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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. For the age he was, that was still an amazing program
  2. No kidding. Friggen 4S the fairweather friend
  3. Now I'm crying...we'll never see his competition warmups again😭😭😭😭😭
  4. Guys be careful about openly posting streaming links....just in case they get reported
  5. It does my heart good to see everyone masked!! . . . That rink is at least as big as the one in Laval where SCI2018 was held
  6. Guys, I just want to doublecheck: the broadcast is for the show on the 5th, right? Not the one from today? (Did I miss it? )
  7. Cut Oly-chan some slack...whoever runs their social media accounts is clearly a fanyu too.
  8. Oh my God! That's so exciting! Coldplay uses these, and K-pop does something similar with light sticks....thhese are a way to make the audience part of the show by using them for lighting effects... WOW WOW WOW WOW Holy cow, Yuzu! He's really gone all out!
  9. Nevermind, I found it! It's actually listed as CS 053 on the ForJoy list. They're replaying 'Legendary FS performances' right now. Tuktik's 2014 GP Final at the moment
  10. Could someone help me find Prologue on the ForJoyTV player? I signed up for the one month paid subscription and it's working fine, but I can't figure out if I'm on the right channel or not. Instead of channel logos , I see a list of names in kanji, and nothing matches the CS Asahi-2 logo exactly. And the one that comes closest is channel 003 on the player...
  11. I won't be able to participate in this b/c my Twitter account just got suspended (thanks Musk you ), but it's a great idea!
  12. I keep looking at that photo of the Prologue venue. It seems so very big. I'm trying to imagine how Yuzu's going to do this thing and I'm having a hard time tbh. but - Ice-chan's never looked better, don't you agree? I hope she'll be good to our boy during the show!
  13. Oh he did, did he? In that case, then: Mr. Hanyu, I'd like to have a word... You can't just go around raising our heart rates and making us nervous like this all the time, young man ...some of us are old ladies, our hearts can't take it ... although we still watch because you're amazing and beautiful and sweet.... . . . (Three hours of Yuzu videos later) . . . Sorry, where was I? Oh yes, right....please remember we need our hearts for loving you, not for having heart attacks from watching you.
  14. It's nearly worse! Before, we merely feared he couldn't go 4 minutes without trashing an ankle or two...now it's like, all or nothing in one weekend..
  15. Okay, now I'm excited but also starting to get worried for Yuzu (life of a satellite, what else is new?). There's SO much interest in Prologue. So much pressure! I really really want the show to go perfectly for him. . . . Okay, breathe...breathe... It will go perfectly all the days. It will.
  16. Anyone else have weird issues with the WorldShopping thingy while ordering using their mobile phone? It would only let me buy clearfiles and the guidebook, but not the T-shirts or acrylic stands or hoodies (everything else is sold out). But I can order the hoodies etc on the site direct. Consequently I just ordered 5000¥ of clear files and also the guidebook. Still happy, but I def want a T-shirt
  17. I am certainly expecting Yuzu's merch to sell like BTS stuff...i did the math on the Prologue tickets and estimated that roughly 150,000 people applied for the ticket lottery. Presumably there will be similar numbers trying for the merch as well. I wonder if Yuzu realizes what he's let himself in for
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