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Everything posted by Faithyu

  1. Still a nervous mess, but the excitement is starting to set in....
  2. Great, my nerves made me wake up at 6am and couldn't really get back to sleep. Now I'm all grumpy and a nervous mess at the same time😅. Already logged into the stream room.....I need a good cup of tea😑
  3. Lol, just wanted to do the same, but you beat me on it. Lets say I'm the second option if something isn't working out😉
  4. Ok, got my ticket. The twitter step by step guide is really helpful. The hardest part is the region chosing one, so I copied it. I used google translate. 來自的地區 (thats the first drop down menue, meaning select your region) 歐洲 (this should mean europe, its the second last option in the drop down menue if I remember correctly, select it) 勾選歐洲和其他者請提供「實際地區」,若不是勾選歐洲、其他 請填「無」(next box means: If Europe and others are checked, please provide the "actual region", if Europe and others are not checked, please fill in "none") Germany (type in germany) Payment is via credit card, the process after inserting all the information looks a bit strange, because the website changes between like three different sites while processing the payment, but you don't have to do anything, just wait, and at the end you get back to the kktix site with a confirmation of purchasing it.
  5. Still the trouble with the nerves🙈 Maybe I will just decide spontaneous...or try self hypnosis😂😉 Nope, thats not allowed at all. No crashing happening! This platform will be ready for all the fanyus. will do, if I remember it😅
  6. Ok, I have a problem and would like to know if anyone is struggling with the same dilemma. Of course I will get a ticket, but I'm really not sure if I want to watch it live🙈. Just thinking about it gives me competition vibe nerves. Imagin Yuzu in front of so many people that all are just there for him in addition to all the eyes watching through live stream or in cinemas, makes me break out in cold sweat with second hand pressure and nerves😱 (and its not a 4min skate). So, I know I would probably enjoy it more when watching as a replay, knowing what had happened. If everything was going as it should, or if there was a slight stumble on a jump or whatever (of course everything will go perfectly fine, pray it into existance🙏). But, I also really enjoy chatting with you guys and sharing thoughts when watching live..... Sooo.....anyone having similar trouble😅?
  7. Could only watch the ice dance final, but it was so nice and fun. Loved the programs of the first five and the program from this one young pair (she was sixteen, he twenty, sorry can't remember name or country) they were fun to watch. I still can't believe we got two pairs in the top five....how did this happen? nice surpris.
  8. I hope he has a great competition and everything he worked on has been "optimized" Best of luck Roman, fighting💪
  9. Thanks Paul for staying so long. I still feel a bit sad that his nerves often got the best of him, but there were beautiful moments as well. And I'm a bit shocked, but why the heck is Daniel Grassl going to Team Tutberidze?!? Never expected that.....
  10. Not surprised about the "this program is so hard" comnent. How "many" crossovers was it again? 6? 8? It's a genius program even if it didn't catch my heart.
  11. Conclusion: A Pooh rain as the grand final should be allowed in his shows😁. To coordinate, there could be a message on the screens saying "Pooh rain" so no one gets the wrong "final moment" and starts throwing before Yuzu really finished his skating.
  12. I'm kind of sad to hear that he is always afraid, but its also understandable. It's such a huge pressure to perform alone in front of so many people (and on the ice, a slippery, tricky surface where everyone will see a mistake)....I kind of hope its more nervous energy then fear and that the experience of skating in front of his fans gives him energy and happiness.
  13. . I love on ice perspective....and Jason of course😊. Wait....is this the right place to post it, because he is not active this season?
  14. whishing him all the best with his optimizing
  15. Just my thoughts/quick notes on the sp: Shun: not his best day, 4lz fall, 4t2t.....and his A spin looked quite strange (i mean stranger then a A spin always looks) and the camel spin as well Daniel: ehm, I think his zipper was open?...and another 4lz fall. Other jumps were ok (meaning no visible struggling other then him changing everything around and looking stiff)....just not my favorite short program. I like the music but I don't get into it. Sota: Beautiful! Just beautiful. Nothing more to say. Kao: the fall was really unfortunate, his speed is so crazy, like he will just fly over the board. Not his best, but still so nice to watch Shoma: well done. I felt it and liked it. He had to play it safe in the combo with 4t2t instead of 3t. Ilia: not his best. I see his potential, but he has to work on performance/presentation skills in my opinion. I hope he and his coaches don't go with a "oh well, he can jump all quads, its enough to make it work" attitude.
  16. 😂. My wallet cried in relief, because nothing of the Gift merch so far cought my eye (or not enough to spend a lot on shipping fees). Really looking forward to my Prologue hoodie though😁
  17. With all the news around Yuzu and his birthday I nearly forgot it's already the GP final🙈. Anyone watching the mens SP?
  18. I say it again: This is not only an amazing achievment, it's also such a great birthday gift. I hope not only Fanyus from all over the world, but also non fans who just get curious will see this article and will stay to read. You all did an incredible job on this page!💜
  19. Thank you so much for sharing💜. I couldn't watch Yuzu live, because my body decided it was the perfect time for a bad headache. So I'm really happy that I will be able to watch it later😃. Lets keep thinking it into existance😁😉
  20. Thanks for posting, I hope so as well. Still haven't figured out why qq now only works if its not streaming...so I hope for twitch like last time.
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