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Everything posted by Bilge

  1. A commentator said the same too, that he sometimes put random mistakes here and there to remind us he is a human (or make us believe that he is a human)
  2. AMAZING!!!!! can this be a banner? it would be so good seeing this at worlds (or anywhere)
  3. I LOVE requiem and hana ni nare too thank you
  4. "looking at his face i think hes not here anymore" "It's like he's on a mission to be not just the best in the world but the best there has ever been." -Carol "Too late, he already is. And you know what? Not everybody gets him. Like some people think you know, they find him actually somewhat kind of boring. Who's that boring? That inetensity?" -Kurt Browning "well that was a frightening face but now he has got winnie the pooh with him. All is good" lol
  5. "...Just give 10 for everything and stop. And then we can say game over and go all home. No, because this is 10. It's 10. Game over. 100." lol at the comments on US judgexD "I'm happy for Daisule Murakami who can say 'I was there too, that day'" "The greatest we have ever seen on an ice rink. There are no comparison. And we are not even interestd in those of another era anymore. There have been great champions in the past. Yagudin was exceptional, Plushenko was exceptional. but there we are in front on union of art and technique that has no precedent in skating history." "In two weeks Yuzuru Hanyu gave himself the luxury and us the honour to watch four perfect programs"
  6. "But he can take the second place, I mean what else can you do? The other one is not human"
  7. This one tought me a new bunch of superlatives, idk if i were to quoute i'd write the whole commentary. Edit: i kinda did it "This is figure skating anthology. Starting today, nothing will ever be the same again in this sport because Hanyu turned it upside down. There are programs that mark the history of the sport: Yagudin's "Winter" in Salt Lake City, yes but here we're beyond that. This is the demolition of the scoring system creaqted after Salt Lake City!" "This is perfect match of art and technical excellence! every element has intricate steps or transitions before it! This is an unprecedented athlete, even though we're in an era full of great skaters and great technical performances, he just has no equal, no competition other than himself. When he is in a good physical form, he's capable of painting these masterpieces. This is a program that rightfully enters the history of the sport and Yuzuru Hanyu becomes automatically legendary. We're in the legend, this is the science fiction of figure skating! ..and Yuzuru Hanyu beyond any imagination."
  8. "We are watching the president, chairman and CEO of men's figure skating right here right now" A fun commentary:))
  9. Enjoyed it? Lol its like yuzu having the time of his life and I kind of okay with the costume. The ruffles goes well with shimmy shimmy moves but white yellow xylitol is the one i try to forget. less than 3 weeks to wolds so close yet so far i can’t wait
  10. Another amazing commentary from max and angelo "There has been no one like him before and i don't know how much we have to wait to see someone like him in the future. He has a talent without limits, the quality he puts on the rink is superior to all others" "Boyang is an alian Try to find the right word to define this one" lol
  11. And i like your profile pic. Isn't it kyushi yuzu
  12. ultimate fan goal, be the favourite of your favourite And his son!!
  13. "Welcome to Planet Hanyu! Population: 1, HIM!" Was this the first time he said it, among many others, lol "There are figure skaters and then there is Yuzuru Hanyu" i bet many other commentators sait the same sentence at one point about him "Hanyu beats the competition and remains the number one in the world, if ever there was a doubt" (i love these guys) "No Olympic champion had ever competed in the GPF in the same solar year. Here we have him, and he even won with a wide lead" (Is it really? i didn't know) Bonus: "You know you're a star when you do Ina Bauer and then the crowds go crazy" by Kurt (x)
  14. What can i say, couldn't agree more about the part him skating not only for points but for good skating "He skates as a purist on the ice - as an athlete and as an artist" and the tea about the judges
  15. Hi, welcome to the planet and thanks for the translations I really love the comments *Is it possible to touch the stars?* beautiful
  16. Still not as blurry as it could be and i don't need to blind myself to detect if its him or not
  17. Its gonna look a bit long since i don't know how to hide content but its sweet
  18. I’d say 2013. I started to watch his old programs starting from 2009 (thank you streaming party thread) and i saw the biggest difference there. PW really changed the game. Even the commentators went from “but these are easy steps, his steps are not as hard as other guys competing” to “there is not even a note left” and started his wr breaking trend. But his improvement never stops really he keeps getting better and better. Edit: also i could only watched until the end of 2013 (worlds was a poor ending to a great season) excited for the jump in quality on the next seasons thinking his current state
  19. "He is a mercurial skater who wears his heart on his see through sleeve" Ohh kurt :)) x
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