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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. 3000 satellites captured by Yuzu's gravity Do you think we're beginning to look like a ring around our precious planet already?
  2. lol i can;t count the times i did a headroll like that while stretching in dance class
  3. I come this time to advertise a new thread Since there are a lot of members who don't understand japanese, and a portion that do, a thread for translation requests was created. Please check the guidelines and i hope it helps to bring down the language barrier a bit
  4. Don;t worry, we can die by the broadcast soon
  5. hydro aci seimei stand is calling me but so is the high kick one please end me
  6. There are tests for that: Drop something golden and see his reaction. If you see a lusty glint in his eyes then you know it's him. Buy something containing paprika and eat it next to him. If you feel a judging look over you, it's him. Take out your headphones and see how he reacts.
  7. Hello! This thread is request translations for tweets, articles, videos and other stuff that you might find Provide a link, video, or clear photo or scan of the source and remember that translators do this for free! Thank you
  8. It's the Star Alliance (even your miles are valid across airlines that are part of the alliance) ANA, Air Canada and United are part of it among with other international airlines.
  9. A reminder that everything CiONTU (except the broadcast, that will be in another thread) is being discussed here: Don't miss the trolling
  10. It's under Space Battles>Event Discussion>2018 Ice Shows ETA: We've featured the thread on the right sidebar in the main page all active events will be featured there from now on. If you're on mobile, it's at the very end of the page
  11. The sheet below the frame has their pics on the corresponding location
  12. BLASPHEMY! it's the one in the place of honor OT but aaAAAH Kaori's autograph is cuuute and lol, shoma's just "Sho"
  13. eeeeeek... I'm having bad mental images now (and sorryy) OH GOD
  14. if we dress it with the Date Shigemura dress it could work
  15. the stream ended after shoma's program
  16. Guys i'm testing rabbit for the CiONTU broadcast, if you could all join, i'd like it very much i want to see how many people i can fit there https://planethanyu.com/topic/615-2018-continues~with-wings~/?do=findComment&comment=197173
  17. wouldn't old sweaty socks inside alien skates be a good environment for the growth of a new civilization or ecosystem tho...
  18. An apology, the editions right after Olys still haven't been recovered by the Editor Poohs. In the meantime... April 11, 2018 THE DAILY SPREAD EAGLE The King prepares for a three-day Cielebration By Hydroblade These past days, an announcement came to the Planet talking about a special Celebration Party our King has been preparing in his adoptive planet Earth, where he will invite dignitaries from all over the Solar Skating System who have inspired him to become a better ruler. Each party will have a duration of about three hours, in which the King will talk to his guests and people who come to the celebration. Due to the injury he sustained in November, King Hanyu will be unable to skate at the parties, but in exchange for that he promised to talk. It is unclear if the Prime Minister will make an appearance by his side as well as the list of guests of honor, which hasn't been fully released. The King hopes to convey gratitude for all this years to the people who inspired him as well as his followers, setting the stage up for a few more years of a happy reign free of paprika and full of smiles. pic source
  19. I think that what happened is that he sent some of his medals inside the toe socks. The organizers were like "what do we do with this" and decided to put one for display too, because it's Hanyu and the fans will probably like it anyway
  20. i love monji's cute little butts and the shikigami expressions! ETA: I will host a rabbit room the day of CiONTU's broadcast for those who can't get FujiTV to work. Here's the Broadcast thread
  21. i'd love hydroblading seimei on my desk tho ETA: BONUS POINTS, IT'S ACI SEIMEI!!! Would sell a part of my liver for it
  22. Maradona, Pelé, here in Mexico Rafa Marquez and Chicharito (though it's hard to pick, mexican soccer fans are extremely passionate)... I think of soccer and i think of them. Maradona's fans even founded a church: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iglesia_Maradoniana
  23. upload it to an image hosting service like imgur, get the direct link (it should finish with .png, .jpg or any iamge format) and then copy and paste the link here in your reply. It should be automatically embedded but sometimes it takes a while to show up.
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