion to it, a love theme with a touch of longing or sadness perhaps (because of all the reaching motions). Definitely doesn't look like something angry, hard or dark themed to me. Looking forward to it. And the new Gala program (you know what we want Roman, Army is counting on you ;))
  11. Well, I'm not a skater and found it interesting......
  12. And can we take a moment to appreciate Romans leg muscles please
  13. It also wouldn't surprise me if he is going to do another paper or thesis with all the research he does. He seems to love to research and analyse. Maybe he will cover further topics around figure skating with another work someday..........who knows.
  14. That's exactly what I think as well. Both on the subject of timing and that Yuzu probably has his own plan. If one wants to start some kind of initiative, I think waiting until Yuzu isn't actively skating anymore would be best.....but I also believe he has his own long-term plan. He likes to plan and calculates everything he does, so its not a far fetched thought that he has a bigger agenda up his sleeve.
  15. So, I read that Nam and Roman did some Insta Live thing. Is there a way to watch it without having instagram, would really like to see those two?
  16. Wow, that's something else for sure. I think, I would feel really honored. Thanks for letting me know.
  17. Okay guys, I need a little help whether I got everything important, because I could only read sporadically after the world championship: WTT - will take place, with Yuzu SOI - will take place, with Yuzu Media - better not read, you only get annoyed by it Was there anything else important, did I miss something? Please let me know, thanks
  18. I watched it and just wanted to give him a hug. It must be hard to be denied a chance to be at worlds twice in a row...... Keep going Roman, you will go one day and do amazing, "fighting"
  19. I clicked on one of the links and the first thing I get is a warning notification: "This media may contain sensitive content". I was laughing so hard. He sure can be deadly
  20. I just remembered that Roman was talking in his last video about how the selection process for worlds was planned. (starting at 8.50min). They wanted to do monitoring sessions.
  21. Same. I like all three, but my heart beats a little bit more for Roman, because I see the most potential in his skating. He has the mix of elegance, art and athleticism I really like. Do we know what criteria were used to decide the spot? Roaman is still the reigning Canadian Champion, right?
  22. Wow, this is so pretty. And to skate before such an amazing view....Please Nam, I want more of this, pretty please
  23. This is somewhat addictive. I just tried it and got 787 points......no idea if that is good or bad, will try again. It's a bit embarrassing, but I must confess that I don't really understand the game.....but, it's fun
  24. Wow, he was really extremely nervous! I don't know if I imagined it, but to me he looked pretty pale. I actually just thought of the following: Could it be that we won't see this FS again? Nats are canceled and then the Olympic season 2021/22 starts, right? Do we know if he wants to keep it?
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