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Everything posted by Paskud

  1. Because WTT is such prestigious competition. Who cares about worlds? It's not like Liza is former world champion, has GPF medal and could be gold medal contender.
  2. It's not for skaters. It is for Rus fed. They don't deserve all these girls.
  3. Narration about "returning champion". And highest PCS in competition. Judges love drama and narration. Oh, and maybe Quality ArtistTM competing against ugly jumpers. But that rather will be next season.
  4. It's not fanyus. It's Japan. Of course all tickets are sold out.
  5. Heh, I told you so. They choosed media darling. Glorious, Rus fed. Alina bombs her programs so now you will try with Med to get medal? And sorry guys, but since when Rus fed care about tickets in JAPAN. Especially when (I think) most tickets are already sold out.
  6. I found this gem by @Xen and now wonder: is 4t-3a a new alliance in Yuzuru's harem and a power move by empress 3a? This way she can support her long time friend, lady 4t. In situation when Emperor seems to be in very good relation with lady 4s, lady 4t's position could be endangered (especialy after a bit of betrayal at Pyeongchang war last year). Now lady 4t is honored to enter special rooms in emperor's palace (bonus part in FP), where, besides her, only empress 3a has permission to step in. Sometimes accompanied by general 3f. Gosh, can we have worlds already?
  7. Excuse me. Euros happened. Hand down? Plus GOE!
  8. Yumi-san is goddess with eternal patience.
  9. Imagine 4lz3lo. Eteri is quaking. And I think we will see 4loop. He needs it against Shoma's and Nate's scores. But everytime when I ask myself "Will he be able to do that? To win worlds? His competitors are more and more overscored." I always hear "Yeah, will be okay". Why my inner me don't want to be more dramatic! I probably would be more worried, if not that leaked video from the beginning of January.
  10. I didn't want to be rude. Sorry, if it sounds like that. I don't want to underestimate Zu, but also don't want to overestimate him. He is human too. For me saying "why not -3lo at worlds" when he is injured and we don't know his current state (even when he is smiley and relaxed recently) is as crazy as, for example, "why not 4lo as a 3rd jumping pass in Origin" when he has no speed for any quad, let alone 4 loop, by many considered as hard (if not harder) as 4 lutz. Or I remember people (here on planet) saying after SP at COR "20 points lead! he can try 4a now" when he said he didn't touch Nessie since ACI and didn't attempt it even once during open practice. I'm sure he can have -3lo combo after whatever jump, if he only wants. But now it isn't time for it. I know he was able to bring 4t3a while recovering from injury, but it wasn't new element. He was doing it in galas for years. People wondered if he would do it in competition, not because it is hard, but because reward in points is small. At least that's me. I'm usually pessimistic. Zu has two months and a little to recover all his jumps (again), so Helsinki layout is the most I am able to hope. And I hope Zuzu will be never injured again so he can play with Nessie and all combos and sequences he wants. And I want to see -eu-4s in competition one day for sheer chaos.
  11. EDIT: This one too. Instant death. EDIT2: Who wants more?
  12. More than, for example, F1. meanwhile *nervous laugh* 30 days until worlds
  13. The same way we can predict -eu-4s combo. This is doable too.
  14. He never trained -3lo. This combo is extremely difficult and you can on fingers count all skaters who landed this internationally this season. You can't learn such element in 2-3 months on injured ankle. Better pray for 4lo to come back.
  15. You can't have two three-jumps combos. Only one. And I doubt he can do 3f as a third jumping pass. He doesn't have speed there to do so.
  16. Happy first anniversary of the scariest and happiest night in my life! Congrats Zuzu one more time!
  17. What is happening? Why so much content today? But this only means he is in good mood and I couldn't be happier because of that.
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