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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. And it's orange juice! Juice makers, pack your things, this is his ultimate goal: A juice box with Pooh adorning it.
  2. Example: I guess he would approve, as it has a squirrel on the carton
  3. Most of the time when i see he likes something it just makes me think how he's really a kid on the inside. And sometimes a bit scary because i am more or less the same. I still take juice boxes with cute animals on the carton to work.... I think he also mentioned that when he's somewhere he often asks for room service or eats just convenience store crap he really doesn't care about the quality of his food hahaha probably unless it's something his mother makes. Or he thinks his mother's cooking is so good, there's no point in looking for something delicious because nothing will come close to the flavour he's used to and loves, so everything else tastes the same to him
  4. Serious mode: I think it's not so much his advertising power but the fascination of what does Yuzuru Hanyu do in his normal life? Is he really a human like all of us and drinks dollar store juice boxes? It's refreshing to see him act like a normal human (even though we know he's an alien in disguise) Personally i really don't care what he does everyday, as in, i am not dying to know, but it IS a reminder that he's just another person who happens to be incredibly talented and excellent at what he does. But inside he's still a normal guy who drinks juice boxes, listens to anime music because he's a huge dork, and does weird quirky stuff like most of us. At least for me, trying the stuff he's been shown eating/drinkng makes me think "ah, so this is the kind of flavours you like..." It's more of a neat fact than a "i want to drink/eat what he consumes"
  5. For all we know, he might have sampled a carton of pineapple juice. We don't know the quantity and variety of Oasis Juice consumed by the Anomaly.... He probably combines them depending on the effect he wants on his confidence for each competition.
  6. I'm assuming the whole conversation would be in japanese
  7. I would have accepted. I was sick of drinking nothing but pepsi and water Hydro's mental theater: Yuzu: Sure, i will give you juice, which one would you like? Me: Which one is your favorite? Yuzu: TEARS OF MY RIVALS Me: ... Yuzu: I mean, apple. Apple juice tastes good
  8. Well i was literally eating Ghana choco while hanging my banner at ACI. But for real, i had terrible juice cravings when i was in Montreal... Hm, what about kindly asking him if he would share his juice with me
  9. I regret laughing at that dollar store juice instead of listening to my juice craving and not buying a box while I was there
  10. There's something comforting about knowing that he listens to anime music. I wonder how many of my favorite songs he carries on his iPod....
  11. Yuzu: it's the price to pay to be a popstar Brian: ...
  12. This was something I loved about being there... Watching the Memelord in action is amazing 💖💖💖💖
  13. first thing I'd do would be to look for an allergy friendly cat. I love cats but I get a terrible itchy nose near them, and some cats cause rashes on my skin if they lick me. But we would find the perfect cat and I'd send you tons of videos of Zuzu playing with said cat. Bonus! His mother wouldn't have to worry about his asthma because I'm allergic to a ton of stuff/was asthmatic so our house would be allergy and asthma friendly!!
  14. Hey, he has a technique for tamagokakegohan! He's not completely useless when it comes to preparing food
  15. I can't compete against anyone who has been skating their entire life. But if it meant I had a chance I would train non-stop until people can say "well... SHE TRIED REALLY HARD" It is something I've wanted to do all my life so it wouldn't be all because of him lol
  16. It sounds corny but I put my feelings in everything I do, especially if it's for someone I care about. So you eating my food means you're receiving my feelings and if the food is delicious you will enjoy it, which means that my feelings bring you happiness and watching a happy face makes me happy
  17. Have I mentioned I've actually taken Japanese cooking classes and I'm fantastic at planning trips and not forgetting important stuff? I can't skate but I can dance tho... and willing to learn...
  18. Fun fact: #7 comes up when you search "first pancake"
  19. Ok, this should be generic enough to use it throughout the season
  20. For me, a 9! ETA: Should i change it to Pancake rating chart instead of "which pancake are you"?
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