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Everything posted by ajnats

  1. This isn't an insider report, it's just a fun little story meant to entertain and told by people who love Yuzuru and who were clear about it being a joke from Yuzu's side. It's not like someone spreading an unconfirmed rumor about an injury. It's not a big deal if it turns out not to be true because it's not a serious thing. People who use it as something to hate on Yuzuru are beyond help and will use even his most positive statements and actions as negative so I don't really know why people care about them.
  2. I must be a bad fanyu because I can't even tell which one is he. The one who's sitting or the one who's bending over?
  3. I don't think he did. It would be difficult to control it and the chance of getting his lips hurt is too big. He really wanted to though! Also I feel like either his chin or his nose would have to touch the ice if he really kissed it, and neither looked even a little bit pink.
  4. Oh, I completely believe that! It's just the combination of not having enough info and then waiting for months before knowing the whole story that would probably make me irrational and defensive. I'd never think he'd actually ignore Yuzuru's injury.
  5. I'm almost glad I wasn't following Yuzu as closely in 2016. Yes, he had an amazing season with so many brilliant performances, but knowing myself there's no way I could've stayed objective after Boston and I'd end up resenting Brian. Even though it's so obvious now that there was a communication issue and he wasn't at fault, but I'm too biased.
  6. Oh noooo! The world was a better place those few minutes I believed that photo was real.
  7. @Danibellerika Yes, that's understandable. I think I expected more because the feature was mentioned a couple of times before and because the author actually went to Japan to research, but all she wrote can be found by googling him.
  8. Basic and lazy. There's more about Pooh and how old his fans are than there is about him. I appreciate them mentioning his beauty though!
  9. Skaters who are participating in FaOI have started posting on their social media about leaving for Japan or already arriving and I'm so stupidly excited. I miss Yuzuru and his skating so much and I really can't wait until Friday.
  10. Apart from Nathan's costumes this wasn't TOO difficult to choose from.
  11. I've noticed he likes mentioning that, although I'm not really sure why. I think both Yuzu and Misha mentioned talking to each other even when they're not in the same place, but I obviously don't know how regular or how casual their interactions are.
  12. I only discovered them a few months ago and I listened to the episode after Worlds 2017. Made me realize they're not for me, but they seem to be popular.
  13. Hey, thanks for this link! It's nice to put an (online) face to the voice. (I realized I follow you on Twitter without being aware who you are on here lol) Can I suggest you put a vague location in each of your blurbs? I know I sound like I'm obsessed with this, but it's helpful to know that if you're talking about offering an international perspective, especially if any of you is from Russia or an East Asian country with a fs presence (because a lot of us who speak English don't have access to those parts of fandom and I've always been curious). Anyways, you're all really great and I hope you continue to post regularly.
  14. @kaerb I loved it! Great content and I already prefer you to other podcasts out there XD Can I ask you where you're all from? Not specifically, I'm just curious if you're all from Western countries. I can guess based on your accents, but I'm not sure.
  15. This reminds me, I remember seeing a gifset on tumblr where Yuzu, Brian and David Wilson were laughing about Yuzuru mixing up "older" and "bigger" and saying he's much older than Brian. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I'd love to see it again, but I didn’t save it and I can't find it anymore.
  16. They probably have to start practicing for it a few days beforehand, don't they? I really, really, REALLY hope he'll start showing up on other people's social media as soon as they start, but I guess I shouldn't be too optimistic.
  17. I don't understand why people fixate on that so much. It seems to work for them and that's all there is to it.
  18. Yes! I wonder if this is something he thinks about how it will look - it wouldn't surprise me because he's so detail oriented and he thinks about EVERYTHING - or is he just so into the performance and music that he can't help himself. Either way, I really love it when he does it.
  19. I think I saw him singing/mouthing along while skating LGC and POTO and I'm pretty sure he was lipsynching Ode to Joy during FaOI last year.
  20. I'd say it's more likely that number is closer to how much he earns on a year.
  21. @micaelis There's also Zoueva with V/M and D/W, but I feel that in both her and Eteri's case competitors weren't as happy because they were all aiming for gold and there was/is some drama involved. I think with Yuzuru and Javi it really helped that, afaik, Javier was aiming for podium, not for gold.
  22. @sweetwater Is that Nanami Abe at 7s?
  23. I think this was a good decision for Zhenya, but I hope she doesn't stay at the club. Good luck either way.
  24. I've never watched Worlds 2015 or his Worlds 2016 fs, I don't think I can handle it. Although I did watch CoC live, but I'd have skipped it if I knew what was coming.
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