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  1. At the Saga Arena, only a 30 min drive from my house. So lucky not to have to fly to see this show and lucky to have won tickets .Good to see such a new arena. Not great seats, second floor SS, but clear view of the front. Rows are steep, but that means you can see over the people in the row ahead of time.
  2. Outside the arena waiting for FaOI Miyagi D3 to start. It is so windy today, but better than rain. Sendai station and the subway to Arai station was full of Fanyus with their Yuzu related totes. Getting really excited!!! Any satellites here today? We’re sitting in south arena seats. Btw, the line for the special monica at Sendai station is still really really long- maybe I’ll have better luck tomorrow morning!
  3. Ice resurfacing time now. Pretty full in the first two tiers, but not the top highest level of seats. Really not bad at all for Thursday on a weekday! Got to see the oh too short opening part by Yuzu! He’s so fantastic and getting better each time ( if that’s possible)! I had the perfect seat to clearly see the traveling spin and the crowd really screamed and clapped loudly at that point! That shirt must be designed for maximum impact 😂
  4. Are there any satellites in Shin-Yokahama now for Day 1? We’re waiting to go over to the arena for today’s show in about 2 h from now— getting incredibly excited Suprised to find a convenient hotel and pretty good seats and have seen lots of GIFT totes already. Set my recorder to record at home too.
  5. Congratulations on winning FAOI Makuhari! I was lucky too and won the pre-reserve lottery for FaOI Miyagi, last day. I was really shocked, after being annihilated so many times in previous lotteries! So don't give up and continue to apply. This lottery only allowed you to ask for two tickets also and I got my first choice!
  6. I entered ticket lottery for the Hachinoe show this afternoon. The process is definitely not for the faint of heart . You need a Japanese phone number to which you can receive messages and the application has to be submitted from inside of Japan or use a VPN. If the system detects that your domain is not Japan, it will not let you log onto the Lawson ticket site (you will get a system error message, in Japanese). I used a Japanese CC but I heard that certain non-Japanese cards might be acceptable. Once the main applicant puts in the credentials of the accompanying person, this person cannot apply again for the same day, You can have first, second, and third choices for each day. It says the stand seats may have some view limitations because of the railing. This is a very small venue and I don't think I have much of a chance, but at least I booked my hotel ahead of time The results of this prelottery will be on Nov 11, around 3 pm or afterwards .
  7. He defnitely said arigato gozaimashita like always— heard it. That message in Japanese says that he did.
  8. Closing number— You Raise me up morphing into Nessum Dorma. Guys in sparkly white shirt with a weird black tie around the neck.
  9. Upbeat piece. Costume— white pants, sparkly long white top with either purple or gray narrow gradient strip on one side. Hem of top is jagged. Long sleeves. Like how tge jagged hem flares out when he’s spinning.
  10. Now is intermission and the mass exits to the toilets😂, as usual not enough. Arena is full except for some nose bleed seats and an empty section next to the stage.
  11. Opening number costume— black pants, short somewhat pleather looking , best-like top. Sleeve on one side, other side no sleeves. Red scarf like material on the sleeveless side. Top is quite short and tight, very abs revealing. I love this costume! Ladies— halter top black shinny costume with red elbow length fingerless glives.
  12. I am sitting in the arena waiting for the first Kobe show to start. Last row of the arena seats but a very clear view, so hope Yuzu struts his stuff right down the middle to the north side ( opposite the stage). Seats start from on ice so really row 11 is not that bad. Taxi driver didn’t know the exact location, but soon we found it— the one with a zillion people line 😂
  13. Yukok, congratulations on succeeding in the lottery . I was lucky too and got a pair of SS tickets for Kobe . This was a big surprise since I failed in many past lotteries, so I assumed I wouldn't succeed this time either. Luckily, Kobe is the closest to where I live and can take the Shinkansen over there and also Kobe is a fantastic city, so might stay over a couple of days. Haven't posted for quite a while, but I have been around, reading all your interesting posts and maybe will post more often. Happy anniversary to the Planet
  14. Just found out that I lost the GPF ticket lottery---I am extremely relieved ! This ticket lottery thing is really a rollercoaster ride . First you have to go through the convoluted registration system, followed by being sad (when I lost both tries for the NHK lottery), followed by relief. Did not want to spend lots of money going to the GPF when Yuzu won't be there and much better to watch on TV, no stress, bundled up in my Nishikawa fleece towel blanket. Of course there is lots of anxiety worrying about Yuzu's injury still, but all the worry is part of being his fan. Now, what to do about Japan Nats
  15. Thanks for the news @sweetwater I'm going there next Tuesday to pick up my Yuzu keitai (mobile phone) stand from the Sekkisei campaign (need foundation, sunscreen, etc. anyway ) and would love to see this, even if it is a new pair, but like the ones he actually used! Hope they are still there, since not being in Tokyo, things rarely appear here.
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