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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. was just thinking of going down to my local luxury department store to see if they carry Kose and have the Yuzu ads. I think the odds are slim but it's worth a try.
  2. Although, in the end, they all wind up looking a bit like Brian. He's definitely good at transmitting his skating DNA.
  3. It boils down to the idea that there's no accounting for taste. I have a friend who likes figure skating almost as much as I do, and she prefers Javi over Yuzu because she thinks he moves better. Meanwhile, in my eyes, Javi is beautiful but a little stiff. Which is all fine and dandy unless you're the judge scoring skaters by what are supposed to be objective standards. For a judge to flat out admit to an interviewer, even one as unprofessional as T*L, that his modus operandi is to be as subjective and biased as possible, is a scandal. Were I the ISU, I'd be deeply concerned and would probably remove the guy from judging altogether.
  4. All I know is, I watch Yuzu programs I've never seen before with the sound off, I can still tell what the music is like by how Yuzu moves.
  5. Nah. U2. 'Beautiful Day.' bet Inman would think it was American.
  6. But the thing is, even American skaters these days aren't skating to the kind of music this Inman guy seems to want. So his comment makes no sense.
  7. Hey now. Yuzu would totally rock 'Roar' or 'Hot and Cold'. Especially Roar.
  8. Not the Céline!! Anything but that!! My heart will NOT go on, hostie!
  9. If LGC didn't do it for him, nothing would. Unless he thinks Yuzu should skate to Nickelback? (Note to Yuzu if you're lurking: please, please, please don't. If you must skate to Canadian rock, The Tragically Hip are your band, nothing else.)
  10. I can't imagine how anyone could possibly consider Taiko drums and a flute "bland by Western standards". Taiko is the very antithesis of bland - it's supposed to be waking a god for crying out loud! Wow. Glad I missed that interview.
  11. Consider the timeframe. 2010 Olys would definitely be Plush and Lysacek. And the Japanese contenders were Honda and Dai T. , if I'm not mistaken.
  12. Suddenly I'm jealous of everyone who lives in Hong Kong
  13. That one dot in the middle of the Indian Ocean... I guess it's the Seychelles? Go you, brave satellite of the remote tropics!
  14. Wonder if he regrets YOLOing CoR now, or if it would have made any kind of difference if he hadn't. Also, him and Ice-chan...love affair for the ages.
  15. Okay, that one of the cat in his lap while doing the LGC slide is too much!
  16. I'm envisioning something more like a garden water feature or landscaping feature that isn't very big, but if a toddler fell over it, it would scare them terribly.
  17. I keep watching it over and over and I don't see the skip. But I do question Aliev's ability to do it. He's not the greatest jumper in the world When I play it on my phone there's a noticeable break between 4T and 3A, and someone's head momentarily blips into the shot right where Dima would be setting up the 3A, blocking the view of him, and then back out again. Edited to add: Okay, you're right. I clicked through to the Instagram and the video played properly for me... it does look real after all.
  18. If he decides to turn Origin into an ice show piece I would not complain. But it would make me sad if we never saw it again ever. I really think that if he doesn't stick with this year's programs for another season, then he has to make a clean break with his past and go for something completely new, artistically. What that might be, though, who knows.
  19. There needs to be photos of Yuzu and cats. Maybe one of his sponsors can use it as an ad idea. Just imagine him in piles of fluffy kittens.
  20. Idk, the video has a skip right in the middle between the 4T and the 3A, and it is April Fool's. I call shenanigans.
  21. Just did my rewatch and was struck once again by how much this skate doesn't look like an athlete competing for a medal, but instead looks totally natural and easy, like some kid who went out on a frozen lake to skate for fun and is in his own world. It's truly a once in a million skate.
  22. Bingo! It's not an addiction if we're happy about it!
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