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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Whoa. I don't know why this makes it all that much worse, since it's already bad enough, but...whoa.
  2. It made the Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/french-figure-skating-head-defies-call-to-resign-11580927314
  3. It's exactly because it's a sporting organization that someone like DG is able to rise and hold on to power. It's because no one takes it seriously when it's 'just sports', until it's too late .
  4. To me, gloom is something that eventually lifts, while murky has a more physical, liquid quality, like muddy water. Anyway, translating Japanese is an adventure.
  5. I understand what he's getting at here, but I never saw Origin & Otonal as anything but Yuzu's own programs. As much as he was doing them from a sense of tribute to Johnny and Plush, from the beginning, they didn't look like anything but Yuzu to me. However, he probably felt a responsibility with them not to stray too far from the original vision of paying tribute to his influences and maybe that was the issue. He didn't feel fully free to do the things as Yuzu alone.
  6. I think the most appropriate English word for this would be 'gloom' - both the emotional and the physical kind.
  7. She said she would, didn't she? He's trying to call her bluff but I can't imagine that she's bluffing.
  8. Just goes to show, these things rarely happen in a vacuum. The situation with Didier and FFSG didn't come out of nowhere and is not unique...unfortunately. Also, this is obviously going to get as ugly as heck with DG refusing to go. I mean, he was heavily implicated in the bribes for judging scandal (Salt Lake 2002) and that should have been the end of him right there. With every fresh new crime he's accused of but not removed from his position or punished for, his boldness would only grow. Of course he thinks he can now defy the freaking Minister for Sport. This isn't going to end until Macron gets involved, maybe not even then. It's ridiculous.
  9. I think a native English speaker would use the idiom 'come back to earth/come down to earth' for the concept you're translating here. Like a hot air balloon or a kite - they fly high and land hard. In context, it seems like Yuzu is describing the experience of competing and performing as a bit of an emotional rollercoaster.
  10. There's good reason why I called them dumb! But yes, perhaps it's better he doesn't have them as sponsors.
  11. So whoever was predicting Ballade? You were kind of right! Place your bets on whether this means the Ex will now be Otonal or truncated Origin.
  12. Somewhat Yuzu related: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/26/business/under-armour-struggles.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab I read articles like this and I just shake my head. That company is sitting on a potential gold mine with Yuzu and they're too dumb to see it.
  13. The thing is, both Nemesis and Mao's Last Dancer could have been great, memorable programs, but he never really did them justice. I'm not going to knock Nathan too much, because clearly Yuzu cherishes him as a good competitor, but Nathan's more an athlete than a performer. He's the kind of guy who should always do programs like Rocketman, because that's where his strengths lie. He would be at a complete loss if you asked to perform something like, say, Requiem. Not because he couldn't do it technically, but because he couldn't do it emotionally. The performance wouldn't ring true. And that's why he failed with Mao's and with Nemesis - there was no emotional connection for the audience to grab onto and be moved. But what do I know, I'm just a silly satellite...
  14. What a lovely horse - looks so eager to get out there and jump! Definitely like Yuzu. Also, general comment to all: I've started posting draft badge designs over in this thread, if anyone wants to weigh in.
  15. See now, there I'd disagree. When he did the Origin step sequence at ACI this past September, I felt like I was watching young 2012 Yuzu throwing himself into R&J 1.0 all over again - he gave off that exact same sense of ferocious passion and abandon. It took me by surprise, actually. And it was so, so wonderful to see.
  16. That would be awesome! Not sure if it'd work entirely for Yuzu, but then I never thought it would work for Jason (he's such a happy puppy for such a sour song) either, and it did.
  17. Hi satellites: Please check the link below for a first draft idea of how this pin might look. Bear in mind that I don't own any rights to the photo used, so will be doing something - most likely making an original drawing based on it - to avoid infringing on copyright. The white space is for writing in your name/planet handle. Badge size would be rectangular 2" x 3" More design ideas coming! unless you all like this one . Goals: 1. put up at least two more design ideas by Tuesday, if need be. 2. Get the final design sorted and pins ordered by next Sunday. I found a local company to work with which will ensure a quick turnaround time. That's the plan anyway.
  18. Conversely, I would love to see Yuzu do Junliet. For the maximum chaos. Or one of Javi's programs. or Nam's 'Run Away' ex (imagine Yuzu in red and black plaid flannel! :D) Or, heck, even one of those everlasting Russian male toy soldier programs that are a dime a dozen... My brain is running away with me now, but how about Yuzu doing a one-man remake of Tessa & Scott's Moulin Rouge? I really think he could do it and make it awesome. Also, general question that has absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about now: What would you say is Yuzu's most iconic and instantly recognizable pose from his programs? Something that, even if he were wearing a shapeless paper bag and you saw it from the back a hundred feet away, you'd KNOW it was him?
  19. I have to say I agree here. I don't have a problem with Yuzu doing tribute programs, because that's the kind of guy he is - he acknowledges the people who've been influential on his skating, and he honours them. But based on various tidbits Yuzu has dropped over the years in interviews, I think that he has massive ambitions (way beyond just doing 4A) for what he wants to be able to do on the ice, which results in him creating really demanding programs for himself. And then, those programs don't always work out as he would like. I think this was the case for Origin. This is why I always wonder how it would be if, just once, there was a competition where all the skaters swapped programs (with some lead time to learn them, obvs.). Personally, I think such a thing would be a cakewalk for Yuzu and a heroic struggle for everyone else. Even if they watered down Yuzu's tech.
  20. I applaud this choice, even if it no longer applies. The Seimei costume has strips of purple and teal...maybe you could leave most of your hair black but just do big purple, white, and teal streaks down one side of your face? Or just the ends? You could probably even buy clip-in strands in the right colours and avoid the hassle of having to dye your hair at all. Unfortunately the only Yuzu costume colours that would work in my hair are Origin 1.0...
  21. I'm all for 5-quad layouts, provided Yuzu can survive them and not be so exhausted by the end that he can't move. The more I think about it, the more I think this is why he's bringing Seimei back. If he really is bringing it back. But I do hope we get to see beautiful Origin again some day.
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