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野生の花 Yasei no hana

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Everything posted by 野生の花 Yasei no hana

  1. Here you can purchase the archives for the 1rst show in Saitama on Yuzu's Birthday 🥰🎉 ! https://beyondlive.com/notice/304 https://beyondlive.com/contents/archive/466
  2. Thank you so much @SuzyQ for this translation ! What a delight to read the insight view of Mikiko Sensei in this interview by Megumi Takagi of Hochi , the day before Echoes of Life actually started 🙏this is so precious ✨ "It's a vivid, beautiful, tranquil and sacred view."
  3. Happy Anniversary Planet Hanyu !!! Thank you always dear team and satellites !
  4. I'm ready! ✨🥳 Thank you thank you thank you so much PH team for taking care of this project with all your heart !!! ✨🙏
  5. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for this @Yuzu_legendand PH team !!! I wish you & every Satellite who can attend the RE_PRAY shows at Saitama a wonderful experience with Yuzuru and meeting together with fanyus from all around the world I will for sure be there with all my heart & cheer VERY loud on Yuzu with you all from my home! (Hi everyone! Long time no see! But I'm always here with you all even if I haven't posted in a while )
  6. This is so precious I was waiting to be back "Home" for so long... Tears of deep deep joy and gratitude Yuzu and team , you worked really hard OMG ... Watching for the 2d time in a row today! Quality of sound, filming and realisation are stunning !!! Everything ! Special BRAVO & MERCI INFINIMENT to the translators!!! 🙏 Thank you so much to all the staff and of course ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA YUZU !!!
  7. Hi everyone! so happy to be here with you all !! 💖✨
  8. Meeeee !!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO OUR DEAR PLANET HANYU!!! Dear Yuzuru and you all, dear fellow satellites, admins and mods, Have a good weekend and pls take good care of yourself ! Love you all so much
  9. And thank you so much again to all fellow satellites , admins and mods team who take so good care of this beautiful Planet ! (In a time when I'm struggling again with worsening health, I can't post much but) I'm so grateful to you all for all the news and posts! These are so precious to me 🌸 HAPPY 6th ANNIVERSARY TO OUR DEAR PLANET HANYU !!!
  10. Thank you forever Yuzu From the deepest place in my heart 本当にありがとう
  11. Dear Yuzuru from the bottom of my heart Thank you so much !!! ありがとう!!! ありがとう !!! ありがとう !!! 🌸 MERCI !!!
  12. Hi everyone! I could finally join here today to celebrate with you all dear satellites ! May everyone all around the world have a wonderful experience today, may Yuzu's Gift be successful and light everyone's heart Dear Yuzuru, we're all there with you, please enjoy your show to the fullest !
  13. Hi everyone! I could finally join here today to celebrate with you all satellites ! May everyone all around the world have a wonderful experience today, may Yuzu's Gift be successful and light everyone's heart Dear Yuzu, we're all there for you, enjoy your show !!!
  14. What a wonderful gift Yuzu offered us today! ✨🙏 THANK YOU SO MUCH YUZU!!! ありがとうございました!!! Thanks you all for the links
  15. (...) "He has courage and vision " Yes, he has... since he was a kid ✨ Thank you @Geo1 🙏✨💖 ( OT: All my prayers to ppl in Turkey and Syria...🙏😔 )
  16. I'm on ForjoyTV and it's channel 002 NHK E Starting!!!
  17. Happy New Year everyone !!! Thank you again admins, mods and to all for making Planet Hanyu stay such a wonderful and safe place to share about and support our dearest Yuzu 🙏🌸
  18. Dear Yuzuru !!! Dear fellow Satellites !!! GUESS WHAT !!! Very early in the morning today I received one very special message for you... FROM A VERY SPECIAL PLACE IN THE WORLD ... I'm happy and honored to forward it to Yuzuru and you all : FullHD here (pls do not repost this pic. elsewhere without direct link to this post in PH, thank you). #Happy 28th Birthday Yuzu!!! from Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica (He's sorry to be a little late for the YT party due to the trip being one week delayed, but next stop is the Astronomy research base in Concordia !!! ) Best luck to their mission and thank you so much dear friend for sharing with us ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR YUZU !!!
  19. Dear Yuzuru !!! Dear fellow Satellites !!! GUESS WHAT !!! Very early in the morning today I've received one very special message for you... FROM A VERY SPECIAL PLACE IN THE WORLD ... ❄️✨ I'm happy and honored to forward it to Yuzuru and you all : #Happy 28th Birthday Yuzu!!! from Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica 😎 (He's sorry to be a little late for the YT party due to the trip being one week delayed, but next stop is the Astronomy research base in Concordia !!! ) Best luck to their mission 📡 🪐✨💫 and thank you so much dear friend for sharing with us ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR YUZU !!!
  20. Thank you so much to all the PH team and to everyone who contributed to this so beautiful and touching #PlanetHanyuYutubeParty ! Happy 28th Birthday dear Yuzuru !
  21. Hi @sweetwater ! Congratulations ! Enjoy to the fullest! Sending tons of warm wishes to you, to Yuzu and to everyone there and praying for the success of Prologue Hachinohe ❄️ with happiness & light shared all together I hope everyone stays safe & healthy 🙏 Have a safe journey and take good care of yourself !
  22. OMG https://youtu.be/ES-Rz8nip80 https://twitter.com/UNIVERSAL_CLS/status/1597668290842984448?t=TpA9eRL65mgPpk_MWBE7ew&s=19
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