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  1. I was busy recently and didn't update myself with Yuzu's news, so I was shocked when my friend told me about Yuzu's new Youtube channel yesterday. Luckily I was able to catch the live stream today. Still reading through the last 70 pages in this thread lol. I'm extremely happy to see Yuzu skating freely and grateful that we can follow the new stage of Yuzu's career. Screamed when I watched clean Seimei. And there are so many high quality photos that it's like a photo competition lol.
  2. I feel emotional but not exactly sad. He is retiring by choice and he looks content about it. I'm lucky to have the chance to witness his journey in the past 4 years. He will be missed from competitions, but personally I prefer shows than competitions. Looking at CWW, it's obvious that Yuzu can become a great show producer. I'm excited to know what he has in store for us. Breaking out from ISU rules is certainly a good thing and Yuzu's creativity is no longer bounded. From the conference, we'll be seeing him in skates regularly too.
  3. True or not, I'm so mad at Nxxxxx. It's like a slap in the face. Yuzu decided to hold the press con to announce whatever decision he has made, in his own words, but it is ruined now. I hope Nxxxxx is banned from the press con. They don't need it, do they? They can write articles without Yuzu's words anyway.
  4. I'm super curious about what he'll say, but not that anxious. It could be anything but leaving figure skating. As long as he continues to skate and stays healthy, I feel blessed.
  5. FAoI has ended but Raison, Dance my Esmeralda, and sometimes Ryakudatsu are stuck with my head. Raison may very probably be my favorite exhibition program. I can't express how much I love it. I still love NS and others, but Raison just hits different. Maybe because it's a new genre from Yuzu. I didn't care for besti squat before, but now I love them because of Raison. Sorry for the rant, I may need a few more days to digest what happened and calm down lol.
  6. NDP has been one of my favorite musicals even before I became a Yuzu fan. I'm so happy that he revisited it and brought it to a whole new level. It was mesmerizing and I cried while watching it. Also want to mention about the musicality of the spins, they hit every note and it's incredible. Thanks Yuzu for giving us these masterpieces and bringing joy to us throughout the tours.
  7. Wow I am speechless. Raison's very different from Yuzu's previous programs but still it feels very distinctively "Yuzu's". Sorry that I'm a bit incoherent now as it's 3am and I'm overwhelmed by Yuzu. I'm absolutely in love with Raison and can't wait to see it in other camera angles.
  8. I lost count of how many times I have replayed the 3-2-1-shu
  9. Thanks, I was confused by the translation.
  10. Sorry that I'm not familiar with Naoto-san's music, is he both a violist and a violinist? 😯
  11. I was confused about why th Kansai TV would broadcast Kobe at the same time as Shizuoka's live, then I realized Kobe time was a.m.
  12. more new footages I like the dance moves in the opening. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  13. Not sure about the middle part, but this costume looks so much better than I expected of FaOI. Yuzu looks hot
  14. We have a new meme template now
  15. Based on what my colleagues told me, "Versailles" is a popular slang in mainland China. It describes people complaining about something that may sound like they are showing off. The video showed Yuzu saying that he just wanted to show his natural self, which implies that his natural self is as beautiful as others with makeup. This makes people (me included) jealous, so it is "Versailles". The term could be used in a negative way depending on context, but here it is just a joke.
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